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Cyber Rat

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Everything posted by Cyber Rat

  1. My PS3 arrived this morning right before I went off to work. I haven't owned a single proper console since 1991 when I got a Sega Master System as a gift. I can't believe I finally managed to get a current gen console. Now to start buying games for it!
  2. Spec Ops: the Line. Quite overrated in some aspects (the "big reveal" has been done quite a few times in games already). I think the approach to moral choices is amazing though. Every game should approach it that way.
  3. Just finished Spec Ops: the Line - awful gameplay, excellent approach to moral choices (all games should use this method), mostly good story. If you ever want a good example of morality and gameplay working together, play it on easy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hot Heart

      Hot Heart

      You're both wrong. Clearly it's 'passable'.

    3. Cyber Rat

      Cyber Rat

      I had a ton of issues later in the game with what constitutes as cover and what doesn't. The fact that space was spring, heal and take cover did not help.

    4. Mister Jack

      Mister Jack

      I thought the gameplay was alright. Not fantastic but I didn't have any major issues with it. Really though, I think of Spec Ops the way I think of Walking Dead. You don't play it for the gameplay.

  4. Just yell at me on Steam with INSTALL AND PLAY <GAME> WE ARE GETTING IT ON TONIGHT and I'll play whatever.
  5. Happy New Year, PXODers and Xtalkers! I hope 2013 is kinder to you than 2012.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. FredEffinChopin


      *on the A list. Damn phone.

    3. VicariousShaner


      No, around 2015 is where we want to start hating each other again.

    4. Waldorf and Statler

      Waldorf and Statler

      I don't hate any of you but god knows some of you need to be punched in the face. xoxo

  6. There was also Hotel Mario for the Phillips CDi
  7. Trying really hard not to buy Far Cry 3. My Steam sale budget is almost depleted. Damn you sales...

  8. I didn't post anything last year because I think that was coincidentally the worst time of the year for me. Now that I have a clearer head this year: Resolutions for 2013 1. Get into a new college that I will not despise with every fabric of my existence. 2. Make the push and become a game designer proper 3. Write a single novel and either publish it or be in the process of trying to get it published (independently is an option) 4. Get that webcomic I've been working on for years out 5. Get a girlfriend 6. Travel somewhere abroad I haven't been to yet
  9. Bought myself Spec Ops: the Line and FTL.
  10. This: Which should at some point today look like this:
  11. Kovach gifted me some XCOM DLC I didn't own and Keywork gifted me Chivalry! Thanks dudes
  12. Thank you, Vecha, for gifting me the XCOM DLC today on top of the game you already sent
  13. Playing Street Fighter 4 AE since playing Dan in ranked makes everyone upset
  14. Dear Xbox Gamepad: "You are complete and utter shit." With love, Someone Who Plays Fighting Games

    1. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Or anyone, really. >.> HO HO HO

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Oh god why did you even bother?

    3. Vecha


      Disagreed until I realized you were talking about that one shitty part.

  15. Thanks for getting me XCOM, Vecha. The Holidays are gonna be fun
  16. Cyber Rat


    And nothing of value was lost...
  17. Duke Nukem 3D free on GOG: http://www.gog.com/gamecard/duke_nukem_3d_atomic_edition
  18. If I want entertainment out of a game, the longer, the better. If I want to be engaged by a game, length is no factor. It can be as short as it feels the need to be. For example, I'd expect multiplayer-centric games like CS:GO or MMOs to offer me entertainment (so, more hours = better). I'd expect something like Black Mesa to engage me. It's interesting when it goes the other way around. Something like Spy Party would engage me despite being multiplayer. The single-player mode in Tetris would just entertain me. Obviously, what is considered entertainment and what engagement varies from person to person.
  19. I was Strangelove's friend before I was obliged to be.
  20. Beat Mark of the Ninja. A better stealth game than Dishonored, as well as a better approach to "moral choice". Amazing game.
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