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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. i think the specs were also leaked today on Neogaf....theyre....not impressive. The system will definitely retail for 250 easily.
    1. TheMightyEthan


      The 5th one on flight 93. The one that's conveniently missing.

    2. Strangelove


      Naw man, thats uhh...."random select."

  2. I'm choking on my own rage here.

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      which happens to be shaped like a cock

    2. excel_excel


      Cockrage. The worst kind of rage.

  3. I really wanted to wait for a digital price drop, but its taking way too long. So I got as "Like new" copy from Amazon for 14 bucks. For some reason I sold this to get my Vita. I played it so much I figured I never would again, but since the Ground Zeroes trailer, Ive been aching to get back into it. Trophies help too.
  4. Kill me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      Be gentle. It's his first time (and last).

    3. Strangelove


      If you must sexually penetrate me, please do it to my dead corpse. Thats all I ask.

    4. fuchikoma
  5. Do people outside the US "get" King of The Hill? It's a very specific show. I'm not sure if people outside of the US know what the southern US or Texas is like.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. FMW


      I love that show. It depicts the American South, but it celebrates the good parts of it as often as it mocks the bad. It's actually a kind spirited sort of show. I was sad when it finally got cancelled.

    3. fuchikoma


      I think so, but if I lived down there, I'd probably realize there's more to it, or it'd be funnier because it hit close to home. Kind of like if someone from other small towns watched "Corner Gas" ...err, if anyone's even heard of that outside Canada, haha

    4. CorgiShinobi


      There was a billboard ad for the show down in Texas where it said something like it was a show for everyone else, but a biography for them.

  6. Welcome to Costco, I love you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. UnstableArk


      Brought to you by Carl's Jr.

    3. Dee


      Ah, man. I haven't had Carl's Jr in so long.

    4. Hot Heart
  7. I got a War of The Roses beta code if anyone wants it.
  8. Chrono Trigger DS if youve never played it or if you want to revisit it. Its the best version available. Castlevania DoS and OoE. The hell with PoR. Ill also recommend TWEWY. FF4 DS. Its not as good as the PSP version, though thats debatable since its a remake, not a port. The voiceacting and artstyle is nice though. Id skip out on New Super Mario Bros personally. Not worth paying more than 10 bucks for it. Mario Kart DS is my favorite MK, so thats a given. Id skip the Zelda games and the GTA game too. Didnt like those at all. The Scribblenauts games are also cool. Metroid Prime Hunters is awful. And I honestly wouldnt bother with most ports from better more powerfuls systems. They tend to be totally gimped. Tetris DS is also the best Tetris there is.
  9. MiB3. It was a lot better than I thought it could be. I think I liked it too much. The alien designs I thought were way more creative and original than the past movies too. The time travel thing is kind of a mindfuck though. If I were a scifi nerd, Id probably rage. But Im not, so it's all good.
  10. My butthole itches.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vecha


      Hemorrhoids suck.

    3. TheRevanchist


      My butt itches, Sucko.

    4. fuchikoma


      If thy butthole offends thee, tear it out.

  11. Nsmb wii had that stupid tilt move. Twilight princess was lame as hell too with waggle.
  12. Would it also depend on wifi? My wifi sucks. I cant stream HD when I use Netflix. Maybe to you guys with better wifi it looks good.
  13. It sucked on the PSP cus of lag and I tried it on the Vita when I got it and it seemed the same. The lag was better, but the image quality looks like the PSP's quality. Really blurry and muddy. If they could get it to look like it was natively on the Vita Id use it. That being said, the Vita's wireless is supposed to be a lot better than the PSP's. So they could eventually get it to look and respond better.
  14. Democracy simply does not work.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      Thorgi Duke of Frisbee

      I agree. I want to go to Which Wich, but everyone else wants to go to TGI Fridays? Boooooooo

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I don't think it's unreasonable to expect everyone to have an encyclopedic knowledge of Simpsons quotes.

    4. Strangelove


      Of course it's unreasonable. What else would you fill your head with? Sports statistics? Fried chicken recipes? That time you caught your mom having sex with your "uncle" Rob? Yeah, no.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TCP


      Two thoughts.

      1. Simon?

      2. Coke Zero cans look different in the States.

    3. TheRevanchist


      I think Simon is a much nicer name than Vincent.

    4. TCP


      Yeah but if he's Vincent we can shorten that to Vinny which is.. oh yeah, you're right.

  15. I think Tearaway is going to make the backtouchpad legit. I really do. Im not a big fan of touch myself, or moving shit, waggle. I hate it because 90% of the time its crappy. It takes the place of an easy button press. Nintendo went full retard with the Wii and the DS in this respect. Every game had to add something to do with the stylus or some kind of waggle and it was annoying. At least Sony admitted failure(for the most part) with Sixaxis and didnt demand anyone use it. That being said, I like touch menus. I love them. I think the Vita's menus work wonderfully with touch controls, as does the 3DS's, my iPhone, and the last Android phone I had. I can get behind that. It's gameplay that gets hindered by it. Touch and waggle needs to be complimentary or it needs to be everything. Not in the middle. There has to be a point to it. Sadly, a lot of developers don't get that.
  16. The whole point is to not touch the screen though. EVER. Thats what people wanted for some ungodly reason.
  17. It really is about the little things. A pointless detail like this is so unnecessary, but adds so much character. I love it.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5IVOs5Pxh8 Beautiful. Just beautiful. Sometimes I feel like Kojima is the only Japanese developer who gives a shit about videogame technology and doing new shit.
  19. Did you guys ask for 100 new Mario games of varying quality? I don't remember doing that. Ever. Maybe I did. Maybe while I was drunk. Yes. That explains it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. excel_excel


      Why, what ones are coming out? Aside from the New series, the Paper Mario game on 3DS looks pretty sweet.

    3. excel_excel


      MORE MARIO PARTY. I asked for that. 9 just isn't enough baby!

    4. VicariousShaner


      9 is actually 9 more Mario Party's then should be allowed to exist in this particular realm.

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