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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Do the exact opposite of what ashcraft does and you should be fine. Also as far as reading articles on big websites, keep your douchey opinions to yourself, dont be a plunkett. While some might agree with your opinion and i think its great for writers to have a personal opinion on things, keep the flamebait at a minimum.
  2. Im guessing the necromorph at the end of extraction was gabe.
  3. This game needs an Ironman skin. Or Visceral needs to make an Ironman game. Whichever.
  4. I hate when people start a rant with "am i the only one that......" No, you NEVER are the only one. Its the fucking innernet. Dammit.
  5. After seven years i started eating meat again this week. Ill go back to vegetarian someday probably soon, but for now im loving eating meat. Its so good. I also need to start working out since ive been gaining weight recently. when im on a diet i just work out about 4 or 5 times a week and eat a bit less, but i dont starve myself and i dont deprive myself of fatty food, i just eat less of it.
  6. Female hawke is pretty cool. Looks a lot like morrigan and has a good voice actor behind her.
  7. I think im the console gamer pc gamers specifically hate. My bad, bros.
  8. I loved the demo. The animation is tons better this time around and i actually like the art style. flemeth does look too much like a comic book villainess though, but its no big deal. Reminds me of mom from futurama actually. Haha. The fighting is tons more fun and as a rogue, a lot more intersting to watch. i know im a heathen for saying this, but it plays like i wanted the first one to play.
  9. They did say they hoped for the new site to replace the mobile site. ....for all the folks with phones larger than 10" inches running on a constant wi-fi connection. Well heres the thing. They removed the link to go to the full site and if i remove the m from the web address it just puts it back and takes me to the mobile site.....
  10. The mobile site also stopped getting updated. Thats beyond retarded.
  11. Wow. A lot of people got banned while my pc was down. Weird.

  12. Its weird, but if movie tickets were five bucks instead of fifteen, id go all the time.
  13. Maybe im old fashioned, but i save up money til i can afford something. Do people not do that anymore? i didnt havve a job for a year and i didnt play anything new becuse i didnt have money. I wish i could play killzone 3, but i again have no money. Ill just buy it later cus i really want to play it. im not owed playing killzone 3 no matter how much i want to play it. I dont have money now, but someday i will, like everyone here. Sorry to say, but some pirated copies are indeed sales.
  14. Gaming is one of the most expensive hobbies around, so why buy a game system but be so poor that you cant afford games for it? It makes no sense. You really arent owed anything when it comes to videogames. Its not a necessity. At all. a lot of us are denied from awesome shit because we lack money. Its how the world works. People work to buy shit they want but dont need. You earn it, youre not entitled to it. The only thing everyone should get for free is air. Everything should be earned.
  15. Strangelove


    I went on someones profile page and the "[#BANNOWNED!]" page came up. Is that really what im sure it means?
  16. The drive inside the ps3 is seagate. I switched my 40gb with a seagate 160gb. Never had a problem with either. Also, i have about 45 games not counting downloadable games and ive used about 100gb on installs, patches, and dlc. Just something you might want to think about.
  17. Beat dead space extraction today on the ps3 anyways. i had already beat it on the wii back in 2009. I dont know if it counts or not.
  18. 5? What do you do with them? jizz inside the air vents and wait for it to harden after peeing all over it?
  19. Its not so much that they love sony, its that the guy comes off as a pathetic douchebag. Not only that, but if i get hurt in this with some new crazy drm tech iques or serial keys or shit like that, im holding him responsible. Thats my problem with the douchebag. The companies and hackers fight each other and the people get hurt. i dont get what the stance with most people is, but honestly: the majority of people dont care about homebrew. Just the minority of geeks. Fuck those guys. I bought my ps3 knowing what was intended for it. I just wanted to play ps3 and ps1 games on it. Thats it. I have nothing to do with this whole thing. I shouldnt have to deal with whatever is going to happen next. I bought a ps3 because i like what it does. If i wanted it to do other stuff, id stick with the pc. I dont get whats so difficult about that.
  20. I cant imagine doing hardcore mode. I feel like doing a third replay(i loved the game that much), but im wondering if i should do another run on normal or zealot. Even zealot sounds too hard for me.
  21. Ahem.....pokemon is also from the 90s.......
  22. The 2000s have really been dissapointing. Thank god im a 90s kid. Id hate to be the y generation. it seems we still depend on past directors, writers and sources to make films. Nolan, scorsese, tarantino, even still spielberg. All these super heroes are also from old comics. its just sad that this past decade has been all about recycling, retro, noir, irony, and sarcasm. Shit you dont have to create yourself. Worst decade ever as far as creativity. They try so hard to try to claim the ppast for themselves, its sad. Instead of bringing something back, create something instead. same goes for the game industry. Sequels and hd remakes out the ass, and even the shitty ones sell. we really didnt need turtles in time reshelled or sf2hd remix. We really didnt.
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