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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I'm tempted to watch Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! for at least a few episodes. I blame these videos: I honestly not too sure what is up with me and little kids at the moment. I'm finding them to be so cute. Guess I haven't dealt with kids in ages. Lastly... I'm trying to not fall for Kiniro Mosaic since its a slice of life at school show 9000.
  2. The heat must of gotten to them. Poor souls. Up next, God is pissed because He salted the fields. Its totally not because of the increasingly salt laden groundwater which does a shit job in low water usage irrigation. God, can I get a vision of what that area of California must of been like before we drained it, subsided it and wrecked the native flora and fauna? The entirety of the Central Valley was something to behold a few hundred years ago. The southern part had lakes and wetlands. Can't imagine that now, can you? Call bullshit if anybody says they know and can imagine.
  3. Ready for round two? Dawww~ Only reason I'm posting this one is that it reminds me of well, me. I just was 10x worst. Hissy fit through the whole day? You bet ya. Oddly, I recall it was only the first day that I did that. Nothing of that sort after. I guess that HUGE bag of army men from the bus ladies helped. BEST BUS LADIES EVER! You bet that the Army Men in Toy Story got me stoked. Then a decade later or so I learned that they were voice by Gunny? Explosion, numb skull. And the above video forgot about this sort of stuff. I don't really think clip show fits...
  4. Mal

    KITTEH <3

    Kind of interesting that it had that reaction. Does it mean it sees our hand as a separate entity? We're multi-part bosses? I must consult with dearest dog to confirm.
  5. That is what I do as well. Once or twice a day. Again, second life.
  6. Project Phoenix... hrmm.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      That I'll get the game when it releases. Not now.

    3. Saturnine Tenshi

      Saturnine Tenshi

      Donna Burke alone is tempting. Also, it's like Uematsu is the only composer in Japan or something.

    4. Mal


      My problem so far is that we don't have any good visual on how the game play is like. Yes, they have some great names behind it but yeah. JRPG RTS. That could mean a whole lot of things.

  7. I forgot to save before I turned off my 3DS... I'm scared to go back in but yes, I'm still playing. I just need to gather up the courage to go back in... t-thats all! ... Lets do this. Time to be scolded like a kid in this second life. Edit: Can I fucking kill the fox? That god damn con artist.
  8. "Black bean and lentil soup". Not enough black beans or lentils. Blended to a brown mess. I was pose to only blend half of it but I never used a hand blender before so I over did it and got everything. Oh well, it tastes fine. Besides, at least I finally broke in my hand blender. With that, I can do blended soups and junk. I might get bored one day and do menudo.
  9. Yeah, it takes place in Japan. Looks generic but it looks watchable. The mechs looks fine since I've seen worse. Apparently back in the 70's and 80's, a good deal of anime was aired. It would for sure explains the vibe I'm getting.
  10. The Middle East saves anime from Moetron and brings GUTS to the table.
  11. Mal

