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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Any of you guys have experience with Rent-A-Center? Potentially I may need to get a washer and dryer this way with my future roommates.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      Be sure that your lease doesn't forbid adding a washer and dryer. Many do.

    3. Mal


      Washer and dryer hook ups are listed for all of them.

    4. staySICK


      but what about scenarios like this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo8Wb_LZoig


      bless you. laundromats.

  2. Can Congress stop with the funding increases for Israel? Our own veterans could use the help before another fucking country's military needs our help. Such horse shit.
  3. There are no difficulty spikes that I am aware of. Worst comes worst you just solo some bosses with Oliver and keep the other people knocked out. Personally I'm playing Trails in the Sky. Lively world indeed. A good portion of NPCs may hold a conversation with you. Gameplay wise... this game really discourage grinding since EXP drops off fast. Only thing that I dislike is the OST. All the sounds are rather sharp and it get repetitive fast.
  4. There is a sequel in production right now. Sleeping Dogs: Triad Wars
  5. I actually managed to clean all my email inboxes. Feels kind of nice.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. deanb


      Unless I'm missing it there's nothing in Gmail like what Outlook has. Also it can't decide if colleagues emails should be in Inbox or "updates", so no, it's not that accurate.

    3. Vecha


      Wow that does suck...I'll have to try outlook with my old hotmail email from when I was 13ish.

    4. deanb


      Unless you've been logging in every month since you were 13 you don't likely have it any more.

  6. TitS for PC. You fool. But not like I don't have the PSP version too... and I never played it on the PSP.
  7. The closest something that I've tasted that is like char siu is the chicken that Panda Express used to serve. I don’t see it on their menu anymore since it looks like it got replaced by the teriyaki chicken. If you must have pork... I suppose you could use the prepared char siu sauce (Lee Kum Kee) and use that. That to me would be the easiest way to do it.
  8. PC version of Trails in the Sky FC is coming July 29th. The wait for that is over.

  9. No. It doesn't surprise me that it exists but this is the first I've heard of a setup like that. Didn't read it but first thing that pops into my head is it's a pain in the ass to get the connection going and second is the power supply.
  10. +1 for a person with a stream starting off correctly. No uruk-hai will call you a bad word. Anyways... welcome aboard!
  11. Arma 3.5/4 Suddenly not everyone can shoot straight. Assuming the thumb by the tracking ball is controlling movement, moving around would be arkward. Honestly a Wii nunchuck thing could be better.
  12. Note, I haven't played Celceta yet. I feel part of it's low ranking may be due to how they changed it from Adol soloing Celceta to having a party. Also judging how Adol has a VA now, Adol talks much more...? At the face of it these can be seen as improvements but first off this is a remake. I expect it to stick close to the core mechanics like how Oath did with Ys IV. Adol not talking much is more of a tradition. Most of his communications are usually like They're summaries really. Every so often he may mutter a single word. That is it. From the looks of it, Celceta should have improved on the party system that Seven started. I count five playable characters in Celceta to Seven's seven. FLD, since you are not as much of a diehard fan like I am, I think I'll take your appraisal of Celceta as being better than Seven. Seriously, fuck Ys Seven last boss. Do yourself a favor and just play on normal if you haven't gotten to Seven yet. Otherwise enjoy an otherwise great game. Anyways, I enjoy all the games... Oath > Origin > Seven > Ark > Ys III (Celceta) > Ys II > Ys I If only Ys V wasn't only in Japanese. Origin would have gotten highest if Falcom had done something slightly different with the three storylines.
  13. Belated but changing it to Wolfenstein The New Order. It has it's problems but it's a solid game that deserves praise.
  14. Mal

    World Politics

    I think this is were nuclear weapons (and other WMDs to an extent) come into play. We do still have conflicts but the big players don't want to actively duke it out themselves since it may involve families electing to drive towards mushroom clouds. Though... I personally feel Putin's Russia is using that fear to their advantage. That's another topic though...
  15. Wolfenstein The New Order for 50% off. Add P36EYA-K5JYKT-ABO7X9 for an additional 20% off. The New Order for $24? Hell yeah. It's one of the few games that I would gladly pay the full $60 for.
  16. Mal

