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Everything posted by MagicMagicPony

  1. It LOOKED fantastic... which is kind of all there is to it But Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes looked like they were related
  2. haters gonna make you get hit by a truck
  3. So I first saw him in Clash of the Titans and I thought he was like, Action Hero Christopher Walken
  4. I have only actually seen him in two movies... but I love him? LET'S DISCUSS
  5. There aren't as many reviews of it out there as I thought there would be but I keep seeing
  6. it was more of an experience than a movie. but if you think of 'movies' as 'experiences' than it is like, the perfect movie. IT REALLY MAKES YOU THINK.
  7. It has the most matter-of-fact disemboweling ever
  8. I tried to get a AIM account a few years ago but everything was taken so I ended up with Magic Magic Pony
  9. Hmm off the top of my head I think it's : Abhorsen Trilogy - Garth Nix Post Office - Bukowski Diary - Chuck Palahnuik Hunger Games trilogy - Suzanne Collins A Little Princess - Frances Hodgson Burnett and I am totes gay for any YA novels by Tamora Pierce
  10. I want a laser engraver
  11. you guys call it greed but I call it job security
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