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Everything posted by Dee

  1. My brother brought up a note that was on my car. Some broad backed into the front of my car and scraped it all up, and the license plate is hanging on by a thread. They left a note with an e-mail address, but I wouldn't be surprised if the e-mail I sent doesn't get answered.

    1. Waldorf and Statler
    2. madbassman39


      Report it to the police, get a statement and then contact your insurance company. If you have coverage you should be covered at no cost to you.

    3. Dee


      Yeah, she did contact me eventually, and I've got her information. She's been very helpful, actually, so I just hope it all pans out well.

  2. Conflicted. I need $129 more for my PS4 fund, but I don't know if I want to wait longer to get one or purchase a PS4 when I can find one in stock immediately... *sigh* Such decisions.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheMightyEthan
    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      And PC doesn't have UC4, which I think is Dee's prime motivation.

    4. Dee


      Well, not my prime motive, but one I definitely need to have when it is released. I absolutely adore Playstation's exclusives, and not just from Naughty Dog. Besides, I am not a PC gamer and I never have been. It would be weird for me to do something I'm not motivated to do.


      Also, I already have a gaming PC so technically I don't need to buy a new one. If anything, if I really wanted to, I would just upgrade it, which I don't want to simply because it is not the...

  3. I am happily gathering funds from various sources to gits myself a PS4. MUCH EXCITE!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dee


      I'm tryin'! x_x I just need a little more money!

    3. Little Pirate

      Little Pirate

      I got my PS4 by bundling gift cards for two years, myself. Nothing makes you feel like a winner than strutting outside the store with your new console in hands, knowing only a small portion of that payment came from your own pocket.

    4. Dee


      That's basically what I'm trying to do. Its what I did with the uncharted 3 collectors edition. That would have coast mme a good 100 bucks, but I only paid 20 for it after trade-ins and shit. And I got a lot for Christmas, too, so I'm about 2/3rds of the way there.


  4. Yeah, I think that's essentially what happens.
  5. Once you get inside the Jackdaw's captain's quarters, that is where I accessed all of the outfits. I can't really remember what it did exactly, but I don't think it kicked me out of the game or restarted it.
  6. Happy birthday to me.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Dee
    3. FredEffinChopin
    4. TheMightyEthan


      Ooh, I'd have wished you a late one too if I'd known you were giving out spankings.

  7. Have you guys played and beat Assassin's Creed 4 yet? I just did, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. There are good and there are bad things, but I think they screwed up on one of the major things I loved so much about the game in the first place.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dee
    3. TheMightyEthan


      Sounds kind of similar to Liberation. The frame in that one is that you, the player, are playing this game produced by Abstergo and censored to make the Templars look better/Assassin's look worse. Fits in with the idea that AC4 was originally made as a side game and they just gave it a number for marketing reasons.

    4. Dee


      I suppose. The modern day story does feel more like a side-note as opposed to the historical game play. But it also felt like it should've/could've been more.

  8. Yeah, like this. So when Jodie comes across something she can't do, player two (Aiden) takes control of the game and does whatever Jodie needs it to do. However, there are random moments in the game where Aiden can take control even if he is not needed. There is also a button you can press as Jodie (triangle) to switch into Aiden, but it's either one or the other, not both players playing at the same time.
  9. There aren't any spoilers for the story in this, so don't worry about reading on if you were concerned. So I read an article on Kotaku that mentioned playing the game is better with a friend, and I'm going to agree with that. You can play solo as both Jodie and Aiden, or you can have a friend play as Aiden while you play as Jodie or vice versa. I can see now why they formed their opinion, as it is truly much more entertaining to have someone take over when Jodie calls on Aiden to help her. And it's not like this entity just pops in every now and then, Jodie depends on Aiden to do a lot of stuff, so you're really playing a co-op if you choose to bring someone else into the picture. Anyway, the game itself isn't bad. It's entertaining for the most part, and I played about eight hours straight last night, which means it must have managed to hold my attention. There are some silly things you can do, some sad, some emotionally difficult, but there's also a lot that could've been cut out (and when I say a lot, I mean a lot). The way it jumps around in time gets frustrating after a while, too. Had it come to a point where the story picked up from the present earlier on, I might not have been so irritated. But it seems the jumping around is rather pointless where I am now in the game, which is pretty far along. I think I have about two or three hours left. I haven't finished it yet, by the way, so I don't really know how it's going to end. That's about all I have to stay about it so far. I'll come back and add more later when I'm done.
  10. Dave Chappelle was standing about 5 feet in front of me at the Starbucks in Pioneer Square today. It was trippy.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      people were afraid he'd run to africa if they approached him

