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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Just gonna leave this here: http://thesandbox.freeforums.org/index.php

    1. Show previous comments  43 more
    2. Chewblaha


      Chat wouldn't be dead, though. It'd be up in arms demanding my banning for hurting their e-feelings.

    3. SomTervo


      This makes me sad. And I want to be on both forums. What do I do?! (I actually prefer the sandbox's layout, but the nice folk here are still the bestests)

    4. Dee


      Heheh. I ain't trying to get people to my forum. It was more for different circumstances that were fulfilled. I never even said that I was leaving, and I'm sure a couple of people assumed that already. I'll still be here.

  2. I finished Leon's campaign on Normal difficulty with little issue in regards to lack of ammo. My main priorities were to make sure that I was always stocked up on herbs/tablets moved/stored into my case which frees up space in my inventory. Get rid of the grenades and the bombs because frankly, I never, ever used them. You can easily take down the crowds with melee and a few shots to the head, but that's something you need to be good at. Shot to the head with a shotgun will definitely take the zombie down. Another shot and for sure, you're golden. The only time I had issue with lack of ammo was at the end in . For some reason, they wouldn't allow us to pick up any 9mm ammo even when I had emptied some slots in my inventory. This was the beginning of a rather frustrating turn of events, but I got through it and so can you. Melee when you can + and/or run and forget about killing every single zombie you come in contact with + keeping your inventory clear of any unnecessary items = good. And practice aiming for the head, even if it doesn't take them down right away. Another good tactic is to shoot first, grab your knife and then to a melee. Like I mentioned earlier, your attacks are different given the weapon you're holding. Leon will stab the enemy dead with his knife. Whereas if he's holding the assault rifle, that thing's head will splatter in one hit. Collect skill points and focus on defense and damage. You'll find a way to power through. Now, if you really think Leon's campaign was tough, have fun with Chris's.
  3. Pretty much this. The so-called awful plot is what I've come to expect. It was horrid in 5 and I actually wasn't all that interested in 4's plot either, but Leon's story was fun and the mechanics and the various attacks are entertaining; especially depending on which weapon you're holding. It's neat and I am having fun. I'm not irked by the buttons I'm forced to press and it is rather challenging at times, which makes for a good enough game. Then again, my expectations weren't terribly high. I knew it would be entertaining to play just from the demo, but I also knew that it wasn't going to be as strong in other aspects and that was totally fine with me. Haven't beat Leon's campaign yet, though. I've played through most of it, but my friend keeps bitching about wanting to play so I needed to stop at some point. He's coming over today and we'll probably do split screen. : D
  4. Don't forget to support the head!
  5. Be glad you didn't hold it right after she came out of mommy. They don't smell good. They smell bad. Kinda gross.
  6. Considering purchasing a tablet for tutoring, consolidating notes about my students, maintaining documents and checking email, browsing the web, etc. Any recommendations?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dee


      That's kind of what I figured. I don't want the 7" though, so Asus TF300 might be more in my price point. I can score it for 309-ish on Amazon, which looks to be the best deal so far.

    3. UnstableArk


      I say go for it. The only real difference between the two aside from some pretty minor hardware improvements is the material and screen resolution. If those aren't much of a concern, then there's no reason to pay extra for the TF700.

    4. Dee


      That's kinda what I figured. I made a bid on eBay on a reputed seller's website starting at 285. He says it'll probably get up to somewhere around 320, but who knows. There is only two days left!

  7. Ubisoft does not care if TheMightyEthan is pissed.
  8. Anyone know a good laptop cooler pad for an HP, i7 6 gigs of ram? Way too much power in a shoddily built case with dumbly thought out ventilation system...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I use ice packs

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I once built a frame for my laptop out of legos, so it was held up above the surface of the desk. Even without a fan, just the added space for airflow beneath it worked wonders.

    4. Dee


      I make sure there is extra space between everything to get proper ventilation, but the power is so much and the vents are so badly placed/not big enough that it doesn't make a difference.


  9. Awright, so there's a trailer out encompassing ANVILnext, which shows Connor not only killing the European colonist soldiers, but American soldiers as well. Ha! Take that.
  10. I can't wait to get my hands on this thing. It's looking more tantalizing with every bit and piece they show us.
  11. Awww, yeaaah~ Dinnyland! A more recent picture taken on my trip to southern California. I am incapable of making serious face.
  12. Well technically, I didn't buy it. My mom bought me Max Payne 3. I would've never purchased it with my own money, but I was simply thinking about the future. I'll need a game or two to trade in + 30% more for when I start saving up for AC3. This works!
  13. I want to work out to tone, not necessarily lose weight. As a girl, I've no idea what exercises I need to do in order to keep my weight within a healthy frame but slim a bit in some certain areas (tummy, thighs, backside). I'm definitely a beginner, so that doesn't help either. I don't even know where to begin! Any suggestions?
  14. Blackberry is suitable for my needs. Fuck, iCunt!
  15. No Steam for BB, hiissssss~
  16. I'll do my dishes when I damn well please! Or maybe the aliens will.
  17. Some of my favorite episodes are when the kids ask about when they were born and Marge and Homer sit them down and go through this awesome story about their past. I do quite enjoy the random and completely outrageous spontaneously combusting things (ie. the kids turning Ms. Krabappel's desk over and it explodes into flames; when Homer and the boys get drunk, tear up the inside of the school and drive through the baseball cage and it explodes; and when the family car is slowly sliding onto the frozen pond, they jump out, it comes to a stop and falls through the ice and then explodes). The episodes I can think of off the top of my head that I love a lot are Lisa's Wedding (season 6), Bart vs. Australia (season 6), You Only Move Twice (season 8), El Viahe Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer/The Mysterious Voyage of Our Homer (season 8)...You know what? Seasons 3 through 8 are all top notch examples of how amazing The Simpsons used to be. There are just too many episodes I love to list off!
  18. Dee

    Fucking Kotaku

    Your mom goes to college.
  19. I'm gonna have to agree here with Johnny. While the rest of the characters--the ones we know--were awesome and just as I expected them to be, the new ones were rather uninteresting (for the most part) and I found myself struggling to care for them. Maybe it's because they were thrown into a movie and we didn't have as much time to get to know them like we did Ed and Al and Mustang, Hawkeye and Hughes...even the Homunculi. In any case, the plot was rather typical and blasé. Not saying it was bad, but I could've done without it. And for the record, I liked Conqueror of Shamballa. xD
  20. I want to get the last Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood dvd/bluray seeing as how my two favorite episodes are on that, but I'm not sure I really need it seeing as how it's sitting on my external hard drive... Still, I would consider purchasing it.
  21. Last great movie I saw was The Artist. I am thoroughly proud of me for making myself get off my lazy ass and go to the theater. It was definitely worth the $8.50 I paid for the movie ticket and however much my popcorn and water cost : D
  22. Only 8 hours left until the trailer. I can hardly wait to throw a tomahawk at someone's chest. : D
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