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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. What a great game and what an awesome ending. I hope theres a sequel. Its sad this wasnt more popular, its such a beautiful game. It would make every graphicwhore proud.
  2. I bought a Kobo eReader from work a few days ago. It was 20 bucks. I couldnt pass it up. its actually a pretty decent ereader. I also bought a case for it, a bunch of books, most under 5 bucks.
  3. Poople who call me fucking retarded just because im cold and heartless.
  4. White people love will smith. i cant stand the guy. I cant even say hes ever been in a truly great movie. fact.
  5. I love all the vanillaware stuff. Mostly odin sphere.
  6. You can just click with the wheel button.
  7. Ff7 or inception. Both great stories. I love being a dumb american. Now off to buy a new cowboy hat....
  8. It finally dropped in price at Gamestop(30), so I had to grab it. I miss me some Castlevania.
  9. The last two episodes sucked ass. The show overall is really entertaining, but seems really devoid of any emotion. I wonder if the comic is different and makes you care about who dies and who doesnt.
  10. Oblivion..............what? Seriously?
  11. Grave of the fireflies is probably thhe best war film ever made. Its just.....great. that being said, its animated by ghibli, but its not really a ghibli film.
  12. Fuck the haters, i love interview with a vampire. Its fanfuckingtastic.
  13. Uncharted 2 has the best voice acting of any game ever made. I personally dont think theres anything that comes close. only in films. I always liked mgs2, ratchet and clank, and kaine and weiss in nier. i guess id add rdr too. Oh, and also every like brian cox has in the killzone series. Its amazing.
  14. My name's Chocolate Giddy Up and I do two things: take money from bitches, and sell drugs to the community.

    1. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      "But Black Dynamite, I sell drugs to the community!"

  15. Its called the 3ds....3d is definitely the selling point.
  16. I tried the 3ds a few days ago. It had lego star wars and the 3d was pretty lame. Its just kind of there. I dont know, i just expected a lot more from that. Maybe it was just the wrong game. I dont know.
  17. I just saw Under The Red Hood. It was really depressing.
  18. Dear god, re4. Ive played that game probably 20 times across every console its been released on, the wii version being my favorite. im so getting the hd version, hopefully with move support.
  19. I replay rpgs to see the story again and if its some sort of class system in it, to choose a different class. i also will definitely replay an rpg if it has new game plus. ive played ffx-2 so many times just to complete it...and cus its fun.
  20. Dear god......i replay games alot. ALOT. Some way more than five times. im pretty sure ive played smb3 to completion. At least a hundred times.
  21. Playstation 3. As someone who doesnt understand the fascination with online gaming and doesnt want to pay for it, but still likes nice graphics, the ps3 is my main console. It caters to people who want to play some good singleplayer games. Shit, most of the exclusives are single player. Also, free online. Unlike the wii and whatever the fuck it does, psn is actually pretty good. Its finally comparable to the unfree xbl.
  22. Hmmm....att is finally putting caps on their dsl service. Good luck to onlive and the digital revolution.
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