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Everything posted by madbassman39

  1. Cleaning up some passwords and I stumbled my way back here. Its been a hot minute since I was last here. Hope everyone is finding themselves in good health.

    Those game awards though? Been pretty entertaining.

    1. TheMightyEthan
    2. MetalCaveman


      Old Gods of Asgard played live, that means it was the best TGA ever lol :P

    3. TCP


      What up! Hope you're doing well :)

  2. I'm glad they maintained the art style. I loved the games for what they were, but the art style is what grabbed me in the first place.
  3. I like this one, except for one thing. I thought clones aged at an accelerated rate, how is it Rex is roughly the same age as ObiWan in the original trilogy and in the Clone Wars? Once they reach adulthood do they slow down the aging process?
  4. I read about how amazing sea creatures are, and to think of the possibilities of life on another planet. I did and then re-installed Spore. Such an amazing idea that was squashed by the game itself. Playing it again with my knowledge of its state made it more bearable. Well that and copious amounts of pot

  5. I want this to be good so badly, I've been wanting to have something so good and deep in the scifi realm that isn't Star Wars that I love.
  6. I took my girlfriend to see Rogue One this weekend and after seeing it a second time I have to say its a really good movie. I don't know how I feel about future spin off movies as far as Han Solo or a Boba Fett solo films, but part of the reason this was so good was the cause felt monumental. It really sets up how terrifying and huge the Empire is and the shadow that it cast across the galaxy. It was something eluded to in the original trilogy but you only saw the effect as it was shown through the eyes of our titular main characters. Rogue One was a fun movie, if only instead of "A long time ago in a galaxy far far away..." it started with "Meanwhile, in a galaxy far far away..."
  7. I typically stay very quiet outside of very personal rings when it comes to my deep involvement in political news. Fake news is a distraction, and the media needs to stop calling it that. Journalism has a responsibility to rise above tabloids. Problem is they haven't and now we are sitting with CNN and Buzzfeed being equally as reliable, because Buzzfeed did a minuscule amount of journalism here and there and CNN did a lot of tabloid journalism. Trump, Conway, and his entire team will bash the media, and use their bias to turn your attention to the "fake news" issue while hiding the real issues. Does Russia have anything on Trump? Does Trump have financial (or blackmail) ties to Russia? What is the impact of these connections if they exist? Are they worth worrying about? These are the questions I want answered, I don't care about the speculation. The biggest problem I run into is Trump is trying his best to delegitimize the media, which scares the shit out of me. Its oddly reminiscent of previous foreign rulers burning books and persecuting journalists. Our news and media outlets need to learn how to stay in front of that, and the answer is stop with the shitty entertainment front. Let the gossip sites worry about the Kardashians, lets just get the facts out there. I'm so tired of every controversy coming in and Conway doing a report trying to point to something different and asking why they aren't asking the hard questions about that. Trump is our next president, and whether he wants to believe it or not, he is responsible for 300 million people and responsible for our prosperity for the next 4 years. No president is the end all be all president, but they will be blasted by the media for every little mistake they make and analyzed by critics for the smallest things ever (see Obama controversy about getting off an airplane and not saluting the marine that one time). If Trump doesn't like it and turns to twitter to whine about it, then he needs to get out of the big boy seat.
  8. I've been using my Pixel XL for a week and it is hands down the best phone I've ever used. I have a iPhone 6 for work which I always enjoyed using (iPhones are just so easy) and a Nexus 5X for personal. Honestly the 5X was too underpowered for me. I had lots of issues where I had to restart the phone regularly. The Pixel is faster than my girlfriends iPhone 6S Plus by a long shot, and it seems to respond better to apps opening and keeping apps open. Its a great phone, it feels good, the fingerprint sensor is the best I've ever used and the phone just feels good in my hands.
  9. I'm on Google Fi and its hands down the best service I've had. Of course I've only experienced AT&T and T-Mobile but Fi just covers almost anywhere. Not to mention when I was in Costa Rica there were 0 added charges to using my phone abroad. It was freeing. I'll be getting my Pixel XL in a week so I'll see how that works out.
  10. Pre-ordered my Pixel XL phone. Excited!

