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Everything posted by UnstableArk

  1. UnstableArk


    I have the G9x, myself. Similar to the G500 there, but different shape, one less thumb button, and interchangeable grips. Unfortunately for me, it's more suited for palm grips than the pre-discussed claw grip, which I use. Other than that, very solid and performs nicely. By the way, anyone know of what an ideal mouse for the claw grip would be? I could use a new one after my brother has me ship this one out.
  2. Fifth set digivolve to: RESULTS! Omnimon vs UnstableArk, Set 2: UnstableArk winner, 5-0 Good match, Omni, I say that honestly. Those spikes...or whatever they were that kept me away, seemed to do a bit to me. For now, though, need to finish programming. Fighting games instead of programming, I sure do have my priorities straight...
  3. Here it is. Fourth set, GO! DukeofPwn vs UnstableArk, Set 2. UnstableArk winner, 5-0. Good set, Duke. That Tarukaja God's Hand really messed me up. Huge damage. Should be facing Omni shortly, so time to get psyched!
  4. After a certain point, I just wanted you to stop jumping so I can land a combo. Damn jumps, so many jumps! And up goes the blood pressure!
  5. Alright, my third set results. Mission Report! Omnimon vs UnstableArk, Set 1: UnstableArk winner, 5-4. Really close match, Omni. Gotta work more on my variations, I know. That, and learn when to fight after enough relaxation...fights after class ain't good for the stress, this I now know. Anyway, great match, Omni. By the way, should we state who our mains are at all? Just a thought.
  6. Okie-dokie, results of my second set. DukeOfPwn vs. UnstableArk, Set 1: UnstableArk winner, 5-0. Nice going there, Duke, but two sets in a row is tough on the wrist...need some ice...
  7. Sister-sent emails I missed during class… --- (12:08p): You have to come to Comic-con! Yoshitaka Amano will be there!!!!!!!!! --- (12:19p): The only have Friday and Saturday Passes. They also have a “how to get into the game industry” panel that day. Wanna come? Lemme know so I can at least buy Friday passes for us. --- (12:30p): Forget it. Getting Friday passes. You’ll have to miss classes that day. --- Looks like I’m going to Comic-Con…

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens
    3. UnstableArk


      New York Comic-Con in October. I'll have to find a flight for the weekend, but it certainly helps having family live there. To hell with the hotels.

    4. Mal


      Amano? Fuck. I would throw money at that guy.

  8. Thanks for the heads-up. Bought it before the average rises some more, and I've been really wanting to play 3 of them. The included soundtracks are a great bonus, too.
  9. Wii U Deluxe sold out on Best Buy, Gamestop, and Amazon. It's happening again!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      It's happening because there's barely enough units available to begin with. When you limit your supply you create the idea that your product is in high demand.

    3. Code_Yuki


      I'm remaining a bit skeptical till they release some actual solid numbers

    4. excel_excel


      New Super Mario Bros is a beast when it comes to sales.

  10. http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu A livestream. In case you catch it in time.
  11. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/09/05/rumor-wii-u-zelda-out-in-2014.aspx http://www.forbes.com/sites/erikkain/2012/09/04/wii-u-zelda-rumored-for-2014-nintendos-next-gen-console-will-succeed-or-fail-based-on-its-games/ http://www.gamespot.com/news/zelda-for-wii-u-in-2014-report-6394633 Some rumors flying in. Basically, production on the next Zelda game set for a 2014 launch date has started, and the details rolling in makes it a pretty ambitious project. Not sure how accurate this is, but assuming they're not grossly overselling themselves here(which is what it kinda looks like), this could be huge. Something to keep an eye on.
  12. http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/09/05/ace-attorney-5-coming-to-nintendo-3ds Localization confirmed.
  13. They made a statement some time ago saying that Wii downloads will be transferable. Not sure how, but hey, it's on the table.
  14. If that $250 price point is accurate, that console will be a guaranteed success. Still, the details look to be a bit sketchy, so we should keep an eye on news. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-08-30-how-powerful-is-the-wii-u-really Also, some small details about the specs. Not sure how accurate this is and the data is pretty vague, but it's worth a look, right?
  15. There are quite a few PS3 PC drivers for emulation out there. Most require the controller to be wired through USB, but if your PC has a bluetooth module, you can connect the sixaxis wirelessly through some of the better drivers. Worth taking a look if you really want to play on a PS pad.
  16. Quite a number of refugees, I see. A "Hello hello" to all of our newcomers. Hope you have a good time here, and feel free to drop by in the chat room. Too many mundane hi-jinks constantly occurring there, so might as well add to it.
  17. Alrighty, here's the scenario. I'll be embarking on a 23 hour bus trip to NY. Anything I should know about bus travel? Also, food, supplies, etc., what would you recommend ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pojodin