    World Politics

    Beautiful world that we got here in 2014. Ukraine, Israel and Syria/Iraq. There might be some that I'm missing but those three should be the big ones.
  17. After reading a few chapters, I recommend Otoyomegatari (A Bride's Tale). I recommend reading it for the character designs alone. The setting is in the steppes east of the Caspian Sea during the early 19th century and I think the mangaka does it justice because the amount of detail she (and her assistants?) put into the drawings is really nice. As the title suggests, the story is about a bride and her marriage. While it is quite happy, there does have it own share of drama and considering its time and location, some serious drama. Give it a go if you have time and consider this... I usually don't read romance stuff.
  18. Apparently you can get into deep shit by being the poor sap who fails to retain a customer who wants to cancel. That or that sweet retention bonus.
  19. Tackling this and I got to say, it's pretty good. In the 20-30 pages I've read, it had more action some some books. Sure the first battle was odd to say the least (500 versus 50k, 500 won due to commanders duels) but it was against the Yellow Turbans. I also got to say, the impressions I got from the book makes me more appreciative of the changes in DW8. Some of the characters went a bit overboard but it showcased their defining traits in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms much better.
  20. Ni No Kuni Overall, I would class it as a good kid's first JRPG. For adults, it is okay since it doesn't really have much depth to it. Clocking in at about 50 hours, it is one of the longer games that I've played recently so you'll get your money's worth. To stay with a not-so-serious Ghibli for 50 hours can be draining *however. I couldn't help but feel that the story was something like Howl's Moving Castle but Disney-fied. Yes, at certain part I saw the more serious Ghibli tones (Tones of Nausicca, Mononoke) but it was few and far between. For the gameplay, besides my biggest grip, the combat wasn't too deep. Special moves are shared between familiars with some being outright useless. There isn't much spells to use (Why doesn't Oliver have a revival spell?) and the eventual summons are quite boring. Outfitting your characters and familiars was also a mess. Speaking of familiars, you'll be naturally inclined to stick with the few familiars despite capturing tons of different ones. I really desire a better Ghibli backed game... I also should praise the game for keeping somewhat interesting throughout the whole game. It doesn't pile on th whole crew and junk at the start of the game. You slowly build it up. Hell, I got a new character when I was level 50. *Combined with my biggest grip of the game, I was about done with the game towards the last level.
  21. Hopefully it won't bug out next time.
  22. I know a cop who sort of brags of taking things a bit too far (shit like slamming a guy onto the ground harder than needs be) but not far enough to get in trouble. He's only in there for the pension he'll get when he retires decades down the line. With that said, he's not the type you would like interacting with so there is that. My personal interactions are mostly traffic stops; no arrests. I see the stops as just plain old business so those interactions are short and nice enough for these sort of things. Taking a cue from my food service industry experience... I treat assholes like people even if they are the biggest dicks. The goal here is to make non-assholes to remain non-assholes and keep yourself in the clear with the assholes. It's working so far but then again it might be because I'm Asian. Yay "ideal minority"?
  23. I'm finally going to take this out of my backlog but to reiterated... I USED THE PHOENIX FEATHER. I SAW IT IN USE WITH LIGHTS COMING FROM THE HEAVENS AND ALL. But of course a move by an AI that initiate a cut will stop the revival or anything. I can overlook all other flaws in the game but this is such bullshit.
  24. The only game where I went all out on DLC is Sleeping Dogs but that is mainly due to how much I love that game. My purchases of the DLC is a mix between Sleeping Dogs being a open world game and "Shut up and take (more of) my money!". Other than that, my DLC purchases is pretty scarce. I only recall Bioshock Infinite season pass which is something I won't be doing again anytime soon. So for me, the DLC got to be substantial (I kind of fucked up on Bioshock Infinite) or that I really got to like the game.
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