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Everything posted by TCP

  1. I just ended up reloading my save a lot. Eventually I maxed out my blacksmithing and fashioned Lydia some Dragon Bone armour which seemed to keep her alive more often than not.
  2. So, I may have downloaded this film, using... vaguely illegal means... and Warner Bros sent my ISP an e-mail, which they forwarded to me, telling me not to pirate any Warner Bros movies/tv shows anymore.
  3. Man, the Nvidia Shield is uuuuggggly.
  4. I don't believe it. This is real. It has to be!
  5. YES. I will platinum it again. Then you jerks will realize, I'm the coolest.
  7. That's silly it's not DS3 and DS4... especially considering they said they're thinking of putting PS4 games on PS Now.... which will probably happen in a few years once there's a healthy catalog of older PS4 games that aren't selling.
  8. I haven't read anything about phones or tablets yet, but yeah, it's a safe bet it could be Sony phones. However, for TV it sounds like it's going to come to Sony Bravias first and then later be available for other TVs. At least, that was the impression I got.
  9. I just get the feeling that it's being written in a way that the show's producers assume the audience already cares about these characters, but I don't think we do. I don't care about Skye's backstory because she hasn't done anything to make me care about her yet, or if she has, she's pissed it away by being an annoying child. I think Coulson is a good character and played well by Clark Gregg, I could see him being basically the Giles of the show, but all these characters are just so boring. This week's episode was promising a big reveal on what happen to Coulson. The reveal was fucking nothing. It doesn't even have to be Thor or Captain America appearing in the show. How about Lady Sif? The actress who plays her sure as hell isn't doing anything. She could come to earth looking for Thor and team up with the SHIELD agents to take down a bad guy. I mean it's still monster of the week but at least it's better than the SHIELD agents doing a bunch of bullshit no one cares about on their own. Hulk would work too, you could just have CGI Hulk and then pay Ruffalo to appear at the end. At least then it'd feel like a Marvel TV show, which is suppose to be the entire point.
  10. I have come to an unfortunate conclusion. This show is bad television. Marvel, if you want us, as viewers to become engaged in your program, you have to give us something, you can't save all the characters and plotlines for the movies. There's not reason the J August Richards character couldn't have been Luke Cage and there's no reason other minor Marvel characters couldn't popup in this show before appearing in the films. Skye would be annoying as a side character... she's downright awful as the series lead. Ward, May, and to a lesser extent Fitz and Simmons are all unlikeable characters as well. They're clearly trying to recreate the Firefly vibe with the cast but there's a major difference between those characters and the SHIELD agents. There's no reason you can't have the budget to have Chris Helmsworth, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlet Johansson, or Jeremy Renner appear as their Avengers characters, lots of TV shows have famous actors make appearances, but if you couple that with the reliance of the show's plane as the set 95% of the time, it's clearly Marvel and Disney are not willing to commit a decent budget to this show, so why are they wanting us to commit as viewers?
  11. I will now rank the modern era companions: 1. Clara 2. Amy 3. Martha 4. Donna 5. Rose
  12. 10 bucks a month is the sweet spot, but I'd go up to 15 personally.
  13. I like Clara. I might like Clara more than Amy and Rory. I thought her and Matt had great chemistry together. Plus she's beautiful. So beautiful. Seriously. I mean, c'mon.
  14. I could see a PS Now app on OSX once they get on iOS devices.
  15. Well the PS3 + PS4 are hooked up to my living room TV. So it wouldd be nice to stream PS3 games to my bedroom TV or basement TV. I guess eventually the PS3 can be moved to a secondary TV but I still have a huge backlog I'd like to playthrough on my main TV. Plus it'd be nice if I was streaming Persona 5 to my PS4 and my fiance comes in, grumbles about missing Glee, so I can save the game, and go stream it in the bedroom without having to move the console. I mean, yeah I can do that on Vita but sometimes it's nice to kick back and play something on TV.
  16. Fixed for you, FLD! Agreed, this could be awesome on Vita... and another reason why I want Vita TV in North America. If they can get this around 10 dollars a month, it'd be well worth it.
  17. PS1 - 3 games streamable to a variety of devices including PS4, Vita, but also TVs, smart phones, and tablets. Games will be limited at launch but The Last of Us will be there. Closed beta launching January 2014, full service rollout this summer. Full story via the PS Blog:
  18. Alienware Steam Machine looks nicer, IMHO. I mean, no green LED bar, which is a start.
  19. lolololol.... shut up, GOH!
  20. I found an uglier one! This one:
  21. I still think it's better than a big clunky PC tower, especially for under a TV, but yeah that LED might be better as blue. And all electronics should always be black, of course. In answer to Gerbil, if you either A) already have a copy of Windows or B) find a copy of Windows through various means, it's supposedly easy to dual-boot Windows onto it.
  22. Looks great to me. Why do you think it's ugly?
  23. Thanks, sounds good, I suppose we'll be finding out more about Steam Machines this week. Oh and when I say current-gen I mean PS4/Xbone.
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