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Everything posted by MagicMagicPony

  1. oh my god now I want to make one totes made one
  2. Well, the immediate lady is totes stuck in the 80s and not particularly bright, and the other one is a lot more aware, but he is kinda fancy-pants and so he usually panders to the customer base or expects way too much from them. So... stuff generally comes across looking kind of dumb.
  3. The doing is fun, the getting it approved is the not fun
  4. I had a dream about wolves and when my dog woke me up this morning I was like GAAAHH... Oh.

    1. LucasReis


      Well, dogs have the wolf DNA... who knows... it might recover it! SCARY SHIT!!!

    2. D-K


      Must be ruff waking up like that..

    3. Baguette


      Your dog is an asshole

  5. how do you trend research? It is like, Trend Research-Lite. Mostly following blogs and fashion shows and magazines and then picking out The Big Ideas for each season & then making big "inspiration boards" specific to whichever project they need them for. Only some of it is actual fashion though, I mostly pull for graphic trends. Like, I have been trying to convince them that handlettering is not as cool as they think it is anymore, (not to mention a production nightmare when you are doing versions for spanish and french) and I have to show them what IS cool now but since the company I work for is supposed to be a bit uncool I have to help them figure out exactly where to sit on the lame-to-awesome spectrum. If that makes sense?
  6. holy crap that is not a backlog that is like a store
  7. oh wait I was wrong 7-11. I can't freakin get past 7-11
  8. you can start by making a mads mikkelsen thread
  9. yeah, but not that I've uploaded
  10. someone sold this to half price books and it cost me $0.00 but still. Now I need to find some sort of translation
  11. Sitting in the fridge gives food a chance to really like, hang out and meditate on being more delicious
  12. I've been stuck on 3-11 for like, a month
  13. I'm gonna have to watch it again. I only sort of remember the episode where Jayne becomes a folk hero
  14. His crotch got split from too much vigorous cornholing
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