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Everything posted by Chronixal

  1. If anyone is still playing, I'm on Hyperion. Give me a buzz and I'll add you or vice-versa.
  2. Pretty sure I spent the entirety of last night playing FFXIV:ARR on PS4 and subsequently buggered my sleep pattern up. It's a damn fine game.
  3. Paper Trail has quite literally turned me away from the game. I was going to do end game stuff and maybe do an evil run but the ARG stuff is so tedious, it's been unplayed since.
  4. Yeah but the whole Paper Trail thing is pretty fucking lame. Why drag me away from the game when I want to, you know, play the game?
  5. Something for you Star Trek fans...
  6. I have no idea how it works. Started the first mission, got the clues on the website..now what?
  7. Pretty old but I only found it yesterday. Funnily enough I only heard the audio at first inserted into a podcast. A podcast I was listening to at work. Thank god headphones are a thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0sU1aG7kBM
  8. How many people are whining that they're using the Other M design? I bet there's a group somewhere crying over it. FWIW, I think it looks good.
  9. For Glory mode reeks of trying to gain legitimacy with the FGC, who would rather Smash went away.
  10. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/2J5e5 - Good build, yay or nay?
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MetalCaveman
    3. staySICK


      I haven't had any issues with ASRock. Tom's Hardware has been giving them pretty good reviews, depending on model. This is my mobo: http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/part/asrock-motherboard-z77extreme4


      also: I'm guessing you've got two 8 gb sticks, not one?

    4. TheMightyEthan


      I have had two ASRock mobo's in the past (counting my current one) and never had a problem either.

  11. Thing is I don't think there's been a Metal Slug type game that's done it better than Metal Slug. Metal Slug X is godlike.
  12. Awesome. Once I finish Second Son I'll jump on it.
  13. According to my play percentage I'm just over halfway done which is pretty cool. Absolutely loving the game so far. My only complaint would be the bosses have way too much health and quickly become a chore. Compared to how quickly you can take out regular enemies, the bosses are massive sponges. Other than, no complaints at all.
  14. How does it look and play on the PS4? I've already got Fez on Steam but not actually touched it and seeing as i likely paid next to nothing during a humble bundle I won't mind double dipping.
  15. I'm more excited that the streaming options are going to be vastly improved. Locked 720p and archivable is massively welcome.
  16. Aye, tapatalk actually seems to load now as opposed to waiting a full minute per page.
  17. I wish the whole fucking thing would go away quite honestly. Twitch was already bad enough stability wise in the last few months thanks to changes and whatnot, but this twitch plays nonsense has pretty much turned parts into an unusable mess.
  18. Completed Danganronpa lat night after heavily playing it for 2 days straight. Absolutely superb game. If you like 999/VLR and/or Ace Attorney, get it. Hell, even if you don't, get it. One of the best games I've played in a long long time.
  19. I'm pretty sure all my handheld gaming is done in bed. As far as Vita tv goes, I can take it or leave it; it'd be nice but I won't cry if we don't get it. Nothing really catching my eye about the Vita in the upcoming months, except Danganrompa.
  20. I think it's fairly undisputed that the UK has the worst national anthem going and the USSR had the best ever.
  21. You know you've found 'the one' when you've spent the first six months of your relationship 300 miles apart, you finally get the chance to go and visit for her birthday, treat each other to a really swanky hotel and in the first evening together in bed at what is probably going to be the most romantic night in many years, you lean over to grab something outside of the bed and inadvertently fart right square in her face. Right after uttering the words "I have a surprise for you...". And she laughs. Laughs so hard you do nothing but laugh so hard for minutes until you collapse into each other and cuddle. Yeah, I think I've found my other half.
  22. So I've pretty much exhausted all the Archer that is on UK Netflix which is only three seasons. Hopefully the rest are on US Netflix or I go hunting.
  23. Nah, I think I'd have to buy a copy. Bit of a pisser but at least it'd be mine. Also, fwiw, someone on twitter passed me this potential build. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/2J5e5
  24. Right then you nerds, its time to help me finally get a proper desktop PC. Basically my laptop is dying a slow death and seeing as I have my own place with a proper desk and everything, there's no need for me to have a laptop to ferry around so I'm looking at building my own pc. Or rather, pick the parts and have the folks at PC Specialist build it cos I don't trust myself to handle small, delicate and sensitive parts. I'm not looking for anything too fancy but the only provisos I would say is something that is going to play anything that is current now relatively well and will be capable of streaming at the same time. Also able to do some video editing and rendering would be nice but not necessary. My laptop already has a 240GB SSD so I'd like to put that in the new pc, if I can, though I'm sure it'd mean completely wiping the damn thing. So I'm guessing a second, huge HDD would be handy. So yeah, I have no idea about parts and specs so I'll leave that to you; you're looking at someone who still has the mindset of bigger numbers = better. Budget is fairly flexible. I'd like to be spending £500-600 but will stretch so £750+ for something particularly special, though I would be reluctant as I'm going to need to buy two monitors, keyboard, speakers, etc. Suggestions on those would be nice too. So, yeah, have at it.
  25. Edit: can't delete posts on tapatalk. Felt to be inappropriate
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