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Everything posted by UnstableArk

  1. Far as I know, friends can only be registered via friend code still. The Nintendo ID is just for store purchases. Sucks, but whatcha gonna do? Your friend code should appear on the top screen when you go to the friend list and select your own name.
  2. Definitely the best game in my 3DS library. Shame it's no longer up at a discount, but it's definitely worth the full price.
  3. Most modern motherboards and GPU's have HDMI out, so it really shouldn't be a problem. Can't imagine those steam machines will ship as VGA only.
  4. They usually release the third version within 2 years from the initial release. Black/White released early 2010, and the sequels in late 2012. Not sure how they'll do the new version this time, though. Since Black/White 2, I don't know what to think anymore...
  5. Nintendo ID(Wii U): UnstableArk Could you believe it!?
  6. Thread title's misleading in this case since it wasn't bought. I won this on Thursday at Comic-Con along with a $20 eshop card for placing first in a Balloon Fight score attack. Pretty happy. Probably would've been happier if I didn't own a 3DS already, but whatever! 24,000 is a tough score to beat, apparently. All praise be unto me, yay. Also, Brother got me this as a "welcome back home" gift. So much bloom, but a good game nonetheless, so I'm pretty content.
  7. Oh hey, I'm still alive? Oh, and I moved to New York!? Been a busy few weeks. What's the happy-hap, y'all?

  8. Depends on if you find Wind Waker a decent game. That Zelda bundle is $300 as well. Also, both Amazon and Gamestop updated its page; Wind Waker is indeed $50...still hefty.
  9. Slice of 2DS, huh? I predict a lot of confused parents looking for the 2DS games aisle in the near future.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TCP


      Pffft! Come on, UnstableArk. Nintendo would never name something confusing.

    3. Baconrath


      brb going to buy Sega Pico

    4. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Dear god that thing is ugly.

  10. Gamestop also says $60, but both have their release dates for December 31. My guess is that they've yet to update.
  11. My move was poorly timed, it appears. Otherwise I'd be spending some time in the MMO...sucks. Any considerations to what your starting class will be? I was thinking of going a Black Mage route, but I'm not too fond of its starting city. Might end up starting out as White Mage and going Black later...
  12. Nah. maybe eventually, but not anytime soon. Took part in the phase 2 and 4 betas. Seems to be a very solid MMO and surprisingly well optimized for controller support. Had fun, but I'm still gathering my thoughts on it. Also never played the original game, so I don't know how better off it was from the original launch version.
  13. Okay, I gotcha. I think they did mention that they might look into a PC version eventually, but that doesn't really bring much confidence. Here's hoping someday.
  14. Uhh...It's not? Unless you mean not on PC?
  15. People also tend to forget that NY is more than just Manhattan or any of the hipster neighborhoods. Why would you want to live in Manhattan, anyway...?
  16. So while I was out shopping earlier, I saw a kid playing a game while walking with his family...playing on a gen 1 GBA...with a Game Boy Color cartridge...Blew my mind.

  17. Huh, never listed my code here. 2621-3060-9855 I'm only sharing this because I trust no one here's going to spam obnoxious messages to me. If you do, play me Mario Kart, I'll mess you up!!! ...and because it's my only online game. Oh, and let me know if you added me but I didn't add you. It's probably because I hate you, but I want to say it to your face.
  18. Not sure if this has been said, but dammit, I'm saying it anyway! This is more of something I haven't seen done than a trope I wish would be would be more widespread. If you can think of a game that does this, though, shut me up! I was having a conversation with a friend some time ago over romance mechanics in games and my gripes with them(topic for another time), and casually mentioned how you woo all the guys/ladies and no one else did. He jokingly asked if I wanted a Wingman: The Game. ...that's not a bad idea. Maybe not a game designed around that, but as an alternate romance mechanic. Maybe you're just not interested in said guy/lady, but hey, MAYBE your best bud needs a little help in that department. So, why not? Hook your friends up!
  19. Not sure if this has been said, but I'll say it anyway! RPG's with hundreds/thousands of equipment loot drops. New equipment's great to find, but not when the next piece is only a ridiculously tiny bit better than your current get-up. "Awesome, these new pair of gloves increase my mana recovery by .02%! Makes these .01% gloves worthless!"
  20. I'm not a huge anime guy, really. Nothing against it, just haven't really seen much. I'm not really particular about it, either. I've seen and enjoyed some serious dramatic stuff, some light-hearted slice-of-life. So long as it isn't obnoxiously tropey, not 50+ episodes in length, and has fairly decent story/writing/animation, I'll give it a watch, so recommend whatchu got. For reference, the one anime I hold up top is Cowboy Bebop. Samurai Champloo also ranks high, but that doesn't mean I can only watch anime in that style.
  21. Alright, first time moving long distance as an adult. You guys know of any low-price, reputable moving companies/truck rentals? Any other advice you can share? For reference, going along the east coast from Florida to New York.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      I recall using Penske for the last family move (CO to CA). I think my mom and stepdad used them for FL to CO. It was the cheapest they can get. Either way, not cheap.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      My family is getting ready to drive a U-Haul from Kansas to Virginia, so it can be done.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      U-Haul is the best, in my experience.


      But, seriously; get a bid from the U-Haul guys, then compare it to the cost of buying new stuff. You shouldn't pay to transport stuff when you can sell it where you are and re-buy it in New York and end up spending less overall.

  22. Not sure what that is, but thoughts? Been looking for some new anime for August. First time in quite a while I have a few weeks free.
  23. 4 films sounds plausible, then. Looking at the trailer again, I think they get about a third of the game through. Then again, the beginning goes by somewhat quickly compared to the second half of the game. Most of it being dragged on, really. Also, I didn't watch the P4 anime. Did they do any filler or abrupt episodes?
  24. 4's just an estimate I read online, but I do know it's going to be multiple films. Likely 2 or 3, seeing as the trailer shows them going through about half the game. It's quite a lengthy story, though not much longer than P4, me thinks.
  25. Been hittin' them fanfics there, fellas? As for the P3 movie, I think it's something like 4 movies. It might be enough to go in without knowing the source. Wouldn't hurt, though. And I know I'm in the minority here, but overall, I felt P3 had the superior story. P3 story, P4 everything else. And c'mon, NaotoxKanji would be so cute together.
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