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Everything posted by Yantelope

  1. Rules again: * Each forum member gets to propose one change. * A change may consist of either (1) replacing one of the games on the list with a game not on the list or (2) swapping the position of two games on the list * If the list remains unchanged for a sufficient period of time, I will give everyone a new move. MOVES ARE NOT CUMULATIVE. You can only have one move at a time, you cannot save up multiple moves. If this thread remains stagnant and a period of time has passed, a new move might be granted back to those who have used a move. * I reserve the right to add new rules if something happens, but I'll probably be too lazy to do anything. 10. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 9. Halo 3 8. Mortal Kombat 2 7. Gears of War 6. Fallout 2 5. Uncharted 2 4. Final Fantasy VII 3. Starcraft 2. GoldenEye (N64) 1. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
  2. You've gotta love the cerebral bore in Turok 2. Why you have to explode someone's head after you've already drilled their brains out I'm not sure but better safe than sorry I guess.
  3. I don't understand how people can feel too restricted or tied down in Red Dead Redemption. It's a free world game and you don't have to do anything you don't want to. If all you wanted to do was play the missions that's all you have to do.
  4. Look for the Zero Punction "Like God of War but..." Stamp.
  5. Yantelope


    I just bought SimCity 4 last night. I never played it and I've been on a real strategy kick lately.
  6. Yeah, I didn't think I'd heard of it either but the box art looks familiar.
  7. PC. But seriously... SNES. Too many good games on there.
  8. Doesn't look like it. Atlus never used prerendered characters.
  9. nobody knows. I think Pheer invented this game.
  10. I hadn't heard of them until my wife got me one. They've been around for some time though.
  11. I agree with everything except FarCry 2. The patrols are the most annoying part of the game but I quickly learned to just stop taking the main roads. Beyond that FarCry 2 was one of the more immersive games I've ever played.
  12. That is hilarious. I do enjoy whacking a good orange. I still have one that's in the fridge that needs to be finished.
  13. Clean as a whistle, sharp as a thistle, best in all Westminster!
  14. Is it one of the Shining games? Looks like a Saturn game.
  15. Got Inception on blu-ray last night, made the in-laws and the wife watch it. They seemed pretty confused.
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