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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I have one of those shirts... Welcome aboard!
  2. Mal


    http://anytimeale.com/ Just go in and behold!
  3. I got an Amazon shipment from the previous tenant of my place. It is quite tempting to open it... maybe I should find the person on Facebook and then send it to her.

    1. Vecha


      Opening it is illegal. If you plan to do so. Delete this comment. bahaha

    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Did you receive it via us mail or a shipping company?

    3. Mal


      Mail. USPS.


      I already setup a return order for it. Apparently it's the all the seasons of Friends. Not my cup of tea.

  4. While what happened to Phil is terrible but for this whole shit show, I'll need more popcorn. Folks, history has shown that fucking for favors is bad. Add in the unfiltered rage of the internet and you'll get this level of a shit show.
  5. Stage name is Cummingtonite. Studio is Subduction Leads to Orogeny.
  6. Now that I'm in my new place, it is dawning on me that I'll be reduced to container only gardening. So no sunflowers or any massive, sprawling plants since I doubt HOA will like it. It'll also become a pain if the gardener who comes by every so often to clean mess with my plants. If they are in containers, he'll know so I'm going with small and compacted. So it is back to playing with garlic (1 pot with 4 I guess) and onions (for green onions) for me. I might also add in strawberries, thyme and basil to the mix. I already have mint and rosemary so I might as well expand on the herbs front. I should grow a flower or two to attract pollinators for the strawberries. Also I manage to cook parts of my hanging orchid... at least it spared the new growth (next year's flowers). I don't think it was a good idea to bring my orchids down here into the San Fernando Valley. I'll have to wait for the winter to find out but I don't think it'll get cool enough during the winter and at night to be ideal for them. Hell, sunlight amount might be an issue (I'm in a townhouse). Kind of wish I gotten an actual house with yard.
  7. Mal

    World Politics

    What do you guys think about ISIS and how do you think it will all go down?
  8. You have the right to complain to Amazon. They in turn will be more pissed at their carriers. At that point it will be between Amazon (and you) and whoever was the carrier. I remember I did a brief gig with OnTrac and they are super strict on their drivers on getting the vans or trucks cleared (not easy). Even more so with the 1 day shipping packages (they were separate from the regular stuff).
  9. Greetings from Northridge. Can I have the coastal climate back now?

    1. TCP
    2. Mal


      Los Angeles. The place wherethe Valley Girl came from.

  10. https://soundcloud.com/perturbator/s-android-love-mixtape-part-ii
  11. I doubt it. Did you watch the video? Learning software is getting really advanced. "Learning" just means discovering new information. The problem isn't the information acquisition, it's higher order thinking to figure out how it's relevant, but I doubt that will be too far in the future either. Maybe it is the geologist in me leaking but I deal with slooooooow processes so fast, off to the future stuff doesn't quite click with me.
  12. If we get AI that can discover new information, I think that would be the point where humanity screwed itself of living. Now that would be a frightening thing. Gladly, I think that will be after I pass.
  13. Thankfully AIs can't interpret things unknown to them... I think. So I'm more or less safe. Bring on the driverless cars. I'm already a liability due to my habit of checking out road cuts and other geologic features while driving. It would be great if I can do that carefree. Though I don’t think an self drive car can drive up a rocky and bumpy off road. That sort of driving kind of requires a bit of interpretation.
  14. Stop being so serious Strangelove lol
  15. Mal


