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Waldorf and Statler

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Everything posted by Waldorf and Statler

  1. A big American thank you to my Canadian brother from another socialist medicine mother, Cowboy Poet! Cant post images due to mobile but he got me The Novelist and Among the Sleep from Steam! Thanks a lot dawg. Merry Christmas to your family. Where are my pictures of the bassets with Christmas hats?
  2. Newest video from the Too Many Cooks team. They've struck gold once again and it manages to be more disturbing than Too Many Cooks
  3. Fuck this whole 'The Interview' debacle. Fuck it right in the ass. Letting empty threats win.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      My favorite part is an organization calling itself the "Guardians of Peace" threatening violent attacks.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Also that "Guardians of Peace" abbreviates to "GOP".

    4. Mal


      You know this is the perfect excuse to watch Team America again.

  4. Massive Chalice, game of Double Fine, is like Xcom meets Game of Thrones. The game starts out so well but there's a point it gets ridiculous hard and it's early on. Seeing how it's Early Access they need to fix this shit.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I remember watching a Giant Bomb preview, and it did look cool, but I'll wait until they finish it first. =p

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      yep. Don't be like me and start playing, love the idea, then get absolutely fucking wrecked by the uneven difficulty

    4. Connorrrr


      It definitely looks super cool, I will be checking it out at some point, even though I'm pretty terrible at these kinds of games.

  5. I plan to start Wasteland 2 this christmas while visiting family. how's the game?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      all right will do. Gonna make my party based off my friends

    3. FMW


      If I'm not in your Wasteland 2 party then you BET we're not friends anymore.

    4. Waldorf and Statler
  6. I would give my right arm for a chance at an amazon echo

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      It doesn't have Siri. I don't see how you didn't describe anything other than a bluetooth speaker. Something you can get for $10.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      you can ask it questions and ask it for simple tasks such as adding things to a list, alarms, search for nearby locations, weather, there's also a companion app that gives more info and probably records requests. So yeah pretty similar to one of those phone assistants

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      So shit my phone already does easily? I just don't see the use for this at that price. Which is kind of how Amazon's hardware goes.

  7. Just FYI, if the sale doesn't start by late next week prior to the friday I might have to get my SS something before the sale. I leave to Dubai on Friday and there's no guarantee they'll have the sale there, or that I can even access Steam. I could research what exactly is censored in Dubai, but eh. I'll make up for getting it early by getting my SS something from the top/near the top of his list though.
  8. I've basically stopped watching episodes in a season at this point, and once the season is over I see which ones are serious. I know people enjoy the silly episodes but for me the show is amazing when it has episodes focusing on the sad story of the ice king, finn's relationships, marceline and ice king, the lich, etc... the last great episode I remember watching is the ice king one.
  9. Square Enix deserves an award for the most perfectly executed troll move ever.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I was watching it with GAF, and you have no idea how hilarious the whole thing was. The internet lost their collective minds for 5 seconds, and then cried for the next 2 hours

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      But yes FDS, people have been begging for FFVII, 'insiders' in GAF were confirming that FFVII was coming, and then here comes the Squeenix guy to announce the PC port coming to PS4. The reactions in the internet are hilarious.

    4. Baconrath


      Ah, the ol' port of a port of a game. Classic Sqeenix.

  10. Of course Dragon's Dogma, the one game I want from Japan more than anything, gets trademarked with a fucking ONLINE next to it.

    1. TheMightyEthan


      It's almost like it's a for-profit thing.

    2. CorgiShinobi


      Spent half my summer playing the first version of Dragon's Dogma. It was rough around the edges, but I kept coming back for more.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      It's a game that would really benefit from a polished sequel of some sort.

  11. I had no idea an Asterix movie was being made. That shit, alongside Tintin, was huge in South America. North American people never seem to have gotten into it though as my friends didn't know who Tintin was when the movie came out. Did the made-for-tv cartoon films of Tintin and Asterix ever make it to Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon in the US? I'd love at least a subtitled version of this film
  12. Today I learned there are two kinds of people in this world: People who love Walk Hard, and people who are poopy faces and just wrong

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Walk Hard is a really fun satire with great music I still listen to this day. And the chances of the demographic the film was aiming for, or got for that matter, being preteens is laughable at best.

