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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Ill wait til it's under 200 dollars.
  2. Danger Days is actually a pretty good album.
  3. Clearance sales are awesome. Retail aint so bad sometimes.
  4. I have the one attached to my laptop and before that i always used the one that came with my computer. I would never go out of ym way to buy a keyboard. Id just fuck it up.
  5. VincentGrey
  6. I have Flower, Scott Pilgrim, Wipeout HD, Critter Crunch, Uno, Dead Space Ignition, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix, and Marvel Vs Capcom 2. I also recommend Super Stardust HD, Flow, and Shatter. I DONT recommend Rag Doll Kung Fu.
  7. A hoodie from my mom and a sweater from my aunt. That's it.
  8. I loved Shattered Memories. It's probably one of my favorite games of all time.
  9. When I am defeated in this battle a truth will be born in this world. And a fleeting dream will transform slowly filling with color. And only when this ordeal is finally overcome, will my soul at last be allowed to leave my physical body!
  10. Eternal Sonata was awful. Such terrible terrible dialogue. I felt my weaboo brain melting out my ears when i played it.
  11. I know. Ive been duped too. Thats how I played my first Star Ocean game. I just really like Batman. I like the voice actors in the game. I think i can get it for 20 bucks. I think thats good enough for me. Are you not a fan of Arkham Asylum?
  12. RDR is amazing. I cant believe it was made by the same people who made the awful GTA4. Im loving it. Also, the demo to Arkham Asylum turned me off the game too. I thought the demo was really bad. Im hesitating on gettng the actual game, but i still want to because of all the accolades its gotten.
  13. I need helpy with my laptop! OH GOD! Someone help me!!!

  14. I bought this desk yesterday. It's surprisingly sturdy. I like it.
  15. Whatzamatta, Moe? Why don't you speak-a with yo accent no more?

  16. It was 35 dollars at Gamestop preowned. I returned Lego RB after I downloaded the songs, I had a 5 dollar off coupon, I have their 10% off card, so it ended up being about 11 dollars. I shouldnt have bought it though, i still have RDR and I have yet to even scratch the surface of it. Dammit.
  17. PBF was awesome. But I hate web comics as a whole. Penny Arcade can suck it. I dont care how much money they donate to sick kids, they can still blow my balls.
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