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Everything posted by Kovach_

  1. Right, must be that. Not the fact that GTA IV was a port. A TERRIBLE port. Damn those PC gamers, whining about stupid stuff like that and bashing Rockstar for no reason! Seriously tho, if the devs put a bit more effort in PC games, you know, instead of just porting from Xbox, maybe PC folk would complain less, no?
  2. In my 16 years as a PC gamer, i think i had problems with drivers 3 times. 16 years. 3 times. 5 minutes of work to fix. Yeah.
  3. Eh, you guys have Wizardry, and we have to wait god knows how long for it...
  4. Just got these two. That free month of PSN+ sure helped with the discount on both.
  5. Maybe it's Last Man Standing then?
  6. Ok, so to avoid any unnecessary profile lurking/scrolling, here's a list of PSN's (in bold, obviously) from people in this thread: Kovach_: Kovach_ (GMT +1) Deanb: deanbmmv (GMT 0) Hakidia: Hakidia (GMT -4) MetalCaveman: CavemanOfSteel (GMT -6) FLD: Toxicitizen (GMT -5) MasterDex: =IBF2=Dex (GMT 0) jayc4life: jaychendy (GMT 0) DarkMalice: Dark_Malice (GMT -4) Chronixal: Chronixal (GMT 0) Masonvrocks: Darktoad450 (GMT 8) Strangelove: vincentgrey (GMT I dunno, US somewhere) Cyber just reminded me that GMT + summer time = GMT +1. So we either add +1, or switch to UTC. Tho i guess if we all posted our zone info from the map dean linked, we shouldn't "miss" eachother.
  7. £229/279... wow. UK got fucked over more then € guys. There's Vita on Amazon as well.
  8. Just preordered. Oh and i got this in a contest. Thanks PxoD.
  9. ^^ I know i'll be there XD
  10. Well, if you played any game in the WipeOut series, it's like that, only HD. In other words, awesome. Dead Nation was a surprise for me, i thought it would be some crappy zombie bandwagon game, but it turned out to be fun. Has coop as well, so that's a bonus.
  11. A hailstorm, followed by some heavy rain, and ending with a thunderstorm. Fun day yesterday.

  12. So, Rocky, you would rather play an unpatched game? I... can't understand that.
  13. All those quotes sum up to -10 points for Skyrim. But then again. i expected as much.
  14. And PC games are a lot cheaper than console games. If you buy 10 new games a year, thats 100$ difference there. That's a new gpu. Or RAM. Or whatever.
  15. Beat Hazard update is amazing. Great way to prepare us for Ultra DLC.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kovach_


      The game looks better now. It's also a lot harder, but that's a good thing. Can't wait for Ultra.

    3. Maritan


      Whoa, interesting. Need to try that.

    4. Vargras


      IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. I want Ultra now so I can get micro missiles, damnit.

  16. I got a new PC for BF3 so yeah.
  17. Yeah, i know. The best solution is finding 2-3 servers with good players, who know what the fuck they're doing in vehicles. Sure, it takes time, but it pays off. I don't know of any good BF teams in the US so i can't point you in their direction
  18. That would be REALLY hard to do. There is a way to avoid that. Find good servers, avoid playing on random public servers, play with as many friends possible etc. It took me about 2 weeks (from when i got the game) to find servers to my liking in BC2 for example.
  19. Yeah, but prone was in all BF games except Bad Company, and it never made the games more campy. The only problem i had with prone were dolphin divers, which seems to be fixed in BF3, so all is good.
  20. Nice find Maritan. Awesome. Fucking regeneration needs to die. Forever. Fantastic. This made me chuckle.
  21. GMT +1 here, and i'm good whenever.
  22. Sony won again this year.
  23. You mean Quick-time-GTA-maybesomecars-NFS?
  24. Why? I've used the browser on the PS3 many, many times. Sure, it's not meant for prolongued browsing, but whenever i needed to take a quick look at something while i'm on the PS3, it always did its job.
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