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Everything posted by Strangelove

  1. Ok. Cool. Its strange how complex tthis game can be without being ridiculously overbearing. A lot of Jrpgs try to do things like this nowadays, but they always mess it up by crappy tutorials and vague mechanics.
  2. Haha, thats awesome. I picked the guy because the game says that the female choice is more difficult and for people who have played the game before. Im not as good at rpgs as I used to be, so I didnt want to risk it. Do social links carry over to new game plus, or do you start all over again?
  3. I hate to admit, but ive owned P3, P3 FES and now P3P, but I never got far into it til P3P. I need some help with the social links. Do I have to "maintain" them or are they always available? Like if I stop talking for a while to a certain person, will they get mad and my social link status will drop or will they just stop talking to me altogether? Or is it ok to focus on certain people first then later others? Also, I think this thread needs to be moved since that Persona fighting game is also going to be on the 360. Im also also certain that if P5 gets made on the PS3, itll be 360 too.
  4. Enslaved. Yeah, the gameplay is a little too simple and a little wonky, but everything else the game did, it did it damn well. I even liked the ending too. AC Revelations. Too similar to the past AC games? Yeah. Milking? I guess. Stupid rts minigame? Yes it was. Did it suck? No. I personally love the way AC games play aside from AC1. More of the same didnt bother me, especially with Revelations. The best new thing Revelations did wasnt the new city or the rts thing, but the Uncharted type interactive cutscenes. They were great. Ubisoft does it well. A lot of games since Uncharted 2 have tried to copy it, but they always half ass it. Revelations knew what was up though. Alice: Madness Returns. Its a bit too long, but the gameplay is solid. The fact that it feels alot like a PS2 platformer is either a good thing or a bad thing to some, to me its a good thing. Its very basic and stripped down, but what it does it does it well. Lots of collectibles, short cutscenes, minimal story, and lots of jumping. Good stuff.
  5. Is there a general game reviews thread? One based around games you really liked while omitting the ones you hate? Kind of like a recommendation thread? Would anyone here be interested in that? Any game from any time, just to tell people they should play it and why?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Strangelove


      Its basically a "this game is awesome and you should play it - heres why." The problem I have with the "games youve beaten" thread is that there are some older games I beat years ago thatd Id like to talk about.

    3. deanb


      You gonna knock it out?

