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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. Halo... Maybe Halo, or Halo 2. Valkyria Chronicles Dead Space 2 Brutal Legend if that counts too.
  2. Welkin and Alicia from Valkyria Chronicles.
  3. Can't think of any character I found annoying, maybe I forgot about them on purpose? For now I guess I'll go with Navi.
  4. http://www.peoplecanfly.com/blog/2011/03/life-of-a-level-designer-pt-1/
  5. I'd like to be Eddie Riggs! \m/ \m/ I'm probably also like Eddie Riggs, at least in the fact that we both like Heavy Metal.
  6. Well, you could always use different accounts? But as Dean said, the moment you start a game on Steam/360/PS3/whatever it shows it there, unless you mean like, "Hey! I'm playing *insert game here* right now!" In that case it would be Crackdown I guess, it was always fun to blow up everything and everyone in that game.
  7. None, I don't "hide" what I play or anything.
  8. Honestly, I have no idea, Darksiders? Brutal Legend? Onechanbara? Neptunia? Record of Agarest War? I don't know if any of those might be considered underrated.
  9. War and Eddie Riggs, also, every character I've created in an RPG.
  10. Funny or Die vs. Area 51 from Simon Pegg
  11. Awesome! \m/ \m/ I also hope they'll increase the amount of players for the PC version, hell, increase the amount for all versions!
  12. Not sure, I think it was DuckTales.
  13. Those shows are also the only ones I watch there, also, there's a show here called "Extra Normal", basically, a bunch of dudes talking about stuff they know nothing of and trying to tie it to anything paranormal or whatever they call that stuff, the first time I watched that show I honestly thought it was supposed to be funny, and everything there was a joke or something, but apparently they are serious about it, a recent example of their stupidity: They showed this and then one of them said "this is an energy vortex forming inside earth's atmosphere, most likely it's channeling energy to the inner earth that's described in the hollow earth theory"... Like... I'm not even kidding, that's exactly what that dude said. So, after that I went to their website to see if they had that episode online so I could share their stupidity with others, and I find that people there actually believe them. I was really surprised by that. And it's the same with everything, earthquake somewhere in the world? They'll say it has something to do with the four horsemen or something like that, and the list goes on...
  14. I know I'm late (PC was sent for repairs and I was trying to work on my games backlog ), let me say about this, Tom Araya, vocalist and bassist for Slayer is a religious individual: As for actually contributing to this thread (and to be honest, after reading what you guys have posted, I feel way too stupid to participate here ): I was raised by a Catholic father and a Christian mother, while the rest of the family takes each of their traditions and whatnot very seriously, I stopped believing in god a while ago. I like the philosophies of some religions and stuff, and recently I began reading the Poetic Edda, which contains stuff from Norse traditions and stuff, from that, what I really liked is the Hávamál that contains "phrases" or "sayings" cool stuff really, if you can I suggest reading it. Here, part of it: Cattle die, kinsmen die the self must also die; I know one thing which never dies: the reputation of each dead man So yeah, I still feel like most of you are way too smart for me (Edit: Which may or may not be obvious... ), but I also felt like just posting that bit about Slayer wasn't enough...
  15. I enjoyed Too Human, it was a really fun game. When I bought it I already knew that a sequel wouldn't happen (probably) but still, the concept was interesting enough to me.
  16. From what I've seen, it's pretty easy to use. Also damn, I need to upgrade my PC I can't work with the UDK for long without this thing threatening to blow up and kill me.
  17. After reading and watching some stuff from that game, I have to say, I would like to see it on those platforms too, unfortunately, I don't think it'll be easy to get it there. Also, Amy sounds cool from what I've read about it, I'm waiting for more details now.
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