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Faiblesse Des Sens

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Everything posted by Faiblesse Des Sens

  1. I'm sure they composed the whole thing, actually. It sounds like Han Zimmer but with Tron undertones.
  2. you can easily find someone who has the same story in reverse also heartless i have no problem carrying around a phone and mp3 player. i'd rather have two devices that do things well in their own regard rather than sacrifice something for something else.
  3. I wonder if it will have Sony's 3D split screen co-op.
  4. So basically it's yet another DAW for non-serious musicians like GarageBand?
  5. This is exactly what I'm talking about though. He gets close... then gets free. Yawn.
  6. What if you're using a controller? I mentioned that in my post. 360 and PS3 controllers both work on PCs. Anyways, to get back on topic, I'm really excited. This game always looked like so much fun. The good qualities of TF2 plus enough new to keep me entertained. And it's cheap.
  7. I've been using HeyTell lately. It's a fun "walkie talkie" app that's cross-platform. Basically instead of texting your friends, you just say that two sentence text. Much faster once you get them in your list and they get the app, too.
  8. in all of the ones i've used you can change the layout. they were actually quite customizable.
  9. If you have a smartphone I would recommend a MP3 player that's actually good at playing MP3s. Creative, Cowon, Zune, and even Sony aren't bad options for flash based players at 32gb or less. If you go creative stay away from their touch screens, btw.
  10. I doubt there would be any in the app store but I would be surprised if there wasn't a few on Cydia. Also they're as legal as normal emulators are. You still have to provide the roms and bios yourself!
  11. Does anyone have any experience with how these all perform and what phone you're using? You can test out most of them via a download from the market but you have to pay $5 for the full versions. I'm wondering if anyone with a higher end phone has had success with the epsxe emulator. I've used Gameboid with Metroid Fusion and it runs great. The SNES one seemed to run well, too. I haven't really tried to break the emulators yet though. Of course I mean just by using the games that hit them the hardest. Also, I hit "new topic" in the wrong tab. Move please!
  12. where did you get this information from?
  13. this forum is nice. invision has sure come a long way over the years.

  14. FPS and other click friendly genres mainly. Though if you have a pad of some sort (360 or PS3) then there's no reason to go 360 unless the port is absolutely terrible (such as with Bioshock 2.)
  15. I can understand not wanting to buy the game twice... but you're crazy if flat out prefer any 360 version over the PC version.
  16. http://store.steampowered.com/app/63200/ Who's in?
  17. This show has become nothing but a substance-less cock-tease where Dexter gets away with everything too easily. Perhaps I just feel this way because it pales in comparison to Season 4... but I just feel like the show is all intrigue and no pay off.
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