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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. I've played it for a bit and it's fun, though you have to create a Regicide account to play the game, overall, from what I've played so far, I wouldn't recommend it at full price, but on sale, if you enjoy chess and WH40K then yeah, go for it.
  2. http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2016/06/16/watch-sir-ian-mckellen-read-fatestay-night-invocation Sir Ian McKellen reads the Unlimited Bladeworks chant. \m/ \m/
  3. I wasn't a big fan of the first one, but this looks pretty cool. Also, it's dealing with Norse mythology now, and that alone gets me interested. \m/ \m/
  4. Prey looks cool, it's weird that they're calling it Prey instead of giving it a new name, but eh, whatever, still looks interesting. Edit: Quake was a thing, though, wasn't expecting that! \m/ \m/
  5. Dark Souls, trying to get the platinum, having poise that actually works is awesome! \m/ \m/ Not being able to fast-travel between bonfires is... not so awesome.
  6. CRYENGINE now available in a pay-what-you-want model: https://www.cryengine.com/get-cryengine
  7. "Crowley said the movie will take place 65 percent in the present and 35 percent in the past" Was hoping for more focus on the past, but the trailer made the present stuff look cool, so, still optimistic about this one.
  8. http://www.godotengine.org/ A free to use engine, it has some cool features, seems mostly focused on 2D though it can also handle some 3D stuff.
  9. It's really fun, and I was surprised to find that I enjoy playing as support a lot, my mains so far have been McCree, Mercy, Reinhardt and Bastion. Main issue I've had is with the Road 66 map, where the attacking team is pretty much screwed, haven't been in a single match where the attacking team was able to move past their spawns, other than that, the maps are fun, the heroes are all cool and unique and I like the way it plays. \m/ \m/
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