    3. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      You mean you didn't yell "I'm Rick James, bitch!"? He would've loved that.

    4. Dee


      I would've loved that, too. But, no, I did not yell: "I'm Rick James, bitch!"

  11. I'm probs gonna wake up tomorrow and go to GameFuckmeintheass and get Beyond: Two Souls. The GTA Online experience was irritating for me.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dee


      I do have money on my Power Up Rewards card, more than enough to get this title, but I'm just not sure if I want to spend it on that. Ehhh, I probably will anyway.


    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Just jam on f5 on the Redbox website until you find it.

    4. Dee


      I think I'm going to wait until tomorrow because I'll be seeing my mom then. I'll ask if she might be willing to get it for me instead of using my points.


  12. I'm the opposite. I can't take off or land the planes for shit, but the helicopters are a little easier. It's the landings in the helicopters I haven't been able to nail just yet. Also, the fact that I haven't played on an Xbox 360 since Red Dead came out might mean that I'm still, after 5 days, getting used to using an Xbox controller.
  13. Conflicted. Comcast man is coming from 10-12 tomorrow morning, and that's when GameStop opens. Don't know if I should wait around for him and get it after, before I got to work or just go.

    1. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Why do you need to go to GS tomorrow?

    2. Chewblaha
    3. Dee


      Yes. I got it before he came. Waited in line for about a half an hour and still had time. He came around 1 PM instead, and I got 3 months of free HBO because of it. :D


  14. Have you guys seen this link yet? It's a look at who was supposed to be the villain as opposed to someone who I won't name for those of you who have not played the game yet. It's an interesting read, and those of us who have played the game might find it interesting: http://www.latestnewsexplorer.com/the-last-of-us-original-story-alternate-villain-revealed/
  15. I'd say this captures Ellie's personality spot on.
  16. That's exactly what I feel it is. We just don't know what they're going to do with it. I hope, though, that they do definitely build off it.
  17. I managed to get past Winter and into Spring, stopped there because it was 3 in the morning and I figured I should probably get rest before I had to work.
  18. I've got it. I told my friend I wouldn't play the Last of Us until he gets here. I am such a good person. This is a testament to my will power..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dee


      I know. I want to, but I'm going to be nice.

    3. Vecha


      Play it for a bit....then delete the save file.

    4. Dee


      Nah, I'll wait. I have to work for a few hours later in the afternoon anyway.


  19. PS4, and if not exactly at launch, probably a few days or a week or two after.
  20. Having played the demo, I'm going to say holyfuckiwantthisgamesobadlysorivetinganditmademewantmore! Rented GoW: Ascension from Redbox and managed to get it that way.
  21. One of the younger girls I'm looking forward to playing with is Ellie from The Last of Us. She seems like a smart ass and I fucking love that. They haven't over sexualized her, she's resourceful, she defends herself and helps Joel (like the time she threw the brick at that guy in the building as a distraction). I know I haven't played the game yet, and I haven't experienced her character in full, but I feel like from what I've seen, she's going to be a very fun character that I can find myself liking a lot.
  22. Haha, see? Yes, that's nice. I like it, but there needs to be more of it. And give them a great personality with fine skills to go along with it. That's not hard, right?
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