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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Fuck the Destiny thread. Now I just need to find a PS4 to claim my copy before January 15th.
  2. I'm unused to a mouse with more than three buttons.

    1. staySICK


      I'm unused to a mouse with less than 5

  3. Might be the uncanny valley. I'm cautious... don't get hyped. I got hyped by XIII and came out disappointed.
  4. http://notch.net/2014/09/im-leaving-mojang/ Notch also left Mojang. I guess I can understand. Anyways, it'll be interesting to see where the Minecraft goes. Not to mention everything else Mojang. :\ Feels quite shitty honestly. I suppose this is how some of the more reasonable people felt when Oculus Rift got sold to Facebook. The future is full of unknowns. At least with the former status quo I could expect more or less the same game whenever I got back to it. Now... what am I going to see one or two years from now?
  5. My mice finally died so I finally have an excuse to buy a better mouse. I'm currently using my roommate's spare mouse and I think it confirms my suspicions that my old mouse was really the cause of it stopping and going. I always had a doubt about that and it made me question my tower as a whole (Think PSU problems -shudder-). Anyhow, multi-button master race? I actually cancelled an order of a flightstick for this...
  6. Corgis can now be in super-HD.
  7. I did miss it. Thanks for letting me know.
  8. It's smh for me personally. There might be others but I can't say I give a damn.
  9. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/09/12/us-mojang-microsoft-idUSKBN0H72EV20140912?irpc=932 So I have a feeling it will go through. If I imagine myself in jeb or any other dev working on Minecraft shoes, I would want out (Honestly, they don't seem to have a direction). Then again, imagine having control over the Minecraft legacy (sequel and that brand name). Is that worth 2.5 billion dollars? It isn't like Mojang is hurting for cash either. If it goes through, it will be interesting to see if Notch will keep his promise of open sourcing the PC version at the very least.
  10. The watch is smaller than I thought it would be but that is okay. I could get rid of the large pale strip of skin on my wrist. Anyways... For the office. I actually got inspired by FLD's HD 280-Pro purchase a while back. Anyways... So I finally got to compare two different tiers of headphones from Sennheiser. HD 439 (new @ $70 after tax) and HD 555 (3 years old @ $110, before the Amazon tax was in place. God I miss not being taxed so much). The HD 555 definitely beats the HD 439 in build quality and comfort. Earpad is larger. It is also louder at the same volume level. This makes it hard to judge sound leakage for say an office environment but I think the HD 439 wins since I think the HD 555 has an open back, at least more open than the HD 439 (My main deciding factor). The HD 439 is for sure better for mobile use due to it being lighter and not as bulky. Also it has swappable cords so you can have the length that you need. The earpad works and will cover your ears with fine adjustment. More bassy. It's rather interesting comparing them. Only thing I worry about is that the HD 439 will break by the time I get done with graduate school. We'll see but I'm just so used to the HD 555. The HD 555 is a tank. Eventually I think I might get a HD 280-Pro (About $110 after tax on Amazon) just for shit and giggles. I'm super curious on how it will compare to two I have. I'm also curious enough to return the HD 439 to see... the HD 280 can be repaired and modded so easily.
  11. http://youtu.be/wxd4bY_o_4k Research edition.
  12. http://www.cnn.com/2014/09/10/politics/isis-obama-speech/index.html My body is ready /s.
  13. https://www.humblebundle.com/?hib12&utm_source=Social&utm_medium=Link&utm_campaign=Humble%20Indie%20Bundle%2012 Okay, this bundle is pretty damn good. Mainly for Gunpoint, Luftrauser, Papers, Please and Prison Architect.
  14. TB's ramble about the shitstorm that is the last few weeks (GamersGate). So what do you guys want out of game media? I more or less just look for "WTF is...". I personally like TB going through the option menu. It to me is going under the hood, so to speak, of the game. He might uncover some issue that might affect someone (e.g., FOV, resolution options, colorblind mode). They don't personally affect me but I like that it is there. TB also sports a beefy tower so it would be a good benchmark on how well the game runs (e.g., He shouldn't have any major issues like major frame rate drops). So as a PC gamer, TB is a pretty good game media person to look into. I point to his recent Dead Rising 3 videos for examples. He did a WTF is and another video regarding framerate problems if (He is pretty positive otherwise) the player want to go 60 fps and what can go wrong (and why it is wrong that things goes wrong at 60 fps). I honestly don't care about commentary about a vast majority of stuff (e.g., how the characters are designed, female characters). I only really care on how well the game runs and did (and how) the dev deliver on their promises. edit: I lied. I actually also care about dev working conditions and dev and publisher relationships. Now those are interesting thing to look into and see how to improve (especially dev working conditions).
  15. Mal

    Android Phones

    HBO shows on the go... oh my. I actually started to rewatch Band of Brothers. I forgot that Currahee arc was that short. I seem to recall that it was way longer. "Don't shoot, I'm Czech!"
  16. Me and my roommate have been talking about this. I have a PS3 and I will eventually get a PS4. Maybe this holiday season. So if I am getting it right, I will have to redeem the PS4 copy by January 15th? I'm not 100% committed to the PS4 this holiday season (Add in the Vita and I might) so I don't want to get burned if I don't get a PS4.
  17. A new Xbox 360 controller along with some replacement thumb sticks. Unless some new revolutionary change in controller layout happens, a 360 controller will be fine. Also now I can fix my old one (couch coop!) and my brother's one. Add this guy in since the plastic/molding for my current watch is deteriorating fast. Leather if taken care of can last... right? Also the date thing is a must have for me since I always got to remind myself what day it is. Deadlines man...
  18. http://vimeo.com/105365343 I'm really hoping for a nice 10's of km fissure eruption. Any filming of that would replace the old, grainy films (Good oldies though). Absolutely gorgeous in its current state though. I recall seeing it as just one vent with no flow. Now the affected area is quite big. As I watch the video, I really wonder what is going on deep inside in the vent to the core-mantle boundary.
  19. Mal


    So much for the Smash bundle, eh?
  20. Mal

    Android Phones

    I'm committed on getting a Note 4 but the Note Edge is interesting. Useful or practical? I don't know. Ignoring the fact that it's pretty shitty for left handed people, almost every app got to take advantage of that space for it to be useful. It also got to be done correctly (As in being useful). So yeah, I'm not too sure if that will happen.
  21. Those are good general advice as well.
  22. I'm actually considering getting a PS4 this holiday season. Kind of how fast that notion can pop up. Still, I wish for a Vita bundle.

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