    1. TheFlyingGerbil


      Lucky you! I was worried I'd be tempted to upgrade/hate my current phone, but at that price it's not on the agenda.

    2. danielpholt


      Aaaand like that, my 6p is old. Fuck.

  11. on my 5x I was in the beta program but am now using the official build. Benefit of the beta program is I get to keep nightshift which is not in the final build anymore I guess.
  12. This would be the second time I've rma my GPU. I worry it might be something causing it UPDATE: It started working for no seemingly good reason. I uninstalled and re-installed the drivers and then plugged everything back in and now it works. This is why I hate computers, because somedays they decide its not a good day for them.
  13. Nothing happens when the output comes out of the 970 for some reason, but if I use my onboard HDMI on my mobo it works.
  14. Update: I took out my 970 and it said there is a damaged bios and it reset the bios and worked just fine. I replaced the 970 and it runs fine unless its through the HDMI on the 970 or the DVI. I'm lost as to how to fix this, but at least my computer is running.
  15. Thats what I'm starting to think. Almost two years ago I had a power surge that was caused by a faulty light switch that ended up frying my hard drive. I'm now on my 4th hard drive that keeps having issues here or there and now I'm starting to think it is my mobo. I mean of all the things that I need to replace thats not so bad, but man does it suck right as I want to get my free copy of windows 10 before its too late.
  16. I unplugged all USB devices and nothing. It seems like I can't do anything with the BIOS it's just frozen. I'll try again this afternoon and update
  17. So I am running into a new problem. I played overwatch with a friend last night and at the end of the night turned the computer off. Now I came home from work, turned the computer on and it sits on the bios screen for a long time then blank. Nothing. I don't know what to do after this. Anyone have an idea?
  18. Whats with the game calling people salty? I had a guy two or three days ago on my team complaining in game chat to the other team that we suck, even though we won three games in a row. I told him if he didn't like the team then he could quit, or just play the game. He started to tell me how much he was loving the game and like a 12 year I got sucked in and just copy pasted "leave" every time he made any complaint. He continued to blame the team for sucking and called me salty, claimed he was on a team and he was just practicing, while I kept telling him to leave the game. I've never had an issue with people and frankly I'm a bit upset at myself for getting sucked into his bullshit.
  19. I spent my weekend practicing with Tracer and I will say I finally got the hang of her, got play of the game a few times and had a kill streak of 15 in a game. I'm enjoying her more than I thought I would. I jumped around from Reinhardt to Death to Soldier 76 to Roadhog to Hanzo to Tracer. Every time I learn a new character I begin to love them more than the previous character I loved.
  20. You know what bothered me more than anything? While you're all worried about Varys and how he got on the boat, I'm sitting wondering how the Dothraki, who have never been on a boat before, are managing to sail a ship all by them selves. Its hard to sail a multi crew ship, not to mention how you tie knots and how much sail is needed to catch the right wind and speed. There should be at least a captain and first mate on that ship who are experienced enough to give the Dothraki direction.
  21. I had a team where we had a new guy jump in, try to tell other people which character to play while he played a second Hanzo. He kept blaming the team for losing. Win or lose, I'm having fun. I'm going to play the character I feel like playing. A lot of the time I'll play the character we need, but if you see your team is missing a class type either play that class type or don't bitch about how bad the rest of the team is. On a side note the characters I enjoy playing are Mercy, Hanzo, Reinhardt, Lucio, Roadhog, Reaper, and McCree. I'll play others but I haven't spent enough time to learn everyone yet. I find that I'll focus on a new character a little bit at a time and end up just loving them when I get the hang of them.
  22. I'm stoked about Xbox anywhere. Sounds like I won't have to buy an Xbox anymore.
  23. Gave TESO some more time and I've come to really enjoy it. If you stop thinking about it as the next Elder Scrolls game, then it leaves some to be desired, but if you think of it as a MMO in the Elder Scrolls universe with some vague attempt at action combat its OK. The quests are pretty basic, but as you get more into it they become more complex with decent story lines and the game become more interesting over all.
  24. Never got into Deus Ex, but hot damn that trailer was good. I'm known by all my friends to jokingly say I want a mechanical arm because it would be cool, and this video makes me want one more... aside from the hacking thing. I think I may have to jump into this game.
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