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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. DAWN OF WAR III \m/ \m/ I've only played a bit of DoW II, mainly because I want to finish DoW and the expansions before moving on, though last time I played I got stuck on the Winter Assault campaign.
  2. It's been pushed back to June 7th http://www.mirrorsedge.com/news/mec-update-april-21?utm_campaign=medgc_hd_ww_ic_soco_twt_mec-ic-tw-mecupdate-apr21&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cid=4424&ts=1461254443901&sf45807253=1 The wait will kill me...
  3. Once I got the claymore I never looked back. Until I find the greatsword, I used two of those in DS2.
  4. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/why-guns-are-gone-for-good-in-mirrors-edge-catalys/1100-6438838/?ftag=GSS-05-10aaa0b "... Miller explains that one benefit in locking away skills and tools for later in the game..." :( Well... that's going to be a thing. I'm hoping/dreaming/praying that it's like in Dying Light, were doing stuff would give you XP that served to increase levels and each level gave you a skill/perk point, so stuff like, chaining parkour moves, safely landing from a drop, using parkour moves to escape/fight the zombies, reaching certain areas and other stuff would give you agility XP, which allowed you to unlock more/better moves, eventually unlocking the grappling hook and, as the final skill, infinite stamina for running (combat stuff had its own tree). It felt like it actually rewarded you for playing the game, trying new things and taking certain risks with the paths/moves you used. Specially during the night, as enemies were more dangerous, including the hunter zombie, but you also got an XP boost. However, I fear that it may end up like the one in Unity, were you had to complete certain missions before some upgrade tiers were unlocked (some of which included locked skills that I feel should be there from the start, like the whole sit on a bench/lean against wall thing). Also, the way you get upgrade points in that game felt like it limited the appeal of skills in an annoying way, having some points locked behind extra objectives or co-op missions meant that I would just focus on health upgrades, with a couple of combat ones and just ignore the rest, for fear of wasting the points I had. Shadow of Mordor is another game that had a cool upgrade system, it had skills locked behind missions, but those were unlocked DURING those missions, everything else available to you if you had the skill points required. XP was obtained just from playing the game, completing bonus objectives gave you bonus XP, but there was never that fear of not being able to unlock a certain skill or perk because you had missed a couple of those objectives. This is all my personal experience/opinion/thing, sorry if it seems like I'm treating it as fact, I feel like, in terms of similar games, Dying Light had a great upgrade system, and if it's like that one it'll be cool, but I'm also used to expecting the worst always. They do mention that they actually tested this and it works, but, the same thing happened with the Earth chapter in Darksiders 2 and I also hated that part so who knows, maybe I'm the one that's broken. And yes, I'm aware I'm likely making a mountain out of a molehill but still, the original ME is one of my favourite games and I'm really looking forward to Catalyst, so the smallest thing that pops up makes me worry a ton. I'm still hyped as hell for this game, but now I'm a bit wary of how this stuff will turn out, in the end though, I hope it's fucking amazing. \m/ \m/
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUIQR2iK7uI
  6. I thought it had been confirmed it was a reboot, guess I just imagined that. BTW, is the comic any good?
  7. Details on combat, attack types, focus, and other stuff: http://www.mirrorsedge.com/news/master-the-combat-of-mirrors-edge-catalyst
  8. Thing is, at the current price, it would need to be at a 50% discount to go back to the old price, which I don't know how soon it might happen. I'm just being impatient I know, but hey, this is Dark Souls we're talking about! Edit: Bandai Namco Latin America confirmed the new price is the one it'll stay at. Edit 2: Hype turns people stupid... Really, all this does is put it on par with the console versions, PS4 being the one I was originally going to get, just, saw the price of the PC version and thought it would be worth it assuming my PC would be capable of running it. I've been thinking of a upgrade for a while now, just waiting for NVIDIA to release their next line so the current one gets a price drop. That is all.
  9. ... The price went up again... What the hell is going on? At this rate I think I'll just buy it if it goes down again and just wait until I upgrade my GPU to play it.
  10. Nothing major, HotS is more important IMO, as LotV is just Protoss doing Protoss stuff. I don't know about future packs though, but this one is pretty safe.
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