      Wear a huge momonari kabuto and a black cape, and try to look serious/like you mean business. Also, make sure to emit an evil looking aura. Normal people don't like messing with people who give off evil looking aura's. And make sure to bring a party sub and wedding cake in case you get hungry. A bottle of wild turkey is optional and may not be allowed on the bus if it's not wrapped up in a small paper bag.

    3. TheRevanchist


      Though I have been on a long bus ride many times before, I like Pojodin's answer better than mine.

    4. Pojodin


      :D Being a bit more realistic, TheRevanchist knows what he's talking about.
  18. My guess is that the friend code stays as a permanent identifier but you can customize your visible name whenever you like, sort of the way Steam does it, except with a number instead of an ID name. No need to worry about having your favored name taken and unusable. Still, not enough data to work on, I just hope this is the route they take.
  19. You should be aware that the online infrastructure for both the 360 and PS3 wasn't exactly 100% ready at launch either. They had barebones online connectivity and it took both several months to stabilize. Also, the Wii Sports games were pack-ins in the west only; the JP versions were stand alone, and it sold surprisingly well. As for Wii Fit and Wii Sports resort, and the others, they were packed in with new consoles only, but still managed to sell in the millions to those who owned earlier releases of the console. As for New Super Mario Bros., the Ds and Wii versions sold in the multi-millions. Odds are that people will go back for more, and it makes the console all the more appealing if it's available at launch. Still too little data available to be certain.
  20. Most of Pikmin's appeal lies in the singleplayer game. Disappointing that there isn't online multiplayer, but it's not a huge loss.
  21. There are very few games that interest me enough to have me follow through its develop to release. This is one such occasion. I will follow this with great interest and intent.
  22. For children, well, Nintendo'll more than likely offer parental controls. They did so on the Wii and 3DS, only makes sense to continue. As for adults, that's all on you. You go in knowing the risks, just like all realms of the internet.
  23. Quite a bit of news from their Pre3 video feed. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/171695/Nintendo_reveals_Wii_Us_Miiverse_new_hardware_specifics.php They made a quick explanation of the changes and redesigns of the tablet controller(officially called the Wii U GamePad), which has clickable buttons, a TV remote function, and an NFC read/write field(that blank square). They also revealed the Wii U Pro Controller, a wireless traditional controller that's pretty damn similar to the 360's controller shape, but keeps the layout of the GamePad. And following a deliciously cheesy skit, they offered some details regarding their online infrastructure, which seems to adopt a lot of social networking features and player notes/comments (something slightly reminding me of Dark Souls' warning messages), among other features, in something they call The Miiverse. Still a lot left to be said until Tuesday's press conference. This is only a taste. An appetizer, if you will, to the 3-course meal that is e3.
  24. I keep replaying this. I can't seem to stop.
  25. Indie Game Music Bundle3 is live. You know the rules, pay what you like to get the soundtracks, while paying a little more nabs you some extra music. Includes the soundtracks for: Terraria, Plants vs Zombies, Ilomilo, Dustforce, and Frozen Synapse. You get some extra albums for $10+, so it's worth checking out. Honestly, that Dustforce soundtrack alone is worth getting. http://www.gamemusicbundle.com/?utm_source=MadMimi&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Game+Music+Bundle+3+now+available%21&utm_campaign=Bundle+3+Announce&utm_term=Head+to+the+website+now
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