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Everything posted by Mal

  1. So yeah... You guys ever walk in on a high level negotiation, knock out and extract one party, and then proceed to run in a hijacked Walker after and manage to shoot rockets to stop the other party from leaving the mission area just in time? Also did I mention that the other party bugged out so they were alive in the border region so I managed to fulton them out. God damn this game. So many "This happened" moments. Now I think I'm going to have Quiet send a grenade towards the next sniper who surprise me... I wonder if she does flash bangs. Can I flash bang a helicopter?
  2. What FLD said and yeah, it might be my GOTY just because of the gameplay. It's just a bloody shame about how the game is structured and (for FLD) the story. Maybe in broad strokes the story is fine. I'll see. Reading about PW, it seemed fine.
  3. I can see how you can play the story without grinding but if you want better weapons, you have to grind to expand Mother Base so you can unlock weapon purchases and upgrades. How m If it was plain GMP it wouldn't be that bad since it would've been like MGS4 with Drebin. However, no, we got to have all the various resources to expand Mother Base and then of course everything nickles and dimes you of GMP. Even changing gear at Mother Base cost GMP. I argue that even if the story was awesome as FLD would've liked, this sort of system would've killed whatever sort of narrative there was. It kills the flow and tone of the story. And thanks for the PSA. D-Dog, you'll be my dog now since I think I can FINALLY have you just stun people. Thank god for the solid gameplay. Edit: And I see PW came out after MGS4 (tell you how much I followed the handheld games...). Mechanics iteration wise, now it makes some sense.
  4. I'm still chugging through the game. Episode 23. At 56 hours in and having been a MGS fan since around the time it came out (MGS, not MG) I think I have a foot to stand on when it comes to the MGS story. I'm just missing out on Peace Walker. How the story is presented does not feel like a MGS game at all. The tone is off. The character interactions are rare and when they do happen they seem off. The story itself should write itself due to its placement in the chronological order but it doesn't seem to be the case... But yeah, my biggest gripe of the game is not the story and its presentation (it sort of makes sense why it is the way it is, it is quite a convoluted reasoning that deserves a separate, well edited post) but Mother Base. asdf. I lack the words/mental power to convey my feels in depth but I think this is a bad game (there, I said it). Amazing fucking gameplay but bad game. If I have to compare this to anything, it would be Destiny.
  5. I had one mission bug out on me. The guy that I was pose to follow started to go around in circles after I triggered caution with some missing prisoners and power outage. In a desperate attempt to get the mission going again, I interrogated and fulton him out. That didn't help that I found the key prisoner dead in the room the guy came from! Oh well since I nearly S ranked the mission in my retry. I just got caught coming out a building with the first guy I mentioned. As for what I think of the game as a whole (without finishing the game): Mother Base is the problem. It's the damn reason why I'm at 45 hours of gameplay. I'm babying it by gathering resources for it so I can get better gear and performance. If I don't baby it, I'll easily go into the red with GMP deficit that can lead to people jumping ship from Mother Base that in turn lead to poorer performance. This babying is seriously diluting whatever story the game has. For the game's sake, I should just focus on the story missions. If this was like the previously MGS games, I would have gotten hit by the Skulls, Quiet and episode 12 chase in like a 2-3 hour block or less. It totally would also make up for the (maybe? I need to play more story missions) lack of memorable antagonists. We really only got the mysterious XOF and Cipher. We basically got no members (besides Quiet) of the those groups to deal with us. Eh... I didn't expect this... Enough bitching though because the gameplay for sure deserve all the praise it gets.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InM2TcLmzHs On a side note... Remember when the Snakes talked? The most he ever said is during my petting sessions with DD. I guess being jaded and having shrapnel in your brain will do that...
  7. For those who are playing TPP on PC: has the iDroid been slow to load? A good deal of the time it takes 20 seconds to load a menu.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. deanb


      Seems it's an online issue rather than platform. Rich Stanton been complaining about it not long ago on Twitter for PS4.

    3. toxicitizen


      Yep. Sometimes quitting out of the iDroid and bringing it up again fixes it.

