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Everything posted by Battra92

  1. Why we left Mother England:

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      Though it was the day after to us, it may still have been the 4th there, so I think he's referring to America seceding from the British Empire.

    3. deanb


      I think TN knows that. Also it would have been 5th, posted at 2PM.

    4. excel_excel


      HAHAHAHA, airplane food!

  2. Chicken's brining and ready to go on the grill soon.

    1. Vecha


      Hmmmm Love Grilled Chicken.

    2. Battra92


      It was delicious!

  3. As a Christian we do believe that acting on homosexuality is a sin. So is lying, taking the Lord's name in vain, etc. We believe that we are not perfect and are only justified by our faith in God. As a Christian we know that we are sinners and yet still strive to not sin. Just because you feel like stealing, or lusting after a woman who isn't your wife you shouldn't act on it. In the same way, Christians teach that you shouldn't act upon any gay feelings that you may have. Where the issue comes up is that it's the current issue du jour in the media, especially pop culture (which is dominated by gays) and Christians like myself often feel like we're being attacked constantly. I've since given up watching most television (Cook's Country and America's Test Kitchen are the only shows I watch since Good Eats was cancelled) and I hardly ever go to the movies. When Kirk Cameron states his faith that he believes that homosexuality is wrong, he's "hate mongering." Tim Tebow can't actually be motivated by faith, he must be a grandstander. If you tell someone Merry Christmas, you're hateful to Jews and Atheists. Really? When you hear this crap on a daily basis from the god of most people's living rooms whether it be in the form of Ned Flanders, Sheldon's mother etc. it's natural to want to push back. I've met more tolerant Christians and more intolerant atheists than the other way around.
  4. Oh yeah, I TOTALLY go for whatever the president does, despite still being absolutely pissed by the unmanned drone laws. You're free to say you don't care for the health care plan passing, but I am not some sheep that simply accepts whatever the Democrats say. My arguments can't just be written off as bleeding heart liberal garbage, because I do not side with either party. The party system is SILLY. I'm simply voicing my support for many Democrat policies recently because most of them aren't insane ramblings of a generation too selfish to let anything change for the better, and who falsely believe that ANY time was better than the present. Wow, you totally missed the joke. Michelle Obama (in)famously said she wasn't proud to be an American until her husband got elected.
  5. Moo-Chelle Obama, is that you? The election is now about Obamacare. Romney and Republicans will hit hard on Obamacare from now until November. Obamacare is still massively unpopular, especially among independents. If Republicans are smart they will hammer on the job killing aspects of the bill (increased taxes, huge government spending etc.) as well as increasing our costs on healthcare (I've seen mine go up quite a bit since Obamacare was signed) as well as all the people whose employers will drop their coverage because paying the tax/fine will be cheaper than covering healthcare. A grim day for Liberty.
  6. I'm boycotting Oreos and Girl Scout cookies: not because of the whole gay stuff but because they are both nasty, especially the Crisco sandwiches that people seem to like. Bletch! If you must eat Oreos, at least make your own: http://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/faux-reos-recipe I know I'm a food snob but with very few exceptions (good shortbread and Danish butter cookies) I can bake better cookies at home. I will farm out my cracker baking to Nabisco because I've never been able to make saltines right (and they should be super simple!) Now these look more appetizing than a fat multi-colored Oreo.
  7. George Takai really pisses me off. He's not funny and yet a ton of my friends repost his shit on Facebook. The administration has no right telling a private organization (one with a strong religious influence at that) what to do. Except they routinely do that when it comes to things that don't fit its agenda. People said Nixon was dictatorial but he ain't got nothing on the dictator in the white house. Also, it'll be interesting to see how the censure vote on Eric Holder for Fast and Furious goes down. Apparently quite a few Dems are getting behind it as well. Of course, no one will ever see jail time but it's sickening that we can't get to the bottom of things.
  8. Just made my own croutons. Now French chefs can't look down on me.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheMightyEthan



    3. TheRevanchist


      Should put this the first time.


    4. Battra92


      The source of the famous taunt is that croutons are ridiculously easy to make at home. I mean, a baguette or pizza dough might be a little daunting for the home cook. Cutting up old bread and tossing it in oil, seasoning it and toasting it in the oven are hardly tasks worthy of farming out to big industry.

