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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I just realized something... unless SquareEnix does something stupid with FFVII remake, we get to relive the summon spells. FFVII has some of the best summons in the series. There are not one, not two but three Bahamut summons. There is also the Knights of the Round summon. ... Why the fuck am I getting excited for a remake that might get delayed and butchered?
  2. Seems like I got put on the short list for a pre-ordered book since letting my Amazon Prime expire or maybe the pre-order volumn was just that high. A little bit annoyed.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mal


      A cookbook is just isn't the same when as an ebook. I am also a fan of the guy (James Kenji Lopez-Alt), think of him as an internet Alton Brown, so I would like to have him sign it in the future.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I agree with professional/technical texts (cookbooks are technical texts), but my wife even prefers them for novels.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Yeah, cookbooks are totally better as a physical book.


      I know who Lopez-Alt is; my wife and I are both Serious Eats readers.

  3. Mal

    World Politics

    I wonder how much shit will surface when they look at other car companies. Improvements in air quality in the last few decades (say 1980's till now) could allow for hiding behind the improvements and data "noise"... or not. Maybe we can get a general overview of the problem from what kind of air pollution we are getting and from what is expected. Perhaps we have been attributing some of the pollution to other sources (e.g., factories, other causes and processes like build up) when it was actually motor vehicles. Best case scenario is that it was only VW who did this... hopefully.
  4. They look odd and seems unnecessary but the intent of the game is there. I just wish a classic-visual mode was there but then I would emulate the PS1 version. It's a fun game with its moments and is where I believe the recurring name of Boco for the main chocobo comes from.
  5. So it happened as I predicted it after playing it for a few hours... I really have no time to sink my teeth into TPP after the initial week or two due to my thesis work and other fun stuff. Could I blazed through the story missions? Maybe but I expect I would've hit road blocks after road blocks due to my under performing equipment. Structure wise, this game was just not as I predicted at all. I was expecting a relatively straight and narrow game with nice deviations. I'm not sure if I should judge this against the game since it's really my issue but god damn does this sucks.
  6. On GOG since I want to build that library. Hilariously bad voice acting but from what I've seen and played, the gameplay is absolutely tight. Yes, the game does looks like a Sonic clone but i think it iterates on it really well which is not something you can say about what SEGA has done.
  7. Building up that GOG library...

    1. TCP


      So what are you going to do when CD Projekt Red gets bought by EA and GOG just gets absorbed into Origin?

    2. Eleven



  8. I'm actually unsure if this should go to the Nintendo thread. It's a collab between various NicoNicoDouga folks... and Doo.
  9. Yeah, I was going to add a portion in my last comment about race along the lines of how if it was an Asian kid, nobody would have bat an eye. With every positive stereotype, there's something like what happened with Ahmed. I praised the positive response since what happened with the police and school faculty is how you shut down a curious and smart kid. Similar thing happens to countless bright kids all over the country. Oh no, if you're skincolorhere you shouldn't be doing xyz since that is so not skincolorhere. While these cases I'm talking about doesn't usually result in handcuffs, they are to me equally infuriating. Edit: @GOH Yay zero tolerance! You know Irvine PD, the ones that detained and cuff Ahmed, twitter account/social media was promoting zero tolerance with a t-shirt. Like, shit man, it's worse than DARE. DARE makes me cringe and slightly (a buddy of mines almost got coheres to turn his parents in for pot when that was all the rage) mad but zero tolerance is worse.
  10. Mal

    World Politics

    http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-34275604 Landmines is one of the most shittiest weapon known to man so to see it (as far as record show) cleared from an entire country is unbelievably awesome.
  11. Eh. I'm jaded when it comes to that sort stuff. If such and such even remotely looks like a weapon then the student can get in a world of bullshit. In this case though, at least it blown up like it did. I hope to see Ahmed go places in like a decade.
  12. I know it's Nexon and all but I still puked a little bit. This is not how you treat an IP, even one without much video games, such as this. It's like turning The Song of Ice and Fire into Dynasty Warriors. Cyberpunk 2077 cannot come soon enough to wash this shit away (while past performance is no indication of future performance, I remain hopeful after CDPR's The Witcher 3).
  13. Ah yes, the great Mother Base Layoffs. I need to do another round of that since I've been getting tons of chaff for recruits and Mother Base and my FOB can't hold much more people.
  14. Nividia's Titans doing seismic calculations.

  15. Nividia's Titans doing seismic calculations

  16. Nividia's Titans doing seismic predictions

  17. Shit blows up and tons of people get executed on my side op missions. Not to mention a lot of abductions of A+ and above volunteers. I think I come out in the red in my side op romps...
  18. God damn was episode 29 a pain. Anyhow, first: anybody tried FOB missions yet? The ones I've been to has evolved into rockets battles. I don't think Kojima thought this through... Second: anybody tried to watergun the Man on Fire yet? I'm curious if you can actually disable him with it... Third: I'm really disliking the credits in the beginning. Keep such and such appearances a surprise. Lastly this game is sorely missing a Fulton Launcher. One for personnel and another for vehicles.
  19. A nice watch. 3D drawing is interesting. Of course there won't be a rotational aspect to it but wow. Sure the same effect can be done with multiple layers but to see it in such an organic manner is quite neat. Sometimes I wonder what I would be if I stuck with animation. His words at around 1:50 is rings true with my first doodle in months just a few days ago. I was running on two hours of sleep, working on figures for a poster (I'm still am) when suddenly I just drew two circles. Those became the blank eyes of my tired self then followed by multiple rough lines to outline my face, ears and body. Add some clothes and finish off with two spontaneous dot pupils. Those five minutes just doing that rough doodle was quite the highlight of my week oddly. It wasn't refine at all but somehow I really like it so I have since saved it by cutting it out and taping it to my monitor. I think in the coming year, doodles will be a thing in my life again.
  20. It's pretty sweet. I had a gander at it while I was slaving on some maps and figures. It's a great follow up on the FF VI one.
  21. You might be making a joke but Watergate is the original "gate". So it is proper to call it the Watergate scandal. As for the other stuff, Ethan and GOH will be more proper people to answer it but for a short of what she does (other people can correct me)... she's the record keeper and as far as marriages are concerned, she is the government representative/official that signs off (aka approves and make official) on marriages in her county. Same deal with some other documents too. I recall birth certificates and even zoning documents.
  22. I think red leafy (forgot this modifier) lettuce class as a totally different veggie than iceberg lettuce. It's like a leafier romaine. So less of the water soaked ribs.
  23. Dean, you could try to make and prepare your own salad for the week to up your veggie intake. I'm unsure how it is in the UK but around me, I can places that sell red lettuce for $0.99 for 2-3 heads*. At the very least $0.69 a head. Each head I can either kill in one sitting for dinner or split into 3-4 lunch sized portions. From there I can customize it how I want. For storage purposes, it should be protein and liquid (dressing) free until the day of consumption. Of course, you have to spin the lettuce a few times and either let them air dry a bit or store them in containers with paper towel/napkins to capture excess moisture. This way they can last for 5-7 days. *Yes, I eat a ton of salad now.
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