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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Bashcraft deliberately caters weaboos who think japan is only anime, manga, videogames, and tentacle rape. Theres no history there.
  2. Fuck bashcraft. That is all.
  3. I downloaded six movies and i want to start a new game of dragon age. But id rather be doing other stuff. Something more social. Damn loneliness.
  4. I just finished arkham asylum. Really good game, except that detective mode makes the entire game incredibly easy.
  5. Ha, i didnt use the z on purpose. Its right underneath the s. So you dont have any spare Big O dvds to sell me?
  6. Im sorry, but informing us that some hasbeen japanese pop star doesnt have a ps3 isnt anything to write about and i dont think is about gaming culture. Kotaku isnt the most respectable websitw, but his shit makes it seem like im reading a weaboo version of Star or Us Weekly. Also, not all gamers are japanophiles. If anything, most gamerz prefer western games now. Not anime tripe.
  7. Yeah. I lost focus quickly. I got the first cave after trying to play the game about three or four timed over the years. If i cant find where im going or i dont know what to do i wont stick with it. Ill look it up online, but chances are ill go play something else instead.
  8. Tp isnt really as bad as people make it seem. If you never cared for oot, then tp is actually a great game. The first few hours blow though. And i never finished it. maybe its not that great.......
  9. I hate his stupid pointless weaboo shit. I cant imagine anyone caring. I dont even think he does. People complained about them reviewing movies, but talking about japanese idols and fetishes is totally cool. His posts are hardly ever about game either. Ugh.
  10. Ill add all of you, see who rejects me, hold a grudge, cry, troll you on the forums, THEN laugh about it. In that order.
  11. I have five of those games and i suck at all of them.
  12. Its funny that the most ill-prepared people to have children are the ones who always do. God, i hate kids. People need to adopt. We got enough little bastards running around that need care, no one cares what a mini-you would look like except you, you egotistical dick. Sincerely, concerned citizen.
  13. Batman: Arkham Aslyum. Its surprisingly very good.
  14. Im not trolling, but i actually really love Link's Awakening. It's my favorite Zelda.
  15. Muramasa was nowhere as good as odin sphere, it really does feel like wii owners pass if off as great because its an exclusive. Its not a bad game and id definitely recommend it, but great or one of the best it is not.
  16. Fallout new vegas and ac brotherhood actually both got a price drop at gs. Theyre both 40 dollars now. At least they were when i last saw. Call the stores and ask.
  17. Kill 'Em All is sweet. My favorite Metallica album. Radio stations suck. I'm a music snob, so I'm not going to participate any further in this thread.
  18. Im going to get a new cellphone tomorrow from AT&T. Anyone have any good recommendations? Mostly in the...."free" category. Or 50 bucks or something. I REALLY need an actual keyboard on the thing, or at least a touch screen that doesnt blow.
  19. Twin Snakes was fucking awful. Just bad in so many ways. Not only was it offensive to the eyes and mind, it was a hassle to play with the GCN controller.
  20. Fuck, I hate Monty Python. Shit's not ever funny. That's all I came to say. Bye!
  21. Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and I think maybe RDR, but that could have been last year. I dunno.
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