    3. TCP



    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler


  13. YES. My friend and I love the books, but the movie was utter shit.
  14. So forgot to say this but I beat the game. Thoughts: - Main story was extremely underwhelming. After the exciting end to Act I I was looking forward to the story, it was extremely disappointing - Armor selection is a joke. It's a variation of like 2-3 armor types for the majority of the game. And if you're a qunari you don't get cool looking armor ever, because the "X only" outfits are made for every other race besides Qunari. - Sidequests got tedious after a while when I was high enough level. They were basically fetch quests, and rewards for loot were shit when I could make something WAY better in Skyhold. - AI fight with dragons was stressful lol. HEY RANGED DUDE. DON'T STAND RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DRAGON -Knight Enchanter was so OP it made the fights less exciting but it's too useful to not use. That's it for the negatives though. Over-all I spent like 80 hours playing and by the time I was done with the main story I had 2 areas left to explore and like 5 dragons to kill. Don't really feel like doing them though. I give the game an 8.5/10. Hopefully for the next game they focus less on 'look at everything we have' and put more effort on polishing the story. It's always extremes with Bioware haha
  15. dean fishing for that Thursday Daddy Warbucks santa for Secret Santa. Remembering he gave me FC3 lol
  16. All of a sudden Ethan has two secret santas "Whaaaaaaaaa you guys oh my god what are the odds?!"
  17. Steam ID: StarkWinterLager Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/id/starkwinterlager/wishlist Country: United States General criteria: If possible from my secret santa I'd honestly prefer some PSN credit over a Steam game. But if it's too much of a hassle (aka you live not in the US/Americas) then don't worry about it I'd love some steam too. I added games that meet the criteria of the exchange prior to sales so go nuts with those or with a game you think I'd enjoy. What are your favorite genres? RPG's by far. If you can think of an RPG I might enjoy then be my guest. But I really love story-heavy games, especially those with an interesting romance. Basically Bioware writing is perfect for me for the most part. What are your favorite games? Probably RPG's. KOTOR, KOTOR II, Mass Effect trilogy for the most part, Elder Scroll titles, Persona 4, Witcher series (love these to death), etc... Are you looking for any non-Steam gifts? Like I said above I'd prefer some PSN digital credit over a Steam game as I play my PS4 more than my Steam games, but I wouldn't mind PC games if you have something better in mind. Will you take games not on your wishlist? Yes for sure. Though if you can ask via a third party somehow if I've played a game from a list it'd be better just to make sure I haven't played the game you recommend. But fyi my laptop is decent at gaming but won't do heavy graphics games. Any other information you think relevant? If you think of a good story-heavy game, I tend to lean more towards darker/more mature stories. Such as the Witcher.
  18. I know I'm biased due to my South Park hard-on but Book of Mormon is the best musical I've seen. I was laughing the whole way through. It was crude as all hell so don't take people who are easily offended to watch it. And it holds no punches. The music was great too. And the two leads were spectacular.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Well not a LOT but an ok amount. I didn't go out of my way to watch one unless I went with my family

    3. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      That African play was the BEST, and what made it even better was sitting behind an older couple who must have thought this play was religious or something, they seemed VERY offended.

    4. Waldorf and Statler
  19. https://www.drawnames.com/secret-santa-generator this could work. Type in name (our user name) and we can ask for frequently used email when we're pairing up folks officially. This sends it out by itself.
  20. the biggest downside of this method is that Ethan will know who his secret santa is if he matches people himself right? Isn't there an external site that pairs up secret santas?
  21. Well hopefully whoever gets me doesn't have issues with international PSN credit. And like I said I'm more than fine with $5 PSN credit. So don't worry man. We're all friendly enough where if one of us is tight on cash it doesn't mean he/she can't participate.
  22. going to watch Book of Mormon in Broadway this thanksgiving break. So fucking excited, as a south park mega fan I've been dying to see it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pojodin


      The MANy. The many mans!

    3. deanb
    4. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      IT'SSOGOODOHMYGAWD!! Make sure you post about your experience later.


  23. personally I wouldn't care as I barely touch my Steam anymore so any game would do. I might just ask my Secret Santa for PSN credit though if that's possible.
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