I believe I was 15 going on 16... My mom and I were driving from our new house to my old high school to get my year book. We were about 30 minutes out and listening to Howard Stern on the radio. When the first plane hit the tower, he mentioned it and we thought it might've been a joke. Unfortunately, it was not as it had been confirmed on several other radio stations. There was a pretty ominous feel the entire way there. After they had announced all flights regulated by the FCC to be grounded, the skies just felt...I dunno...vulnerably empty. At the high school, it was odd. No one said anything about what had happened, though I wasn't sure if they actually knew yet (probably did). In any case, when we made it back home we immediately turned on the television and woke my step brother. By then, we'd arrived back home in time to see the second tower collapse.