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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. "the first, in-game look at The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" \m/ \m/ Also: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2011/02/21/want-an-unknown-skyrim-reward-better-start-making-a-baby.aspx "Bethesda will be giving an "unknown reward" to anyone who gives birth to a child named Dovahkiin on the game's release date (11/11/11). UPDATE: Pete Hines has now tweeted specifics on the reward. If someone actually does this, they'll get free codes for every Bethesda game ever on Steam. This includes all of their games from the past and those that will come out in the future." Dovahkiin sounds cool for a metal band! But I'm not sure about it's use as a name for your child. Anyway, have they mentioned it's meaning? As in, what does Dovahkiin mean?
  2. Why not just "Member Creativity" Or just "Creativity". That way you have something for everyone.
  3. I hate you for posting that... As for games, not really "cried" but teary eyed: MGS 3 MGS 4 Valkyria Chronicles Lots of emotional moments in those games, specially on VC.
  4. Forgot to post it here earlier, so here is my rendition of Europe (I know, it's bad, REALLY bad, but geography isn't something I excel at ). As for that thing in the OP, got most of the big countries, but I couldn't even guess where some of the smaller ones where supposed to go.
  5. Basically, and I wanted you to continue mentioning that again and again, guess it won't happen now. Also, link works here, and I found this quote interesting : "Perhaps Facebook is No. 1, but aren't the other social services worth the small amount of real estate required for a widget? "These sites festooned with social media buttons—they look like primitive tribesmen clutching pathetically onto shiny baubles they believe to the symbols of modernity," quoth Denton. "
  6. Anyone else want to fill him in? I would, but it's way more fun to watch him continue like that.
  7. http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/news/BLUNT-FORCE-TRAUMA-22734.aspx
  8. Sounds interesting. First time I hear anything about Dead State, but it already sounds like a game I want to buy.
  9. Game looks awesome, really cool way of handling a zombie game too! I would like it more if you could only carry one weapon, it would add more strategy and stuff to the game, also, I like how weapons will get damaged/broken and you'll have to find another one, or try to repair them.
  10. Maybe we could have them manipulate people into forming cults, after that people of those cults would kill either each other or some other dudes, which would cause the influence/presence the Old Ones have to be much greater, making people crazy, except for a few ones who haven't gone completely mad yet, these dudes would tr to survive for as long as possible, if people here want, they could survive (I'll think of some way to make that happen Or someone else could think of it), or they would die anyway, which would be a gameplay thing I guess, just trying to stay alive for the longest time, maybe getting a different ending if you reach a certain part or something. Aside from that, the Old Ones would begin to crawl into our world from other dimensions, which would be the cause for all the chaos and destruction. So yeah, that probably doesn't sound that good, but I just came up with it. Alternatively, if people want a story, there are many good writers here that could come up with something. But maybe I'm going too far wanting things like multiple endings and stuff.
  11. Nope, I'm using both hands to post this. The person below me is a Viking.
  12. This is what I'm talking about, I encounter a dude for the first time, I use a certain weapon, and it turns out he is invulnerable to it, but it also turns out he has this super attack that can almost kill my character. Which is why I normally stick to shooters and other types of games.
  13. "SteamPlay support has been announced. If you buy Portal 2 for the Playstation 3, you can link your PSN account with your Steam account. This will grant you access to the PC and Mac versions of the game at no additional cost" Some people have emailed Valve asking if what you're saying is possible, but so far it seems like you'll end up with 2 copies for yourself, which kinda doesn't make sense IMO.
  14. Seemingly random strengths/resistances. This is something I noticed in RPGs only, if I have a spell/weapon/whatever that causes 1000 damage then there will be an enemy that won't take any damage from it, usually because of some "elemental" resistance against said weapon/spell/whatever, this is annoying, if I have the Holy Sword of Kick Ass that can kill pretty much everyone in 1 hit, how come this dude doesn't even flinch just because he's strong against "holy" attacks? Also, games that give you the strongest weapon/vehicle/armor/anything right before the last boss, that, to me makes them pretty much useless. And, as far as shooters goes, games that have members of your squad die one by one until you're alone for the last mission. Is it s hard to let me keep these dudes until the end of the game? Why do they have to die really pointless and stupid deaths just to "keep the atmosphere" Area 51 had stuff like that, even killing of some of your squad mates in ways that could have easily been prevented/stopped if you had control over your character during the cut-scene. (Halo Reach and similar not included, mostly games like Area 51 and others that have this sort of "horror" element )
  15. Yep, you have to kill them all. I haven't used the ripper yet, but again, the pulse rifle was one of my favorite weapons.
  16. The appearance of The Great Old Ones? "The Great Old Ones are ancient extraterrestrial beings of immense power, and most are also colossal in size. These entities seem to have a physical shape, but being cosmic lifeforms from beyond our space-time continuum means they are not based on matter in our definition of the concept, yet their forms are built on principles similar enough to those of true matter that they appear to be material in their nature. They are worshipped by deranged human cults, as well as by most of the non-human races of the mythos." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Old_One Maybe someone found the Necronomicon and unleashed something that made people crazy and stuff?
  17. I tried playing earlier today, got an error message and couldn't connect. I'll try later today, maybe in like an hour or something like that.
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