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Everything posted by Showmeyomoves!

  1. The correct answer is... I had expected this to take a bit longer. Well done. Hot Heart: 14 points Yantelope: 14 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points Iamaquaman: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point jimmuhpage: 1 point SeniorPuffyPants: 1 point Puffy scores his first point! Moving on to the next one...
  2. No, he replaced his guess with Majora's Mask. That's allowed. BTW, I shot down your guesses, so you're allowed to guess again now.
  3. Not Ocarina of Time. Not Majora's Mask. Not Twilight Princess.
  4. Yyyyyup, that's correct. Hot Heart: 14 points Yantelope: 14 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points Iamaquaman: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point jimmuhpage: 1 point TIED with Hottie! Let's move on...
  5. Donkey Konga is correct! Sorry, Puffy! Hot Heart: 14 points Yantelope: 13 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points Iamaquaman: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point jimmuhpage: 1 point Next one coming up.
  6. Twin Snakes was fun, but I agree on the controls. Those were horrible.
  7. Dooooooom threeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! is correct. Hot Heart: 14 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points Iamaquaman: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point jimmuhpage: 1 point Jimmuh enters the list! Next one coming up.
  8. Not Silent Hill 4 or Resident Evil 2 either.
  9. Can't believe it took this long for someone to make a movie like that. Is it based on a comic or something? I always thought it would be an interesting idea to have an MMO where all the different factions would be: Ninja, Pirate, Cowboy, Alien, Robot and Zombie. (Eh, yeah, kind of like the dead story thread...) @Dean: I was just about to check that out, actually.
  10. I don't think we have these brown recluses over here. What happens when they bite you?
  11. He doesn't wanna talk about it! LEAVE S-LUVZ ALONE!!
  12. Oh, you mean the arc reactor (that thing in his chest)? What is Cowboys & Aliens? Please find me a suitable trailer.
  13. And Dean has the correct answer! (Okay, both were wrong.)
  14. Indeed! That was an easy one, I guess. Hot Heart: 14 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points Iamaquaman: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Here comes the next one.
  15. Don't worry, I'll make some harder ones at some point. I'm still using the ones I made for the comic book nerds on Newsarama. I also made them years ago (FFXIII wasn't out back then, I think MotorStorm was brand-spanking new). Anyway, point for Hottie: Hot Heart: 14 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Iamaquaman: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Moving on!
  16. Driv3r is correct! (Driver 3 would also have been accepted.) Hot Heart: 13 points Yantelope: 12 points Bouchart: 6 points Gyaruson: 6 points staySICK: 3 points FLD: 3 points Mister Jack: 3 points D-K: 2 point RadiantViper: 2 points Iamaquaman: 2 points Pheermee: 1 point Tied with Bouchy Boy! Here comes the next one.
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