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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. The main reason I'm interested in both DNF and Bulletstorm is their humor, otherwise I wouldn't even look at them From the demo it seems like you have 3 or 4 weapon slots... Not what I was expecting but whatever, it'll be fun anyway. And IMO there should be more games that let you carry a full arsenal with you Edit: As long as it makes sense at least, in a game that's pretending to be "realist" it wouldn't work, but stuff like Bulletstorm and DNF would be awesome with the option to carry all the weapons instead of switching and stuff
  2. I remember both the flamethrower and the pulse rifle were really effective against them right?
  3. I was already planning on buying this day 1, the demo just confirmed that I made the right choice Loved the "introduction" to the demo The fact that this game is also more about "oh hey! how can I kill those dudes that are running towards me?" instead of "oh crap! Run, take cover!" is awesome! \m/ \m/ Only played it once since I didn't have time when I downloaded it and now I'm playing Dead Space 2, but I'll try to get my score up later I'll also download the PS3 demo, to see which controls feel better to me.
  4. http://www.giantbomb.com/quick-look-dead-space-2/17-3721/ Really fun and interesting vid Lots of gameplay and some spoilers so be warned
  5. This: Also, after the first time I play through a game I like to have the option to listen to my own music, as stupid as it sounds, I prefer having my music during gameplay, instead of the normal sounds, it's much more fun like that to me
  6. I'm (hopefully) picking my copy of the CE tomorrow, PS3 version thanks to DS extraction \m/ \m/ Edit: Anyone else that has played the PS3 version, does it have the "custom soundtrack" option?
  7. Sounds good to me, except for that part . The multi-player part... Well, I don't think many expect a good multi-player part on a game previously known as purely single-player right? Anyway, called the local store, they said they won't have the game until tomorrow or something, so that gives me time to complete Dead Space. Edit: @ Dean, yeah, but no one else posted there, so I'm not sure what's going on with that now
  8. Here, though I'm not sure if you can tell the difference in these pics, it's certainly an option in the demo Though the fact that they decided to put it under "classic" or "center" makes it confusing and hard to find
  9. Because I suddenly got the urge to buy a cello http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8D98_ov44Rk
  10. I think Ignition has the option to just watch the animation without playing the mini-games right? But if you do that I think you don't get the hacker suit. Anyway, I'll try to go through Dead Space and Ignition this weekend, but I don't think I'll be able to finish both
  11. Yep, Borderlands, Army of Two: TFD and other games I can't remember right now did it, and they didn't have the option to change it (or maybe I'm blind and didn't see it ).
  12. Here, maybe my really pathetic attempt at a visual explanation might help : And yes, this is a problem with console games, PCs don't care about this kind of stuff
  13. Really excited for it! Don't care about those dudes that are like "so what if it sucks? What if it's not good?" It's freaking Duke Nukem! What more do you want!? Also, look at that box art!
  14. Mudkip... In my eyes... You're weird dude! Anyway, I've been going through my favorite artists here: http://signmeto.roadrunnerrecords.com/scouts/metalcaveman/favorite_artists Some really good bands there! \m/ \m/
  15. Oops! Sorry dude, didn't play much on wednesday and I don't think I even turned my PS3 on today/yesterday...
  16. So close! And I still don't know if they'll have it on release day here ...
  17. I'll play pretty much anything, the only boxes I didn't check off were: Other because I couldn't think of anything and economy sims since I have no idea what those things are I don't "prefer" any genre, sometimes I'll play only FPS for a while, then I'll get bored of them and move to JRPGs, get bored of them, move to something else and so on, so I can't say I lean towards any genre in particular, it depends on each individual game
  18. Both, depends on the game really, though games with a heavy emphasis on multi-player aren't that fun to me most of the time, probably because I can't stay on one game enough to actually keep up with it's online component (DLC, community features, new game modes, etc), though there are some that have been able to keep me playing for a while TF2 and Battlefield Bad Company are examples. Most of the games I have really enjoyed are single-player though A game like Oblivion is something I would like to see have something like coop and stuff, also, Demon's Souls online component is something I really liked On local MP, I like games that have it, since when someone comes we can play those games, instead of going to "the old way" of playing a single-player game in turns But many of the games with local MP I've played recently don't have the option to split the screen horizontally, instead of vertically, which is annoying IMO.
  19. I don't like ragequitting, and I don't ragequit online games, in FPS games like Halo if I'm left alone or at a disadvantage, I just go crazy Like, just run out and try to get at least 1 kill before I'm blown to pieces crazy In games like Battlefield I'll make a desperate run to try and capture/destroy an objective before I loose. As for other games, I don't play much online, I remember when I ventured online in Soul Calibur 4, it was the first time I tried online play in a fighting game Got my ass kicked a bunch of times but I enjoyed that, as it allowed me to see what other dudes could do with some characters Demon's Souls is another game where online gameplay presents some dudes who ragequit, specially when they get invaded and stuff But also invaders like to quit, the other day while trying to get through 4-1 I was invaded by the same dude a bunch of times, every time he "left" before I gave the last blow to kill him, until I summoned 2 other dudes and we rushed through the level Aside from that, every time I get the "Black Phantom ______ Has invaded" message I just tell myself "I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead" while running to meet the dude... Which usually ends up in me being killed But still, it's a fun process to me. Offline however is another thing I tend to quit a game if I can't get past a certain point/boss/puzzle/whatever, after that I do some other stuff and then return to the game "fresh" and ready to go (and possibly fail) again Edit: I think more games should have an "auto balance" option, it's not fun when you're 1 dude against a full team.
  20. I'll just play both Anyway, what platform dude? LOL, I play on my PC too, but currently my PC can't keep up with games like Brink So yeah, anyone wants to make a "TAY group" for Brink?
  21. Not sure if I'll be able to play later today or tomorrow, either way, if I can, and I see you online I'll send a message
  22. Alright then, thanks! A bit expensive for me But I'll see if I can buy it
  23. What model is it? Or where can I get one? I've been looking for a good headset and that one looks like a good option, though it doesn't look "glasses friendly"
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