  9. I like Star Trek, but the Turkish shitty version is fantastic! Their special defects are the best. www.youtube.com/watch?v=APBjyBKq86k How can you not laugh your ass off at this steaming pile? Now which one of those guys posts shitty oldmemes to Facebook that all my female friends share OVER 9000 times?
  10. I got the 360 version to use on the PC. I haven't decided if I want to mod it or not. Probably not as I'm lazy but the idea of having John Cena on a perephrial does seem pretty stupid.
  11. The schools are largely controlled by the states although there have been a couple attempts of the Federal government to get control through mandating things with the threat of witholding Federal grant money. Depending on the state there may be state requirements (such as in NY you have the Regents Exam or in Massachusetts you have the MCAS. ) However much of the actual day to day curriculum is usually set by the school board in the local areas, as it should be. There are also private schools that do not follow the curriculum of the local public schools and are left with more leeway to decide what they wish to teach and what they do not. This could mean anything from a Catholic school to a Vocational school. TL;DR we don't have a national educational curriculum, which is good as "One Size Fits All" doesn't usually work.
  12. Mopeds are like fat girls
  13. I was going to say there's a big market for angry political commentators on both sides, but then I saw you threw Michael Savage in your list of bad talk show hosts, so instead I'll just mention Rush Limbaugh and like your comment. Yeah the angry liberals thing was just poking at Maher. Michael Savage is perhaps the absolute worst radio host of all time. He just sounds like the crazy man who lives down the block that you suspect is building bombs. Where Rush succeeds where everyone else fails is that no matter what, he's entertaining. Seriously, I know people who are hardcore libs who listen to him for three hours a day: the reason being is that he's entertaining. But if I had to pick a guy who was the most interesting and made the best debates it would be Andrew Wilkow on Sirius XM. By the way, does anyone listen to Mr. Circular Logic (Glenn Beck) any more or have his 15 minutes and OVER 9000 books passed by? I don't hear anything about him any more.
  14. If anyone knows about being a dick, it's Bill Maher. Seriously, the guy has zero credibility as a human being let alone the astute political philosopher he tries to pass himself off as. Hell, he's not even funny so he fails at being a comedian. Of course there's always a big market for angry liberals ... I'd like to think that some are decent people off the mike. I mean, we have a local guy in the Albany area who talks politics on his show and from what I've heard he's just an average decent guy. The problem is there are too many asshats like Bill Maher, Michael Savage, Ed Shultz etc. that poison the airwaves. EDIT: Why the hell did I say water?
  15. Over 150 anime DVDs in the pile for selling at the yard sale or on Amazon. Eek! How did I get so many damn DVDs!

    1. 「Advent Chaos」

      「Advent Chaos」

      hot damn! Is there any way I can see the list c: ?

    2. VicariousShaner


      Every single one of them is Naruto. Calling it.

    3. Battra92


      Haha exactly zero are Naruto, actually. I do know that some came in box lots people gave me or I got from yard sales I can send you the list later, though.

  16. Yeah it's one of my faves. This is actually the very first series from 1971. It's quite a trip. The new series isn't bad either (VERY NSFW)
  17. Had a little extra money so I got some DVDs and Blu Rays that were on sale: Buster Keaton can never wait!!
  18. Finally saw Django last night (the real one) and I can see what the hype was about. :)

  19. To be honest I think most Americans would welcome Peurto Rico into the fold of the Union. Peurto Ricans are already represented in the House (though they can't vote) and pay most US Federal taxes. They serve in the Military and vote in the primaries (though not in the general election.)
  20. Well Argentina has a MILF for a president (who has a hot daughter too) so they have that going for them.
  21. Ever have one of those "So THAT's what that game was!" moments? I did ... http://www.classicdosgames.com/game/Sango_Fighter.html

    1. Enervation


      I remember playing this when I was a kid.


      I had no idea what I was doing.

  22. If you're a man: three. One for dress, one pair of sneakers and one pair of boots. You can have additional shoes only if they have a specific use (e.g. cleats for playing golf)
  23. In the new house and laying on the mattress on the floor. Oh and Mothra's on TCM (subtitled) Life is good right now. :)

  24. Beyond Good & Evil PC version is $5 on GOG this weekend. I'm torn between getting the PC version or the PS3 version. What to do ... ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Interesting. Too bad it's never on sale...

    3. Battra92


      I think I'll pass on the PC version then and wait on the PS3 version. None of my gaming systems are hooked up at the moment any way (including my PCs)

    4. TheFlyingGerbil


      It was reduced a few months ago on PSN, then half price LIVE, so as you;re not in a rush it's worth waiting.

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