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Everything posted by Mal

  1. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/06/05/upshot/how-the-recession-reshaped-the-economy-in-255-charts.html?hp&_r=0 So number wise we have regained all job lost during the recession; however, recovery was not for all sectors and at times is uneven. This breaks it all down. It's pretty neat.
  2. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    First one reminds me of the Souls games. It's so fun to watch.
  3. There is quite a bit of bitching going on about this. Part of it is related to what FLD said. Some of it is due to the same arguments that DLCs usually have like cut content, milking the franchise and all that fun stuff.
  4. I'm throwing my hat into the Last Guardian ring as well. It's what will sell the system to me finally... Maybe I'll also hear more about the English translation of Trails in the Sky part 2 since it is suppose to come out this summer at the earliest, this fall/winter at least. Other than that... it'll be the same old.
  5. Trespasser. The game where you survive dinosaurs with your noodle arms. Personally I'm not seeing how it is hard to aim and shoot a gun. Sure, you can hold down Ctrl and twist your hand till you can shoot yourself but you can just as easily configure your arm to stick out from center mass and stay there. So anything in your center of view will die. Sadly, the game crashed before I could shoot any raptors. I think this game is better watched as a Let's Play. Fine example:
  6. Next episode should be... I'm so pumped for it. Book/next episode spoiler. Oberyn for me stuck out for the simple reason he's Elia's brother. The guy was trying to stir up another conflict after the sacking of King's Landing. But my man Doran, chilled him out.
  7. I wouldn't consider it spoilish for folks who have watched the episode.
  8. That was far worse than I'd imagined. With that all said, I'm dreaming of season 5 already.
  9. Hand washing laundry got to be one of the hardest chores you can do. The thing is, the laundry came out better. Courtesy of slow draining/clogged pipes.

  10. Bear hands. It's the only way.
  11. I don't know why but I want to try out a cross country train ride from say LA to NYC.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deanb


      We were discussing concept of a £200 get on a train with nothing trip just other day. Seemed an interesting idea.

    3. Mal


      I might use it to get to NY when I go to my brother's wedding next year. By then I might have data for my master thesis so I might be able to hammer it some basic stuff out during the ride.

    4. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      it's a three day trip with a transfer in Chciago, IIRC. Had a friend who was deathly afraid of flying and did not own a car, so she would travel from her home in LA to her parents' in NYC via train every Christmas.

  12. I honestly haven't gotten into this game yet. It's going to be weird to have a Gregor on my team since I only know of one other Gregor.
  13. Mal

    World Politics

    Bus driver strike. Imagine this but 10x worst during the World Cup... So yeah, a good part of me leans with the protesters. Brazil is not ready to host anything.
  14. Congratulations to me. I've made a bread that tastes and smells just like grain alcohol. This is going to be a long two weeks if this happens with the frozen portion. I either jumped the gun on the yeast amount (They're pretty old so I add extra all the time) and/or its the added sugar. One thing I was noticing was that my bread wasn't rising as much as I though it would so this time I added some sugar. The white flour recipe asks for it so I figured it would be fine for a whole wheat bread. I guess not? I'm going to try baking it just a bit longer to see if it helps... worst comes worst I get hard bread to go with my spreads.
  15. You folks and these superheroes movies.
  16. Time to see if I like Park and Rec. I think I should since I love Nick Offerman...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mal


      Oh good. Since I got bored at the end of the first episode and proceeded to rewatch The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

    3. Strangelove


      It's not terrible, but you could skip the first season and read up what happened on Wikipedia and just go to the second one.

    4. TCP


      I'd say just watch season one, it's only 6 episodes, that's just two hours, and it introduces the characters.

      Season 3 gets even better due to the replacement of one character who is pretty forgettable.

  17. Patema Inverted. Interesting concept and yes, anime again. It is no Miyazaki or someone like that however it was a good watch. With that said, I'm not going to say much about the plot but this is something worth going in blind to watch this (I did). It is set in a semi post apocalyptic world after an experiment gone wrong and well, the world is weird. I felt that it could of been done in OVA format though since this world is interesting enough and worth exploring pass the one and a half hour run time. I'm not too sure why the survivors did what they did but it does set up an interesting world. Though I suppose they hit the sweet spot.
  18. Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure That was actually quite short but it seems like I have maybe an hour or three more in the way of side quests. I need to get the different outfits anyways. Isn't Parin cute!? Seriously, more games need better idle and movement animations. Its quite something to see Parin land after a jump. Besides that, gameplay was normal. I like the way they handled the various moves sets but I wished there were quick ways to switch out elements and outfits. Camera work was as expected from a PSP game... aka crappy but it is manageable.
  19. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    http://imgur.com/gallery/LUm4g Awesome cat. Also if you never seen how climbers do their thing, you should. I know some folks who does it and god damn, they can more or less scale something I consider flat with only a ledge 1-2 cm thick.
  20. (Preface: I'm bias as hell here. Only reason I rebelled against the Warriors type games, especially Dynasty Warriors was they changed the characters too much back with... DW6? Otherwise, nice mindless fun. I'll find out with DW8) I share distaste with Team Ninja but lets remember that Omega Force folks are the true guys behind the Warriors games. Tecmo Koei should of keep it to Omega Force and left Team Ninja out of it. It's up in the air on how Team Ninja will influence things but what you've said shouldn't be far off if true... personally I'm leaning towards more Omega Force influence since the Warriors franchise is their turf. Team Ninja can stay with Dead or Alive. And bad music? It might not be your cup of tea but it works (for me). I'm currently going through Dynasty Warriors 8 OST and they still have it. It is odd, judging from the early trailer, to hear Zelda music in that style though... it'll be interesting to see how it pans out. To show my bias even more, I adore Nihon-Falcom. Their music team does stuff similar to how the Omega Force guys does it. Their gameplay mechanics may not be deep but they work. If I were to recommend a Japanese dev to license out Zelda for a spinoff, it would be Nihon-Falcom. Hell, Ys was originally, I think, something to somewhat compete against Zelda back in Japan. To this day, Ys still has a great following. Overall though... yes, Hyrule Warriors is no Zelda game. You'd expect better from Nintendo. (Then again WTF is Smash Bros... it still boggles my mind that it happened)
  21. I honestly forgotten about Hyrule Warriors. So, who's the Lu Bu?
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrWlvwQ0j-M
  23. Nothing to ruin a nice Memorial Day weekend read like getting a book with cuts on its cover and first few pages. Damn it packer, you just wasted my time and anybody else's time for something you knew was damaged.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheFlyingGerbil


      eReaders are great for novels but for textbooks or things you just want to flick through out of order. I don't think they're as good as a physical book yet.

    3. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I have not bought a single physical book since law school, aside from a handful at author friends' book release parties. I still read the ebook versions of those, however.

    4. TheMightyEthan


      Yeah, me either, though I agree with TFG that if it's something you're going to want to be flipping back and forth a lot then a physical book is better.

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