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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. SS: Like Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls will include online co-op and competitive play. Are you planning any broad changes to the multiplayer? HM: Yes. Throughout the game, there will be both cooperative and competitive play with other players. Each user will enjoy a unique single-player game; at times, they will cross paths with one another. Depending on the situation, the time, and the players’ goals, those players may cooperate or compete against each other. The multiplayer system we’re creating will envelop the single-player mode. Multiplayer will enhance single-player, make it more unique, compared to other games that emphasize traditional multiplayer co-op or competitive play. SS: What’s the single addition to Dark Souls that you’re most excited by? HM: Probably the Beacon Fire. It stands for a lot of things. It serves as a recovery point; when the player’s health is low, the Beacon Fire helps you recover. It serves as a respawn point as well. So it’s powerful from a gameplay perspective. Secondly, the Beacon Fire will be used to share experiences with other players. It’s a place where players can gather together and communicate — not verbally communicate, but emotionally communicate. Third, it’s probably the one place in Dark Souls where users can relax just for an instant. In this cold, dark world, the Beacon Fire is a place of warmth. It’s one of the few locations in the game that is heartwarming. It expresses this dark fantasy world I’m trying to create. Taken from: http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2011/02/04/dark-souls-qa-variety-is-the-spice-of-death/
  2. I'm about to go online Also, my connection has been going all crazy and stuff after a certain point (like, during the afternoon it won't work properly ), so I probably won't be able to play unless it's before 7 or 8 PM
  3. Taken from a comment on Kotaku: One thing Bash left out of the translation of the Famitsu article on Dark Souls was that because of no dedicated servers there won't be any Soul Tendency anymore. No talk of World Tendency. Also, the world views of the game will be Middle-Age dark fantasy (obviously) and will have three directions/trends: "high-fantasy knights and king(s)", "the depths of earth and death", and "the flame of chaos." Honestly, I'm not really sure what it means, but I don't think anyone is at this point. There are two themes to online play: Sharing experiences with other players to get a slight feeling of camaraderie (note the word "slight"--I think they're still trying to provide a solitary experience), and the other one (already-mentioned in Bash's article) is "mutual roleplaying," which promises "varied interactions." There was also a picture of someone who looked like the successor to the woman in black. You could only see her back, but she was blond. http://kotaku.com/comment/36587150/
  4. False, I just got a haircut yesterday, I'm as close to being bald as I've ever been. The person below me likes to drink coffee.
  5. I was reading this: http://www.anime-planet.com/forum/general-discussion/89634-egypts-real-events-since-january-25th-2011-a.html Dude that lives there posted what has been going on and stuff, really interesting read.
  6. At around 1:46 in that trailer you can see 2 phantoms rising and then the phantoms and the player fighting a boss or something. Looks like a really cool game, loved Demons Souls, and this one has the potential to be much better. Though I now wonder how will they handle the online component.
  7. I'll play, I'm not in the U.S. so I'm not interested in the special edition giveaway (closed to U.S. only), but still, sounds interesting, and it could be fun, so yeah, I'm pretty much available everyday Only one small problem, I don't have a PS3 mic yet.
  8. Yeah I know, I just wasn't expecting that dude to return
  9. I liked the ending, though to be honest, I was expecting But I liked the way they handled it. What I really wasn't expecting was the dude at the end, you know the the path towards the last fight was really tense thanks to that guy. Also, I'll say this, the Zealot gun you get with the special edition is awesome, but it fails at killing leapers.
  10. Same here, gameplay looks really fun, but by now I'm sure I won't survive long in any other difficulty.
  11. Aside from a bunch that have already been mentioned: http://serious.wikia.com/wiki/SBC_Cannon http://serious.wikia.com/wiki/Serious_Bomb http://serious.wikia.com/wiki/P-Lah_Chainsaw
  12. False The person below me doesn't know what a legato is.
  13. What kind of sherbet? The band? No I don't like them, the dessert? Yeah, I like it. The person below me doesn't like Metal.
  14. Not sure I'll be able to attend any of those, but if I can it'll be anything that's on the second half of the year.
  15. I've gifted some games to friends and family, through steam? None so far And I've been gifted some games too, thanks guys! \m/ \m/ From what I remember I received: Defense Grid The Awakening The Witcher Enhanced Edition Fear Complete pack (or something like that). As far as I can remember that's it
  16. Played some multiplayer rounds today, I found it really fun, though it basically boils down to: Human team: Let's go running, get killed, respawn, run, get killed, respawn, take objective, get killed, respawn, run again, and that's it until you win the round Necromorph team: Go, damage human, get killed, respawn, kill human, possibly kill another human, get killed, respawn, rinse and repeat until you win. Even so, it's a fun mode So yeah, now that I've finished the campaign, I'm up for some PS3 matches if anyone wants to play
  17. Hell ya Dude, sorry I couldn't play today You know, trying to finish the campaign first
  18. Anyone tried the multiplayer? How is it? Should we play some TAY Dead Space 2 matches?
  19. Giant Bomb takes a quick look at the Demo http://www.giantbomb.com/quick-look-catherine/17-3730/
  20. If a game uses save points then I save every time I find one, otherwise, before/after something important happens. I also keep a separate save file for "before huge boss/long series of fights without rest" missions and stuff, that way I can always backtrack, or do something else, instead of keeping everything in one file and then getting stuck because I didn't have enough resources or whatever.
  21. Awesome vid, from that, I'm missing the ones at the beginning, I used "fly swatter" But the techniques that dude used are much better This is also something I like about the game, comparing skillshots, scores and more. It'll be fun Also, I've been having the same problem, with some skillshots not triggering and stuff.
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