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  1. Dee

    Sim City V

    Very much super excited for this seeing as how I still play SimCity 4 to this day--YOU ALL SEE ME ON STEAM!
  2. The fact that you cannot simply hide behind a wall for the entire level while you pick off guys was frustrating at first, but then it forced me to actually devise a plan, which was really neat. The levels also felt a lot longer because of this, even though that isn't necessarily the case. I'm about 96% done and I've only played 8 1/2 hours. In any case, I am playing on Normal and it almost seems--at times--like I am playing on a much more difficult level. I like it. And I am excited for what Hard and Crushing will be like (infuriating, but it'll be good not to be handed everything on a silver platter).
  3. So how awesome was it to top off an already royally fucked over day by driving up to the Gamestop to see that they've canceled the midnight release. Ahh, that just made my day. /sarcasm
  4. I'm definitely down for some co-op when the game is released. That's what I was anticipating when the multiplayer came out, but to no avail. -sigh- Only four more days!
  5. I wouldn't mind if it was on par with Uncharted 2 (just as good as, if not more). I am simply excited to delve into the story they've presented us as we get to learn more about the characters and their roles within the plot and with each other. I think I'm most excited to learn about Nate and Sully as that was one of my main interests when playing the first title.
  6. I've got my pre-ordered Collector's Edition down to 24 bucks thanks to trade-in's and 30% on top of that for being a PowerUp Rewards member at GameStop. o;
  7. Looks like if the workers aren't in the know about this promo. Most of them are pretty much oblivious to it, so you have to ask for them to put the GREEN sticker on the sandwich wrapper. There seems to be some kind of miscommunication between manager and the sandwich makers; at least, that has been in my experience.
  8. I get that part. It's just sad that I cannot play co-op yet and have to suffer with something I'm dreadfully horrid at. *sigh* Oh well.
  9. This isn't the beta, though...right? It's just early access? o_O
  10. So wait...does anyone know if you are capable of playing co-op right now or is it just the multiplayer? I'm really, really bad at the multiplayer too and get raped up the ass, but I fucking own at co-op and whatnot so that was what I was looking forward to.
  11. God damnit. I've been trying to figure out if the (many) Subway's around here are actually doing it, and every one I call are completely oblivious to whats going on. They have no clue what it is. It was only today when a manager took the phone from her employee and asked me how I heard about it. She told me she was probably going to start setting out the cups and whatnot later tonight, so perhaps by tomorrow things will kick off.
  12. I've had it for a long time. I got it because the color is AMAZING, yeeaahhhh~ and it's comfy.
  13. I promise it's real (in my head).
  14. As many of you probably already know, I'm pretty fanatical about Uncharted. ;o Don't hate!
  15. Currently--been--playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution along with Uncharted 2 multiplayer.
  16. I believe I was 15 going on 16... My mom and I were driving from our new house to my old high school to get my year book. We were about 30 minutes out and listening to Howard Stern on the radio. When the first plane hit the tower, he mentioned it and we thought it might've been a joke. Unfortunately, it was not as it had been confirmed on several other radio stations. There was a pretty ominous feel the entire way there. After they had announced all flights regulated by the FCC to be grounded, the skies just felt...I dunno...vulnerably empty. At the high school, it was odd. No one said anything about what had happened, though I wasn't sure if they actually knew yet (probably did). In any case, when we made it back home we immediately turned on the television and woke my step brother. By then, we'd arrived back home in time to see the second tower collapse.
  17. Oh goodness, I just don't know! After reading what it's "like" and what it "might not be like," I think I'll hold out a few days--as mentioned above--for some reviews. I don't feel like blowing 60 bucks on a zombie game unless it gives me more content than killing zombies.
  18. Just bought a new dress and scarf. CAN YOU TELL?
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