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Waldorf and Statler

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Everything posted by Waldorf and Statler

  1. lol yes it is. Hence why I won't fill it up too much. Just enough for the initial joke.
  2. Plenty of folks have passed the one post rule. Heck many have posted two or three times. But when you post four times. That's when we start talking.
  3. And the cat's in the cradle with the silver spoon Zombie Ethan and Lanzkip in the thread When he's coming back Wally, I don't know when But we'll come back to the thread, Ethan And repeat the same shit agaiiiiiiiiin~
  4. Like I said in the halloween thread I'm going as Santa Claus. I have a red bag and everything. Gonna fill it with beer and liquor and then arrive at the house party and pass them out. I may or may not take lots of pictures we'll see. If I do I'll post them here but you won't see my face under all the Santa hair/beard lol. Chances are I'll take some pictures without the mask to commemorate our last halloween party before we graduate though
  5. So Fantasy Life for the 3DS is incredibly addicting...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Vecha


      Damn...sounds awesome. Might pick it up sometime...

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      word for the wise: the main story is not its strength. It's everything you can do outside of that. For the NA release they spiced up the dialogue to make it quirky/funnier but it still is a lot of dialogue that I skip.

    4. Connorrrr


      I've been enjoying it too. I've done little of the main story, just enough to unlock some of the surrounding areas and then just started levelling up jobs and things. It's a bunch of fun. I love mining for ore for my smith to use to make awesome weapons for my paladin and so on. Good fun.

  6. what are you guys going to go as? I'm going as Santa Claus. Spent a decent amount of money on the costume, for my last huge college halloween house party. I'll probably have pictures as last time (around 3 years ago) when somebody went as santa claus, everybody wanted to take pictures sitting on his lap
  7. I skimmed through that not too long ago. Yeah. Ew.
  8. Happy birthday to C. Harp, arguably the most important member in this forum

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Vecha


      Love should know no bounds, TCP. No bounds!

    3. TheMightyEthan


      C. Harp is the person originally known as clownshoes.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      No, I'm wrong, C. Harp is somebody different, they were only active for ~6 days.

  9. This is the thread that never eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeends it goes on and on my friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeend We get a new member, they make a post so dear Ethan says hi, and then they never come back heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere
  10. Don't think I've ever mentioned it here but there are two manga you guys really have to check out if you like light-hearted slice of life comedies. And when I mean you need to check out, I mean it as in "these two are almost single-handedly saving this genre" Horimiya Ore Monogatari Both are largely about the comedy aspect, but instead of floundering around in a will they/wont they shit ocean, the people get together relatively early and the drama is close to zero.
  11. Yeah I've always been a sucker for these. I especially have always held a deep love in my heart since I was a kid for that Scooby Doo movie where Shaggy and Scooby become teachers/caretakers at that all girl monster school. Also agreed on Hotel Transylvania. Nothing special and a bit forced, plus a horrible message of "you only click once with somebody so if you think you found him/her marry on the spot" lol wtf But for some reason the romance between the vampire daughter and Andy Samberg worked for me.
  12. Just finished watching The Wire season 4. That is downright the most powerful and emotional season I have ever watched in TV.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      I'd heard that S5 had a few episodes cut (S4 had 14, I think, and S5 has something like 10-11) which is why the pacing is a bit off overall.

    3. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      in the recent reunion interview, they mentioned that S5 wasn't announced up until the point the contracts had ended and HBO ordered less episodes, so they had to deal with rehiring actors plus writing and making it fit. So yes.

    4. SomTervo


      That's a pity re S05's problems.


      S02 is dramatically a brutal low point, but it's also the most important season in many ways. In terms of setting the scene, building the narrative, and driving home a couple of big thematic points (death of industry, yo). Then 3 onwards just carries it away into a flawless sunset.

  13. Ethaaaaaaaaaaaaan We are here to warn you that tonight you shall be visited by three ghosts. First the ghost of halloween past, to show you the trend of new members Then the ghost of halloween present, to remind you that she probably wont respond again and finally the ghost of christmas future, to show you what will happen if you continue down the path of thinking new members actually stay to be part of the community. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED OoOoOooOooOO~
  14. Ya ya ya I am Lorde

    1. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      The record company has it all wrong...

    2. Eleven
    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      South Park references after 2008 are not valid.

  15. Mr. BOO? Fucking really? You had a chance at Mr. GOHST and you didn't take it? You're dead to me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TCP
    3. FMW


      I'm... kinda with Wally on this one. You dropped the ball Mr. BOO.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I stand by my decision to keep the integral exclamation point over misspelling ghost like some sort of teenager.

  16. Spooky Scary Skeletons send shivers down your spine!

    1. TCP


      Werewolf bar mitzvah spooky scary, boys becoming men, men becoming wolves.

  17. good to hear. I tested Windows 7 when it was offered and if I get another computer within the next 6 months I might give this a download. Assuming the retail release isn't out by then
  18. so to keep it simple, from those of you previewing I'm a Windows 7 guy. Improvement or not?
  19. will do. I stopped myself from reading Fables as well because it's not too far off from finishing.
  20. Yeah I've heard way too many good things. I've been putting off reading Sagas as well because I wanted there to be more issues.
  21. reverse image search took me to the comic Sex Criminals.
  22. Super Smash 3DS and I don't get along. Great game, but fucking a I can't play fast paced games on a 3ds. My hands do not go well with the awkward controllers. Looking forward to Wii U with gamecube controller

    1. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      I feel like a fucking Kingler with broken fingers and wrists. If crabs had fingers. Doesn't work.

    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      yeah it's not working for my big-ish hands. That was another issue with Kingdom HEART 3D. fast action requires comfort and I don't have enough for it in the 3DS. tactical games I'm fine with.

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