    4. MetalCaveman


      If you're playing online it'll do that, disconnect and it'll load without issues.

  8. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm enjoying my time. So far everything is running butter smooth. There's really only a few moments of texture pop-ins (at extreme distances), teleporting horse and the extraction balloon acting funny when it goes up (it goes up then hangs until it just blinks out of existence). I guess I can chalk it up for all of this being a whole VR thing thus glitches in the Matrix...
  9. Mal


    Today I learned of switching download servers. The Los Angeles' servers were being hammered but a quick switch to San Diego's servers has me going from 80-60 mins download time to about 20 mins.
  10. It's time.

    1. TCP


      For love making?

    2. TheMightyEthan


      She's on time, she's on time, she's on time, she's on time, she's on time, hallelujah, she's on time and it's the perfect time of the month for making love...

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      to play the music

      it's time to light the lights

  11. Halo 5 opening cinematic. Well done but a majority of shit shown is not possible in game... I think? Maybe our Chief is outdated...
  12. Early release is just silly. At the very least, have it release early (if it unlocks) for all so that people don't feel left out and dodging spoilers. Publishers get their money and no consumers aren't left out to dry. Having the early release behind the pre-order is just as, if not more, shitty as stores breaking street dates since it's the publisher doing it. Dodging spoilers for MGSV has been very fun, it would've been more fun if it was sanctioned by the publishers. I guess what I'm saying is that don't try to divide your consumers. Power-up packs (MP only, SP ones are just fucking with the balance) and exclusive missions are irksome enough in that regard. Don't have to make it more gross.
  13. *to burn down While it is a serious mistake but mistakes like that can happen to the best of us. I've done the stuff on the stove bit a few times. Luckily it only resulted in ruined leftovers but still, I could've caught the house on the fire too if it was left on over night.
  14. Once we get gay marriage and pot legalization through our national system, it be nice if the nation can focus in on our law enforcement and criminal justice system. I respect the individual officers that I've dealt with in the past, it was very business like, but future encounters are tainted by doubt and fear of the system they represent. I can only imagine how I would feel if I was of a "lesser" minority.
  15. Mal

    Android Phones

    What stood out to me is how easy it is to do. You just need a brief moment of idiocy to pull it off. Or some punk or kid to just quickly screw it up. I should say that for the Note 4 (I'm using it right now), it is totally possible to insert the pen backwards. Rather easy too. It just won't get stuck or break my phone.
  16. Mal

    Android Phones

    Recall of Note 5s in 3, 2... And I got to say, the more I think about it the more I'm starting to get a bit peeved on how fast a smartphone's performance degrades. I guess it comes with packing so much tech in such a small device.
  17. I think taking the discussion about the new (and last Kojima MGS trailer) in here might be for the best. Some people may not want to be spoiled and by spoiled, I mean
  18. Source: A fresh one (today!) from the source: Doo is a gift from above for sure. His stuff always entertains.
  19. Surprising no one, MGSV: TPP is smashing its reviews. My body and PC is ready.

  20. The deed is done.

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Bringing vaguebooking to the forum, eh?

    2. TheMightyEthan


      Mal just lost his v-card.

    3. TheRevanchist


      That property needed a good owner.

  21. Then there is that super secret hard level. Sadist level of difficulty.
  22. I'd like a Surface Pro 3 to replace my T100 which is essentially a budget Surface Pro whatever. Anyhow, I cut the cord a year ago and I finally decided to make my TV have some use without being connected to my PC or PS3 so that I can just run my TV if I ever want to watch stuff. My TV and PC together can defeat the AC. So enter the Roku 2. Speed for me is king so the Roku won out since I think it is faster than Chromecast and Fire TV. At the very least, I can wire it up for max speed. Additionally: - I can put in a micro SD card in it to play my video files... I think? If so, it is a major plus. - I might be able to borrow my parent's or brother's cable TV service for expanded content... that or I get Sling TV if I want to dish out $20+ a month. I hope this works as I intent it to.
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