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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Chromecast, Amazon TV Stick or Roku?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheMightyEthan


      I've got an HTPC with Kodi on it (built it before all this media stick business), and it's quite nice.

    3. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      ^Technology has advanced to the point where I didn't need a HTPC. It's pretty sweet.

    4. SkyGriever


      I'd get a Chromecast. I still haven't found anything it can't do that I needed it to.

  2. Oh hey... I kind of recovered financially from Vegas. Blips and Chitzs time!

  3. Mal

    World Politics

    Well, you don't have to die to have your and your love ones lives to be royally fucked up. The injuries are going to be bad, maybe to the point that I would pity that they survived. Like come on, look at how close some of those high rises are to the explosions. The first explosion would shatter most if not all the windows. Not too sure how and if I want to know what can happen during the second explosion.
  4. Washer and dryer in the garage maater race! Though I totally would air dry my stuff if I had a big enough of a backyard being in LA and all. I think my roommates feel the same since one mentioned wanting to do that. No waiting for the dryer to get done which is seriously the only reason a queue forms.
  5. I can feel all the thoughts of when will I get married since my brother's wedding.

    1. deanb


      Sooo...when you going to meet a lovely girl and settle down?

    2. TheRevanchist


      There are lots of people who aren't married yet. And they are all breaking their moms' hearts.

  6. I'm actually afraid it will be too open ended with pointless side-quests and collectables littering the game world. Too much of both really kills a game for me. It killed Shadow of Mordor, Borderlands 2 and Final Fantasy XII (just listing notable games from memory) for me. It can easily kill this game as well.
  7. Mount and Blade 2 doesn't seem like it will disappoint.

  8. The Martian. Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. A key gets jammed in a lock of the front door and it results in me being a glorified guard dog for, as of now, six hours. In that time I destroyed the last half of The Martian. It sort of makes me feel a bit closer to Watney. Sure I don't have Death tugging on my spacesuit but being stranded watching the house with a history of break-ins through the very door. The Boogie Man can come busting in at any moment! Anywho. Watney's character is awesome. The book is awesome. Disco is not awesome... maybe. I'm a geologist too like Lewis. Field camp causes weird thing to happen to a person. Read the book.
  9. I love Shimoneta. Kind of predictable though and, yes, some of the stuff that happens can be seen as quite sexist but it's a fun anime. The moment I got sold was oddly this and her: The other stuff are just icing on the cake.
  10. Can't stand the ? Also you must have missed the CGI shitfest that was episode 4 but maybe Toonami aired a fixed version. I think Kill la Kill is solid. Still though, you'll be still chasing the high that was Gurren Lagann. Hard to beat what I think is one of the anime of its decade.
  11. I spent too much at Vegas for a 980 or even a 980ti... unless I find some extra cash, I guess I'll settle with a 970.
  12. Right, I remember now why I hate mobile games: shitty controls. I should say that I love the browser version though. Playing as a "Giver" is kind of neat. Some people actually stop chasing you and allow you to do your thing.
  13. Games Done Quick is always a fun to watch. Seeing Halo 3 being played like so is great.

    1. Mal


      Dark Souls II speedrun. Oh...

  14. I'm all out of Student Prime membership, as in I hit the limit for them. Sad times.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Apparently 4 years.

    3. TheMightyEthan


      I don't think it used to have that limit, because I'm pretty sure I had it for at least 6.

    4. Mal


      It might be a new thing from this year. Also I might just keep it for the one day delivery which can turn into a same day delivery since I totally just got stuff I ordered around 11 AM.

  15. Roar and Ant Man. A friend showed me Roar. Shit is terrible but got redeemed for its premise... big cats everywhere. The movie is in ways hilarious but on the other hand it is scary. Ant Man, if I can get into traditional mecha and magical girl tropes then I guess I can get into Marvel movies and their tropes.
  16. My mind totally skipped out on the fact that Fallout 4 is out later this year.

  17. The firepower is real. With a wok ring, you can even tilt the wok to help with the wok hei since the flame, while hot as hell, is not that high. All I need to do now is to learn how to properly cook with a wok. I just made a stir fry noodle with beef. There's so many parts to it that it's hard to tell how I fucked up. I should just cook a bunch of stir fry green beans. That dish should be easy to do and easy to tell if it is done correctly. If anything, the chives that I used to season the wok tastes correct so this setup works. I should also say that I can fry stuff with (careful) abandon. If I was to do it in my kitchen, I would have to preheat a shit ton of oil. With this burner, I can make due with far less oil.
  18. You can't exactly fight and conquer nature, you can only dance with it the best you can. Any short term help is just that, short term. Long term, I just don't see any short term fixes being any help. Industries that uses ton of water (e.g., Agriculture) is going to get hit hard with some small relief every so often. The trend is still a drier future. The economies of the Southwest has to be flexible, to say the least. What can't be flexible is human needs. Securing water for consumption, hygiene and a bit of extra (e.g., small garden, hobbies and cleaning) will go a long way to make sure people stay put if their industries doesn't necessarily rely on water. It be quite the thing to see a ghost city. If local, state and the federal government can get together to keep the Mississippi River from changing course, which can leave many ports and cities high and dry, then they can at least try to manage the above. Or they do not try and we can see the greatest and slowest* shitshow that dwarf the one that happened with Katrina*. ... Yeah, I'm cynical as fuck with regards to this topic. I don't envy our children. There is a good chance that we (you and I) will pass before the real interesting stuff happens. They will hate the condition the world is in that we and those before us left them with. At this point, we (as a country and humanity really) just got to take the hit and hope we are flexible enough to have a decent lives (i.e., a stable world). Hopefully, as you said GOH, people start to realize that this is no joke. To be honest, one major reason why I don't want kids is I don't want them to deal with the consequences of our inaction. *When compared to other natural disasters. This drought situation is a slow burner compared to a quick earthquake/tornado or a couple days long hurricane.
  19. I got the Humble Game Making Bundle. Like most things like this, it's for me to dick around in. Might be more useful if I was say 16 but we'll see and who knows, there might be a NPC geologist in the game world.
  20. https://soundcloud.com/subfire-music/sfremix-splatoon-squid-sisters-finale Stay fresh!
  21. I'm unsure if I asked this before so here it is: Can Soundcloud embedding or whatever be a thing? Ton of good music is stuck on Soundcloud and having them play over in the Music thread makes it a bit easier for folks to tune in. It's a small thing but it's neat. And if you can and do do it, let us hope that it doesn't break threads like my last suggestion of webm files.
  22. Mal

    UK Politics Thread

    The dude is 94 and is married to the Queen so whatever.
  23. http://www.nasa.gov/feature/new-image-of-pluto-houston-we-have-geology First reaction is to that asymmetry. Not to say it's uncommon (Earth has the Pacific and then everything else) but yeah. My body is ready.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      It's 4.5 hours isn't it?

    3. TheMightyEthan


      Apparently Pluto's orbit is more eccentric than I thought. It's 7 at farthest distance, and 4 at closest approach. I didn't realize there was that big a difference. Earth's orbit only accounts for 15 minutes of that 3 hour shift.

    4. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Yeah, Pluto's orbit actually comes inside of Neptune's at times.

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