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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. yeah, I thought the same thing. Good jorb though.
  2. man, I want to say shadow corporation or something like that. It looks so familiar.
  3. Yeah, they kill a large section of skin. It's really pretty awful, worse than black widows.
  4. i hope that`s wrong I don't know if it's right but it doesn't look like any other space shooter that I'm aware of.
  5. Probably, that is, if the wife has woken the kid up yet... That kids is a wiley one too. She's taken to sneaking food from the pantry.
  6. I have no work to do. So very alone...
  7. I loved JRPGs all though the PS1 days but ever since then I have had no strength for any of them aside from Lost Odyssey.
  8. When Snake did a backflip off of a missile I turned the game off and vomited in my mouth.
  9. If I didn't have a family I'd just hook my PC up to my TV with an HDMI as a second monitor and game on my TV VIA my PC. As it is now the PC is downstairs and the kid's toys are everywhere upstairs.
  10. I really thought it was some kind of rhythm game but I couldn't remember which one. Thanks for the tip though.
  11. Can't this thread be "Games you just beat"
  12. I really hated MGS: The Twin Snakes. It was like John Woo remaking a classic James Cameron film.
  13. Yeah, but Henry Ford created the assembly line and so we Americans instantly take all the credit.
  14. I was a hardcore Nintendo fanboy up until the days of the Gamecube. I bought the Gamecube and was super excited about Perfect Dark Zero and Zelda and a few other games. What happened was a series of delays, cancellations and letdowns. I bought an Xbox just to play Halo and ended up getting a bunch of other games for it and it quickly filled the hole that Nintendo had left. When Nintendo released the Wii I decided to wait until there were some good games for it. I eventually bought one off a friend for $100 but I still never play it. I spend about 90% of my gaming time on my Xbox because that's where most all of the good games are and most of my friends have Xbox.
  15. How many zombie games can there be? Silent Hill 4
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