    4. Strangelove



  6. I'd resurrect Fear Effect Inferno. Seems kind of quaint now, but back then FE1 was the most unsettling game I had ever played. I dont get scared with games or movies, so the best I can hope for is feeling uneasy or uncomfortable during a horror film or game. The FE series was good for that. Unlike RE, it never relied on cheap popup scares, but I think thats mostly because it wasnt a horror game. The subject matter and the mood was just..creepy. Thats how it was. The puzzles are also a lot better. Also, the SH series really isnt as weird as this one. A monster raping another monster is pretty creepy, but a lady being raped by a robot monster is worse. And the monster whorehouse is also weird. SH has kind of a foreboding feel to it, it has symbols and signs of things that happened or are going to happen and thats how you build up tension, FE just showed you weird shit up front, not even to scare you. It just did it. The game was also ALWAYS dark. I dont even mean the color. Even when you were in a building or something, the game didnt seem bright or lively. It was very dreary. There's two sections that stand out to me the most - the party and the kitchen. Youre at a party and somehow its the creepiest fucking party ever. Youre in a kitchen and its the creepiest fucking kitchen. It just emanates that feeling that this shit is somehow fucked up. The controls are RE style though and the fear meter wasnt a great idea, so those are negatives. BTW, Chinese mythology beats the shit out of Japanese mythology. I find Ancient China to be a much more interesting place.
  7. So Europeans didnt get to play FF6 til the PS1 port? That sucks.
  8. On another note: seriously, what the fuck is it with people and FF7? Kotaku just posted about the port not 7 minutes ago and it's already flooded with comments. I dont understand. I like the game too, but people get wet over it. Even the remake thing is kind of a meme now. I hope to god it never gets remade, just out of spite. There is absolutely nothing special about! Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!
  9. From what I remember, the translation is different on the pc version. I'm not sure if it's better or worse than the ps1 version though. The pc version also had some mods that made the characters look better.
  10. http://www.latestnewsexplorer.com/the-last-us-campaign-will-not-have-co-op/ THANK. FUCKING. GOD.
  11. Namco actually has all their games full price too. Both Tekken 6 and SoulCalibur are still 40. It's stupid.
  12. I'm guessing Japan and their small living quarters. I havent looked up recent stuff from japan, but I assume they still live in really small places where something like Kinect wouldnt even really work because they dont have the space, right? So I assume they dont have tons of tvs. Not to mention that handheld gaming over there is way more popular than it is here. Its still all really weird to me though. At first I was confused, then negative, now im back to confused.
  13. I do that kind of thing all the time. Im really bad when it comes to sales and stuff. I usually end up buying stuff that goes on sale a month after(FF13-2, ME3, HD collections) instead of paying full price for games that im almost certain will take months to drop in price(Dragon's Dogma). I just try really hard to not let it bother me. Money is really important and in this society you might as well not exist if you dont have any, but if I count the times Ive spent 5 or 10 or 15 bucks on food or gas or anything else that is disposable, I would die. It's MONEY, but it's JUST money. Im not sure how to explain it. I value it as much as anyone else(im unemployed right now, so I value it ALOT), but I like to pick what I feel is right to use it on and how much. Some things might be worth a lot to you that might not be worth as much or anything at all to someone else. If you dont feel comfortable paying a certain amount for something, wait. Thats too much of a nagging feeling to carry around.
  14. I hate the "dudebro" thing. It's old. I'm not a fan of those people and the games they like to play or movies they like to see, but I'm less of a fan of those who put all the blame of every little thing on them. It's getting out of hand. It's not their fault that they enjoy the things they enjoy. It's not even the fault of the companies that cater to them since there's tons of money to be made there. You'll be much happier just minding your own business.
  15. Funny, I hate how you remind me of what I really am.
  16. "I am not sure this is an appropriate expression, but video game consoles have long been "parasites" of TV sets at home. In other words, game consoles have used TV sets in a family instead of being equipped with their own screen. However, the Wii U will be the first console free from TV sets, in which you can play the Wii U while someone else is watching TV or you yourself can watch TV while using the Wii U." http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/stock/meeting/120628qa/03.html This was probably done with Japan in mind. God knows Americans(and probably Europeans) love to game on their big hdtv. It's nice to have the option I guess?
  17. BTW, there's a new "optional" firmware update. 1.69. It's 97 mb. Also, PSone compatibility will be released with firmware 1.80. And no, the numbers don't mean anything. there wont be a 1.70 and 1.71 or anything like that, chances are 1.80 is the next one. Why they chose to tell us without a date? I have no idea.
  18. Your point? And I paid 50 for P3 and then another 20 for P3 FES. Now it's on the store for 10 bucks. There's nothing to regret when a game is actually worth the price. Persona 3 definitely has enough content to warrant $50, $40 or whatever price.
  19. Basically they were making the game for ages and the same team making the game were working on making the Crystal Engine Tools, and they were taking requests from every person on the team as to what direction the game should take. It took the demo deadline to final make them settle on a vision for the game. If that demo had never happened I doubt the game would have even been released by now. http://finalfantasy....III#Development for the whole story. I...did not know all of that. I did get that feeling though. There were some weird omissions. I enjoyed the game and in hindsight, I really dont feel it was any more linear than FFX. FFX got a lot of flack for how linear the areas were and how there wasnt a world map you could really interact with. FFX had houses you could go into AND it was better at disguising how corridor-centric it was. Every area also had it's own identity, mountains, tropical villages, temples, etc. FF13 had none of that. It all looked the same. They could have just changed the game to have taken place in one giant dungeon for the first half, like Tartarus in Persona 3. I think it would have been easier to swallow that way. I also didnt think the story was so bad, but that's only because I feel there wasn't much of it. Same thing with FF12. I personally feel FF12 to have a weak story, but that's because it also doesn't have much. You can go hours without hearing new dialogue, while FF13 has tons of dialogue, yet theyre both kind of lacking on a central plot. FF13 also tried to spend hours on every character to give them a backstory and make them "deep", but when it got to the end, I wondered why the hell they were all together in the first place. Most of them didnt feel like they were friends. They were just together out of convenience. FF13-2 fixed a lot, but they really did pull a page out of Kingdom Hearts and made the story a cluster of fuck. Its still better than the last few KH games, but theres a huge FF7/FF8/KH2 vibe to it. Also - moms are tough.
  20. All Atlus PSP games are half off on PSN right now. That means Persona 3 is $10 and Persona 1 and 2 are $15. Plus a bunch of other crap. But once again, they removed them from the Vita store to adjust the prices(retarded), so you can either wait for them to come back or buy it on your PS3, transfer them or go to your download list on your Vita and download them from there.
  21. All Atlus PSP games are half off on PSN right now. That means Persona 3 is $10 and Persona 1 and 2 are $15. Plus a bunch of other crap.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      thanks for the info :)

    3. TheFlyingGerbil


      bum flaps. Looks like it's US only, and P3P was reduced here last week. We've got all the FF games reduced this week in the EU.

    4. Mal


      I'm going to regret not getting Persona 3. Cash strapped.

  22. I draw weird stuff to try to mask my lack of actual skill. By all logic I should be embarrassed of most of this. Meh. I drew this cat thing a few months ago, otherwise the rest of this stuff is years old. I just dont draw or paint anymore. These are years old. I used to be obsessed with putting hearts everywhere. Cus im emo like that. I also had a really shitty camera back then and I used to mess around with them to add all sorts of weird colors and stuff so it could hide the fact that they were low res photos. It fooled no one. This is me completely and utterly trying to rip off Burton. I apologize for nothing. This is from when I used to be a barista at an unnamed defunct franchise coffee shop. I also like to draw/paint/eat rabbits.
  23. Ive actually never played any of the Crackdown games. A lot of the fun of the Batman games are his gadgets and how useful and adaptable they are to almost any situation, I figure the batmobile is the same. I think there could be a lot done with it.
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