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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. MGS3 american box art was so out of line with the rest of the series and definitely a step down from the Japanese box art. I don't know why we have to create crappier box art for America.
  2. Yeah, generally sitcoms over here are 22-23 episodes long so I kept wondering where the rest of the series was.
  3. Yes we did. So Dean, if each Series of your show is only 6 episodes are there multiple series each year or do you just spend 90% of your time watching reruns?
  4. I suppose it is. Dean's explanation of the word fanny sure made an line in IT Crowd a bit less confusing.
  5. Tali needs to go back and tag your post with "the more you know"
  6. It's funny you mention minimalist beacuse this was the first game that came to mind.
  7. ah, yeah, I've heard of cool people as being "the in crowd" just as if something is "in fashion". Never heard of the it crowd before though.
  8. IT Crowd Season Series 4 just it netflix. So dressing gown = bathrobe? Also, crowd = department or group?
  9. why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
  10. A movie seems to be too expensive to be non-canon. I would think it'd be a setup for future media. It reminds me a lot of The Animatrix. As a result I'm inclined to believe that 343 considers it canon.
  11. Yeah, but making your game worthless after a few years seems to be part of the larger plan. Backward compatibilty is taking a large hit because companies seem to make endless money by re-re-releasing old games. I'm sure there will be some sort of future XBLA version of ME2 for future generations to rebuy with all the content in-tact.
  12. Why are apartments to close together?
  13. that's what I thought too but Halo Legends seems to indicate differently.
  14. Drive on the parkway and park in the driveway.
  15. Sony's new Virtual Boy makes me so excited. I'd totally buy a pair of these instantly for gaming. http://www.engadget.com/2011/01/06/sonys-3d-head-mounted-display-prototype-face-on/ This is also a cool idea. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/01/06/vizio-versus-offers-two-player-head-to-head-gaming-on-one-scre/ No more screen watching n00bs.
  16. I've been wanting to get Trauma Center for the DS but haven't had the chance yet. I heard the difficulty spikes pretty quickly though.
  17. I thought it was just gonna say: World Of Warcraft
  18. ♫ Baby Come Back! Any kind of fool could see! ♫
  19. We have a thread about whether or not you pirate games but what about games with heavy DRM, online passes or other kinds of purchase restrictions. Does it affect whether or not you purchase a certain game? THQ just said they're going to be using the Online pass model for Homefront so if you're gonna go online then you're gonna have to pay them $10 or you're not going to be able to advance past level 5 (out of 75). I know I opted to buy Assassin's Creed 2 on the Xbox rather than on the PC because of the DRM system they were going with. I also know that it kept me from buying Spore. I don't think that the online pass bothers me much though because I usually buy games new and I usually buy games that I'm gonna play online when they're new releases.
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