    Android Phones

    I should root my Note 2 and shit but I'm afraid of bricking it. Yes I know, follow the damn directions but still... it works so why fix it...? Bad excuse, I know.
  12. Mai potatoes everywhere. Sasha is best character. She is also pretty badass when... So yeah, if Sasha dies it is grounds for dropping. Stop breaking my hope dammit since some characters I liked ate dirt... Though I suppose I have a backup if Sasha dies. This girl is also pretty badass as well.
  13. Wait, I lied. Wrong girl and series. I'm thinking of Vita from Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha. Please note how close the title is to Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica... Anyways, this is the series where lasers and shit happen. I honestly thought Madoka was this show... until you showed that picture of that series which I now don't even know what happens. And now to show who has invaded my mind. Moetron.
  14. But... I seem to remember hearing about lasers and shit later. That girl had quite a following back in the day. Anyways, time to do what I do best... Posting silly animu shit. This time Madoka themed. Don't worry, barely any spoilers here and if anyone of you watches Madoka, you'll need this for the same reason I do... Commencing purge of Urobuchitis. Commence Sora no Woto.
  15. I just finished the first movie to see. I feel while it hits the plot points, I think it would be better to hit up the series. The first movie summarizes the first eight episodes so things get a bit wonky. The second movie might better in that it only summarizes the last four episodes. So far I think the movies are for a "quick" reminder (Two hours for the first) of what happened so it is geared more towards those who have seen the series. Also I think the credit roll hinted at what the hell will go on with the third movie, which is a direct sequel of both the series and the first two movies. I'll be confirming what the second movie has to offer and what it means for the third movie later tonight. Oh, and I forgot to mention, Madoka (the series) is kind of badass. AND, I want to yell at something but I can't. --- Watch the series. Use movies as a recap before you watch the third movie when it get subbed. While the plot points are all the same, I like the pacing in the series better. It also have the added benefit of you being able to stop at episode end. --- I processed a bit more and I'm personally is going to ignore Madoka again until the movie. The whole lore is edgy as fuck and quite annoying. Maybe I'm just tired.
  16. There is no image that represent what I think about Madoka. I'll try my best to state my initial feelings before I hit the sack. Full disclosure, I watched on my TV with the BD rips. I would not call it something I go crazy* for like I did for Girls und Panzer or Rozen Maiden so it isn't even in my top five but it get high marks for being, to me, well paced and well done. Technical animation and sound scores are high since there isn't much for me to complain about. I caught a few snafus but the rest looks and sounds great. Story is kind of predictable but done well enough to be entertaining. I wished they expanded on some characters more but it was fine overall. Some teenage girl angst but that is fine, it comes with the territory. If some of the themes are your thing, then yeah, I can see it gain the popularity it got. I think if I watched it and followed it I would of gotten caught up in it as well. I got a wrong impression from the communities on what was going on. While I had some idea what was going on, it only soften the blow somewhat in what happened. Overall, I would recommend to most people who are moderately interested in anime. *I'm pretty close to two... or three if you include the mom. Maybe I'm into MILFs for real...
  17. The bribe that I find ridiculously funny every time worked? YAYIFICATION! I think Madoka will surprise you. Its doing it to me. I was trying to stay away from this show on some similar grounds as you... moe. Come on, Madoka has a head as wide as the ones found in Hidamari Sketch and those heads are nutbladder bursting. Anyways, I'm liking it so far but do at least the three episode rule before you drop it. While intriguing, the first two episodes are a bit boring. I'm currently on episode 6 out of 12. If you watch it all, I think I'll tell you what I think at this point. --- As for Natsume, I honestly don't think I ever paid even a bit of attention to it. Seems quite a fight to get through since it spans from 2008 till 2012. Easily 50+ episodes. SAO... is special since, from what I've heard, it crashed so fucking bad towards the end. I suggest doing a MAL (Heheheh) and then show it off. It'll be easier to recommend stuff to you. Speaking of which, I need to update mines... its years out of date. Edit: OH, Clannad is over dramatic. All of Key stuff are. I still love them though... Gao... ;_;
  18. Three episodes in and I finally understand Urobutcher. Many grave things has been said about him but to see it in action is another thing, especially in a magical girl setting. Saya no Uta, Psycho Pass and Fate Zero I can understand however with Madoka he turns it... I kind of like it and I can see its appeal. Mai mahou seinen, Wally, give it a chance. Its made by Urobuchi man! At the very least I can do an image bribe: Don't disappoint me. Its kawaii as fuck. Once I finish the series, I'll give it a final thought.
  19. Who wants to be a magical?

  20. Pretty much all of Sound Horizon's albums are audio "dramas" of sorts. They all tell a story. Edit: Found English sub.
  21. Dude, do a stream if you do a giveaway. Let our destiny be decided on by AIs.
  22. Kill Me Baby OVA announced. I can wasa wasa happy. http://killmebaby.tv/
  23. Aww, I want somebody opinion on Xillia.
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