    Haha, oh wow. This is the biggest "fuck you" I have seen happen to my family. So my youngest brother just started his senior year of high school. He got his classes and everything. He even attended the first day of class. Today my mom just got a mail saying my brother can't go his school anymore due to him being outside the district despite him being there for the last three years with all proper paperwork filed. So my brother's senior year in high school is in limbo. Such bullshit. My mom is going to try to fight it but I doubt it'll amount to much. My mom and I think it would be better to just have my brother drop out and take the test for his GED rather than go through senior year at another school and start out a week or two behind. I feel that he won't perform well at his new school so there is my reasoning for him to drop out. Even if he get back into his school, he'll be behind at least a week or two. So congratulations this school district. You are as awful and incompetent (lost the paperwork for the last two years?) I thought you were (I spent my senior year there). Man, I should become a professor so I can have some time to home school my kids rather than face any kind of bullshit from the public school system.
  16. I think the large number* of people working on games comes more from the work/job climate game devs are under than from any sort of real need. From what I've read here and there (Should be taken with some grain of salt), for Western devs, they get chew in and shitted back out constantly throughout their careers. Unless, I suppose, the dev is well known. Anyways, the laid off guys got to find work and so they pile in (Or so it seems). Outside looking in, it looks absolutely horrifying. I have no idea how they can make a living working like that. I feel even working in McD's seems more stable (And doesn't cost an education) than being a game dev. So if any shitstorm hits, I feel that it will be related to the above. Mind you, the gaming industry won't be going anywhere. It's just undergoing some growing pains. Anyways, I should should get on the PS4 boat... but there seems to be little reason to... *Should mention that maybe we should be careful to separating the game devs from say the marketers. Lumping them together doesn't make sense, I think.
  17. Sums up my feelings pretty well. The game really shines once you get far enough in due to the level of world building that has gone into TitS. Before that, it leads you along with interesting characters and scenarios. Start small and grows big (Oddly in a good way, the game starts a bit open ended and then narrows towards the end). With the ending, the story for the Second Chapter can start anywhere. Hopefully by winter I'll have SC to play. I'll have the pleasure of reading more treasure box messages. With the SC, I hope the OST improves though. The tunes are nice but they sound kind of harsh. Another thing is to decrease the amount of treasure box monsters. The last level was honestly quite a chore. Kept me on my toes but still a chore. Hopefully I'll see more good battles like with the unbeatable (?) boss. He was so fun to fight.
  18. Is it a delayed release or side-by-side (for PP)? Either way, I'm holding off on a PS4 unless Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts 3 can persuade me otherwise. While I don't think it will be a bad port but if they release Ground Zeroes early/soon then they can at least get some feedback for any hiccups. I most likely can but it won't look good. If the port justifies it, I will easily drop down some good money for an new build (Mobo-CPU-RAM will need to be replaced all together. I think I can get away with just a GPU aka PS4 money though).
  19. That wa by far the best unbeatable (?) boss I have ever encountered. It wasn't an outright murder.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Since I beat the game, I looked it up. He is beatable but he is very hard.

    3. Connorrrr


      What're we talking about here?

    4. Mal
  20. Apparently this year's Shark Week is quite horrible. Can't say I watched it for the last few years but I recall it was at least ok on the information. With that said... At least I got oversea documentaries. Apocalypse WWI is decent but man do they put an emphasis on Germany on being baddies. It is a bit light but it is there.
  21. Do yourself a favor and just read the manga. The anime is good supplemental material though. Careful with comparing Sidonia to Attack on Titan. Nihei's daughter did so and the nod to it got blasted. Nagate is also badass numero uno. He loves and will die for unigiri. Lastly, I suppose it is a good thing that I never watched NGE.
  22. Still on TitS but I got to say, they got enemy progression right. At the beginning of a new area, encounters are usually one or two enemies. Further in the number increases. This allows you to easily gauge how tough the area is without getting murdered. Other than that, yes, there is a ton of world building 30 hours in. There is also a nice progression from the idealized Bracer duties and powers to tougher, more realistic outlook. The characters are turning from greenhorns to veterans. One more area before the capital. I think the majority of the world building will end there and with that, most of the game. I need SC soon.
  23. I like reading what other people are planting and how they go about it (Reddit is great for this). Mileage will vary wildly yet I still like to read since I always could learn a thing or two from their experiences and setup. Doesn't mean I will follow through on them though... really good case of good advices falling on deaf ears. Ethan, if you every feel like giving gardening a swing then please post. It could be as simple as just tossing a sunflower seed, potato or garlic/onion into the ground to see what happens.
  24. Holy cow, neem oil works pretty damn good on powdery mildew. My mints has quite a chronic PM issue that always causes me to harvest it heavily. My squashes escaped PM till my mint plants came into contact with them so now one got it hence me using neem oil. I'm unsure about aphids but it seems to be working on controlling their numbers. Big aphids seems to take the oil like champs but the smaller guys get murdered. I actually sprayed it on a moth that I saw on my tomato plant and it reacted to the spray so I dunno why the big aphids take it like champs. I'll see how it goes but I'm happy so far. PM has been such a long standing problem. A milk solution sort of works but it does nothing for aphids.
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