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Mr. GOH!

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Everything posted by Mr. GOH!

  1. This is the terrible box art thread, not the awesome box art thread.
  2. I am Jack's venting spleen.

  3. SNES, and I loved the fuck outta it. I did occasionally trade systems with my neighbors who had a TG-16 and Genesis to play some of teh exclusives. I only had the TG-16 for a few weeks and never wanted it back, although my other neighbor and I traded the Genesis and SNES off and on for a few years before I lost all interest in Genesis games.
  4. Lol yeah but it never actually happened. I started but it died out fast. I don't want to start again. Too much responsibility, and I am terrible with end game mechanics. I would be willing to go like second or third. I'd be more than willing to start. I'm not terribly good at the game, but I can set up a reasonably well-run and self-sufficient fortress within a year. We'd need a good number (4 or 5 at least) of people wanting to play before we start up, though.
  5. Here's a thread about Dwarf Fortress, the game that's like NetHack combined with The Sims and more madness than you could shake a stick at. You manage a Dwarven Fortress populated by drunken, moody and moronic dwarves. You must mine out their living spaces, trade or war with neighboring peoples, build insanely complicated megaconstructions and dig ever deeper for wealth and glory. It's a little bit like Minecraft, being in perpetual beta and capable of simulating amazing things, except that it's for real gamers and not babies who need a 3D interface. It's all ASCII, just as God intended for PC games. As in life, there is no way to win Dwarf Fortress, but countless ways to lose. Here's a link to a more gentle version with graphics and a bunch of utilities already installed: http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=59026.0
  6. Well, phrased like that, I suppose the real question would be "Why should I be playing games when I could be having sex or preparing my body for sex?"
  7. Minecraft. Uncharted. All Nintendo games. CoD and MW games after MW2 stunk up the joint.
  8. The trope that every Japanese RPG requires at least two characters to be of high school age or younger. Teenagers are terrible human beings and I should know; I was one. I don't need or want my RPG's to revolve around the little shits. Oh, and whatever tropes Vanille and Hope in FFXIII embody need to die in a fucking towering inferno.
  9. Probably not. Maybe if you do like, nothing else. *Edit* - Also, I pm'd you rtemplar. This makes me sad. I have, like, a week of nothing but selfish time. But I have another week of telecommuting and family/friends time. I guess I'll keep waiting on the PC port, if Ubi ever gets around to it.
  10. I am a meat popsicle.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Showmeyomoves!


      "Heeeere I come to rape the day!"

    3. rainetemplar


      So he's a meat popsicle that also HAS a meat popsicle?

      Well that's a nice image.

    4. TheForgetfulBrain


      Basically Rule 34 on Super Meat Boy.

  11. I'd buy it if it were on PC. Goddamn you and your endless PC delays, Ubisoft. And fuck your draconian DRM scheme, too, while I'm at it. I may rent it over the holidays when I have access to my old 360. Is ten days enough time to play through RDR and AC:B?
  12. I dunno. I'd better find something since the Gawker redesign will end that little game. Maybe I'll take up knitting, though my coworkers and boss will think I'm insane.
  13. Hah! I get enough of that during work hours. I come here to relax, not practice law, time travel, spy or delight girls!
  14. Hello. I am Mr. GOH!, Esq. Attorney, Time Traveler, Spy, Girl Delighter. My job is to class up the joint.
  15. I just bought my first used console game in years: RDR for the 360. I can't wait until I get home for the holidays and can dive into the open world Western goodness.
  16. It's cool. I just don't want folks to have any false hope that SCOTUS will overrule the 9th. I think it could go either way and is really dependent on convincing a majority of a certain nine old and technophobic East Coast elitists one way or the other.
  17. That's because it's the biggest circuit and sends the most cases SCOTUS's way. It also had a reputation for being more liberal and anti-business than the others Circuits and SCOTUS. Since this decision is pro-business, I don't think it'll be overturned as easily as other 9th Circuit decisions.
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