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Everything posted by Dee

  1. I'm not so much into the other matches as I am co-op. If anyone is up for a round later tonight, PST, I'm down.
  2. That and the respawn time if you, say...accidentally jump off a cliff. Having to wait 60 seconds to respawn was annoying. >_>
  3. Jesus, that map looks ridiculous. Tuesday cannot come soon enough.
  4. Ok, so how many of you are going to be playing the multiplayer beta this Tuesday? I'd love to play with people I know as opposed to random 12-year old noobs who bail out the moment the match starts.
  5. Super 8. Lot's of people are giving me mixed reviews, but I've settled with it just being mediocre. For the hype surrounding it, it was a pretty big let down. It wasn't bad, per se. Just...okay. Epic train crash scene no matter how unlikely it was.
  6. Is there any new good anime that doesn't have romance in it? I'm just putting that out there because I miss anime and the last new one I watched was House of Five Leaves. It's been a while since then and I sorta gave up when all I saw were bright-haired, tiny girls in school outfits. Oh, and I normally hate school-life anime, too. Any suggestions? And please, no romance.
  7. I had a roommate for a few days in my first week of freshman year undergrad. As a private and personal individual, not that I don't like to share, I decided--after she brought in a dude to make out with while I was trying to sleep--that I could no longer live with a roommate and got a single room for myself. Never had another roommate since.
  8. Not bad. Clear skies and 70F. I went on a walk down to the food carts with my bro and when we ate outside, as I was sitting in the shade it got sorta chilly. I had to sit in the sun for a while to warm up.
  9. I don't even remember so it was probably boring and uneventful.
  10. I noticed the ring and wondered that myself, too. GUESS WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL NOVEMBER!
  11. Probably Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. It was definitely not as good as the first, but better than the third. I'm glad they tried to reinvent a little bit, but there were just some things that were obvious like replacing Orlando Bloom (with lean, blonde hottie) and Keira Knightley (mermaid), chase scenes, etc. Although I did enjoy the dynamic between Johnny and Penelope's characters, especially at the end of the film. To be honest, I wasn't expecting it to end so abruptly and in your face (or hers, rather). And of course, it was great to see Barbossa again. Bottom line, it wasn't brilliant, by any means, but it was sorta fun.
  12. Dee


    I'm probably going to see this later today/tonight, so I'll come back with a review. I've already listened to some audio reviews and read a few elsewhere. I'm looking forward to this, but I don't want to get my expectations up TOO high, just in case I'm slightly disappointed. After all, the last few X-Men were just not good at all. Though I know there is a new director, etc... Anyway, I'm excited!
  13. My PS2 is in the bedroom where I normally go to sleep playing DVDs. But yeah, aside from my PS2 and PSP, those are the consoles I have.
  14. Dee

    Happy Boifday

  15. Dee

    TAY Podcast

    Narrative in VGs, I'd be down for. Being an English major, an avid reader and a writer myself, it would be interesting to delve into the subject.
  16. Dee

    TAY Podcast

    I suppose I could talk about video games as an art form and innovation in video games. The former intrigues me more, though the latter could be interesting to research and discuss.
  17. Frosted Mini Wheats--no not the member.
  18. I just finished the game. To be honest, I thought the ending I'm not really in the mood to write out a big, long-ass review right now, so I'll just leave you with my thoughts on the ending.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OVUxCn7nPM The song changes at around 2:30, which I don't know why, but Dead Cruiser plays before that. Good stuff.
  20. wat http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198030498612
  21. "Yeah, she had a wooden leg with a real foot -- strangest thing..." God I love you Drake/Nolan...whatever. I LOVE YOU. *makes drakedesmondprincebabies*
  22. Real hair wasn't working for me today:
  23. Uncharted 3 Mo-Cap Session (don't worry, there's no spoilers) "Below is a recent video from a motion capture session where we see some of the actors (including Nolan North) perform scenes from the upcoming title. Naughty Dog even discusses how their technology contrasts with that of upcoming detective drama by Team Bondi; L.A. Noire." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuoqSVgIUTE Source
  24. Dee

    TAY Podcast

    Deem - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/28236741/voice2.wav
  25. I'm sure there are a few chapters I missed as I see some of them were skipped over in this but I was too lazy to type out what I did specifically.
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