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Waldorf and Statler

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Everything posted by Waldorf and Statler

  1. Someone tell Chewie that when I told Cowboy that when Chewie did what he did it was seen as annoying, that I didn't get any acknowledgement

    1. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Someone tell Cowboy that when I wrote the status telling Chewie that when I told Cowboy about when Chewie did what he did that it was seen as annoying and that I got no acknowledgement that I did not see his reply

    2. TCP


      You done good work here Wally, have a chip.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Do you mean a crisp or a fry?

  2. if they can't handle something in my front pocket that was meant for them, then they don't deserve to be in my presence.
  3. TMNT 2012 is pretty damn good and has scratched my itch from nostalgia to watch more turtles. Now I don't have to give money to Michael Bay

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      2003 was a decent 'ultimate' version of the franchise. A load of those stories were from the original comics. I think they go into the space adventure stuff after about 5-6 issues, funnily enough. Laird was in control then and liked sci-fi. Eastman more of a Frank Miller fan.

    3. TCP


      The only "definitive" version of the Turtles was the only one with the complete version of the team.... the 1997 live action TV show. #venusforever #forgetanyotherturtle

    4. Hot Heart
  4. I'm glad it did as well as it did opening weekend. And with nothing major coming out next weekend to give it much competition, outside of expendables 3 which I hope most of America has given up on, they'll have another stellar weekend and keep making money. And get a sequel.
  5. the test is very simple *unzips pants*
  6. Trails in the Sky can be abbreviated as TitS. The kid in me is pleased.

    1. Mal


      That is why TitS is so highly regarded. Now if we get AsS then life will be complete.

  7. Guardians of the Galaxy The humor and dialogue was brilliant, straight out of a Whedon film. The actors really delivered, and being a huge Chris Pratt fan I'm glad that this will get him a lot of star power (outside of his minor roles in big movies). I gotta give props to Bradley Cooper, he really sold me on Rocket Raccoon. This might now be my favorite Marvel movie.
  8. Nobody is welcome here until they pass the test.
  9. Guys I come from the future! Hurry if we don't all get naked and into the pile, the world will end! Do it hurry

    1. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat


    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      It ain't ogre till I say it is

    3. Vecha


      If something looks small it's because its just cold.

  10. D-did you just grab my ass?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, unless her husband was your friend you don't owe him anything.

    3. TCP


      Damn, I was just joking around... Vecha and Ethan are cold as ice. Don't leave them alone with your women!

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      No. I just grassed your abs.

  11. Oculus Was not expecting something that good out of a film backed by the WWE. Like one of the better directed horror movies I've seen. And with twists!
  12. and if you force tv audiences to watch it online then those numbers will get even higher. Heck I watch the show online and I have a tv.
  13. That doesn't look half bad gameplay wise actually. Definitely will get for the right price since it's a downloadable game.
  14. the f. vecha please! Stop smoking the ganja mon
  15. Can't we just talk to the humans? A little understanding could make things better Can't we talk to the humans and work together now?
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGnsPfNqeQE Leaves from the vine. Falling so slow like fragile tiny shells drifting in the foam. Little Soldier Boy, come marching home. Brave Soldier Boy. Comes marching home :'''''''''''''''''(
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CorgiShinobi


      It's assumed everyone reincarnates in Avatar, so Iroh is more so staying his cool wise man self.

    3. Little Pirate
    4. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, I never got the impression that there's necessarily that kind of an afterlife in Avatar. IIRC it was only Iroh's intense connection to the spirits that allowed him to enter the spirit world rather than dying normally.

  17. ethan did you mean to send me that message today? I don't think you were in my fireteam ever and then you sent me a message apologizing lol
  18. When I was young. I never needed anyone...those days are gone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      In my life there's been heartache and pain, I don't know if I can face it again. Can't stop now, I've traveled so far to change this lonely life

    3. TCP
    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      Here's the canadian national anthem:

      *fart noises*

  19. Replaying DA2 on PC and I'm having a grand time. Maybe I'm more cynical about tv but less about games now.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      The downside being a mage in DA2 is having to deal with goddamned Carver

    3. Eleven


      The drama transfers to your sister anyway? Might be different in DA:O. I am predisposed to side with the mages because my sister was one and it kinda becomes my fight too.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Yeah, but Carver is a dumb jerk.

  20. Now calm down Skeeter he ain't hurtin' nobody
  21. You guys ever send pictures of your pictures of your dick to people?

  22. fuck you it's too late. Now passing the first test is not enough. Now you must pass the second one.
  23. Has the "no it's cool one of my best friends is X" ever worked?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRevanchist


      It worked in the movie Some Kind Of Wonderful.

    3. Vecha


      Nope. I feel that phrase just proves someone is at the least a dumbass. One "X" does not equal all "X's."

    4. Alex Heat

      Alex Heat

      Nah, it's cool. One of my best friends is a muppet too!

  24. I lean conservative for economics reason, and I don't tend to care about anything else besides rights for everyone in general. I just have so much other shit going on that politics can't fit into my schedule. Also I've seen what politics and religion can do for friendships so I keep the fuck away.
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