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Everything posted by Chronixal

  1. Probably cos SCEE needs a good year to realise what the fuck they're doing.
  2. Seriously, it's a given at this point that the EU PSN+ will be better but the sales are abysmal. Thank god for cross region accounts. I'm tempted to grab Tales of Xillia at the current sale price.
  3. Shantae: Risky's Revenge. I figured I'd give it a go seeing as I backed 1/2 Genie Hero on Kickstarter and I wish I'd played it years ago. Not only the best handheld platformer I think I've ever played but one of the best period. Not hugely long but that's to it's credit in that it doesn't overstay it's welcome. Roll on Pirate's Curse for the 3DS and 1/2 Genie Hero which I shall be claiming for the PS4.
  4. I haven't played it and it seems like a good chance to jump on board and bump up the PS4 collection a bit.
  5. Yeah, the original was much better looking. Not an improvement. She looks more derp in the second.
  6. I can confirm the Its Okay! She's My Stepdaughter series to be well worth anyone's time.
  7. How? I can't even get YouTube to work on mine
  8. A tub of sandwich filler is usually a quid. Hell of a lot cheaper than getting the respective chicken bits and sauce.
  9. Talking of UK food, I do love me some faggots!
  10. I streamed with for a good few hours with my good lady. Got to week 30 before it went tit's up. Good fun.
  11. Thinking I'm playing in what is normal mode but I have a feeling I'll be playing it through again tho so I'll try then. Another great pick for psn+
  12. Currently alternating between Tearaway and DmC, the latter of which has reinforced the notion, to me at least, that you should put up or shut before before casting aspersions. So far it's damn good, if a little on the easy side.
  13. Quite tempted to pick up a pair of PX22's with the DSS2 for my PS4, though my head tells me I should wait for proper PS4-specific headsets to reach the market

  14. Yeah, we're trying to play as many coop games as we can at the moment, within the limitations of both our respective computers that is. So much so that I'm currently getting up to speed with Binding of Isaac so we can coop Rebirth when it hits the PS4.
  15. Much thanks to FredEffinChopin for gifting me a copy of L4D2. Been meaning to give it a go and once I get a copy for the missus, we'll be golden.
  16. I'm sure those 4 people who like FFV will be happy.
  17. Guilty as charged. I even bought the vocal OST.
  18. No probs man. Big thanks to Vecha for the PSN voucher, which was most useful and saved me some planned spenditure.
  19. Not sure if posted before but not looking through 90 pages to find out
  20. Dude, you missed out. A supremely well done and memorable game.
  21. I wouldn't really call 999 or VLR a visual novel. More an adventure/puzzle game with lots of plot.
  22. My old man being an electrician by trade, I can't wait to show him that image to see his reaction. He'll either laugh himself silly or have a fit.
  23. I think the unspoken truth is lots, if not most, gamers would like to keep playing Nintendo games. They just don't want to play them on Nintendo hardware.
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