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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. Insects as food are pretty common here, fried crickets with salt and lemon are delicious, there's also escamoles (ant larvae) which are super expensive but totally worth it. Chinicuiles aren't slimy at all once you toast them a bit, they're slightly soft on the inside but none of that slimy-goo-dripping-out-them kind of thing , they're salty and crunchy, so eaten by themselves, it's like eating a crisp. When added to other stuff they replace salt and add a bit of smokey flavour. I've seen some restaurants in other countries use crickets instead of meat for hamburgers, and even as flour for cakes and other stuff, always thought those uses were kinda weird, but I guess you need to find a "friendly" way to present this kind of stuff to people not used to it.
  2. We're making some salsa de chinicuiles, essentially, you take these little fellas, toast them a bit and throw them into a molcajete (mortar) with roasted tomatoes, habanero(or serrano or whatever you prefer) onions and garlic.
  3. Aside from the asteroid shooting bit (which I hate because I suck at it ) I prefer DS over DS2. I just like the creepy ship where everyone's dead thing more than creepy space city where everyone's dead. DS3 was a thing though. The Awakened DLC was way better but still not enough to redeem itself.
  4. Started Dead Space and Dead Space 2, both are still pretty creepy even after playing through them a couple of times, also played through DS Ignition, mostly to re-unlock the conduit rooms in DS2 as that one is not about scary horror stuff but rather about solving puzzles.
  5. Pretty much how I feel, I like the music, but the idol stuff is... something. Flamenco + metal = best thing ever! \m/ \m/
  6. I try to play through the Dead Space games this time of the year, though I might try and actually finish Alan Wake this time around. Also, there's the FEAR games, and Shadow of Chernobyl if that counts. I also own a copy of Condemned 2, but last time I tried to play it I jumped off my chair, and that was not fun.
  7. That double-bass, that can't be Lars right? But yeah, both songs released so far have been way better than expected, awesome! \m/ \m/ Nice! \m/ \m/
  8. Looks kinda cool, everything is reused from MGSV except for the zombies which aren't called zombies, rather, they're called "creatures", I wonder if the localization is going to have a different name.
  9. Starting with Resurrection is a good idea. \m/ \m/ Gameplay wise I'd say it gets way better after the tutorial, but the last time I played it, it was the PSP version , can't wait for my copy to arrive and see how it's changed. \m/ \m/
  10. That's why I didn't touch Artorias of the Abyss until this year, love these games, but trying to get into the DLC when you haven't played in a while and/or left off in NG+++ or whatever is not cool. Trying to finish 3 this weekend since next week God Eater comes out, not sure if I'll be able to do it though:
  11. New trailer, as somenone who's jumpy like a pogo stick, I'm not a fan of the direction it seems to be going in, but a lot of people seem to be happy about the increased horror of it so, good for them I guess.
  12. Thinking about it, MGS has had zombies (or zombie-like) enemies in the past, sure, they weren't the main enemy, but they were there. Also, there's been spin-offs too, Rising was cool, never played Ac!d and I'm not sure if Ghost Babel counts as a spin-off or not, the point is, it may work, I understand some of these reactions after all that went on with V and the Kojima/Konami split, but still, a lot of people seem to be overreacting, for my part, after watching the trailer a couple of times, I'm now somewhat optimistic, will wait for a gameplay trailer before getting my hopes up, but if they manage to blend the gameplay of V with the zombie concept, it could be a cool game. Still somewhat annoyed with the co-op stuff, but we'll see how that turns out.
  13. Because it's not a Kojima game. Also, people hate Konami with a passion, something I don't wholy agree with but eh, I'm trying to keep an open mind, but I would've preferred an SP game with co-op elements rather than the focus on co-op they seem to be going with, mostly because everyone I know that plays MGS is spread across multiple platforms, so it's kinda hard to get a team going. We'll see where it goes, certainly not what I was expecting, but IMO, it's way better than a pachinko thingy.
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