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Everything posted by MetalCaveman

  1. Full trailer. So... It's a thing, that exists... Seems like the MGS version of Operation Raccoon City. Beyond that I can only say I want that bow in MGS V.
  2. I'm curious about that one since it's coming to Steam along with the first one. I tried a demo for Monster Hunter on PSP years ago and didn't really get it. Any chance I might feel differently about God Eater? From what I've heard, it does a much better job of explaining what the hell you're supposed to be doing and is overall a better entry into the genre. Is that true? I would say so yeah, God Eater has a bigger focus on story and characters that make it easier to understand what you're supposed to do and why, this is the biggest difference, also, most people I know say GE is easier than MH, so if challenge is your thing you might be disappointed, though I do remember some of the side missions and post-game missions in GEB being quite challenging. MH also has better customization of weapons and armour, GE allows you to create new weapons, but no armour (all you have are different outfits that don't really affect gameplay), and while GE has the bullet customization thingy, I remember it being kind of a pain to use as it was pretty complicated, don't know if it's the same in Resurrection. Keep in mind, this applies to GE, GE 2 is something new to me, I've never played it and since I kinda had no hope of it ever being released here I didn't pay much attention to the Japanese release, though I do know it improves a ton of stuff so there's that. \m/ \m/ In short, if you like your monster hunting with a good dose of story then you should definitively check out GE. Tough if you're eyeing out the PC version I would suggest waiting to check port quality.
  3. God Eater 2 which is coming out later this month and Fate/Extella which I believe is coming out this year too (although it might be delayed to 2017).
  4. Nova Covert Ops mission pack 2. These are fun, but I would definitively recommend waiting until all of them are out if you're interested.
  5. Got the platinum today, way easier than Demon's Souls (fucking pure bladestone). Had some help from phantoms though, got summoned by someone in the Depths and they decided to give me a fully upgraded chaos weapon, also got invaded by friendly darkwraiths that left a bunch of upgrade materials, so thanks to all of them! \m/ \m/
  6. Made it to Sif after completing the Artorias DLC.
  7. Trailer for mission pack 2.
  8. Nitro+ Blasterz Fun 2D fighting game, easier to get into than BB or Guilty Gear. Dark Souls III As someone who likes to use heavy weapons, the dumb way poise works now is annoying as hell, but the rest of the game makes up for it, kind of... Mirror's Edge I'm not a fan of how they slapped a countdown timer on everything, but I still loved the movement system. \m/ \m/
  9. http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/20180450/celebrating-starcraft-ii%E2%80%99s-6th-anniversary-7-22-2016 6th Anniversary of StarCraft 2! \m/ \m/
  10. Coup d'tat in Turkey: https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2016/jul/15/turkey-coup-attempt-military-gunfire-ankara?CMP=twt_gu
  11. Dark Souls Artorias of the Abyss. Stone Greatshield OP. Online is fairly active considering it's the PS3 version, and most of the invaders I ran into were friendly invaders, got a ton of upgrade materials including several titanite slabs! \m/ \m/
  12. A lot of the side stuff would be better without the time limit, have it be a time trial if it must, but with the dashes and beat l.e. it already has that angle covered IMO, no need to slap a countdown on everything.
  13. Mirror's Edge Catalyst, it was fun, didn't bother with most of the delivery stuff sincethe time limit is kind of annoying: Person A: Did you receive the sample/package/thing? Person B: No, the runner was 1m away but they just suddenly stopped and smashed the thing to pieces. Person A: Again!? It's the 3rd time this week! Everything else was cool, though, loved the movement system.
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