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Everything posted by Mal

  1. I'm infamous for "Heh" or something like that. Sometimes I have nothing to say but I'll acknowledge that I read you.
  2. Mal

    Xbox One

    That or stick an USB stick that can mess with the audio and video feed so it does the same thing as you said. There are some very cool hacks for the Kinect already so it doesn't seem to be out the realm of possibility.
  3. U-pick fruits are the best. Bomb peaches, apricots and nectarines. They might be too sweet.

    1. TheRevanchist


      I went to an organic stone fruit festival yesterday. The most pretentious, rude asshats were in attendance, which ruined an otherwise nice time sampling fruits from local farms, getting some delicious pie, and watching the kids ride on a pony carriage. Not going back next year simply because of the crowd.

    2. Mal


      With the Giants' game, Nascar and the overcast, me and my family had a good time. No crowds.


      You should pull off the U-pick while you can with your kids. If you can't reach and don't want a ladder, lift one of your kids up. Firm twist not required if it is ripe enough.

    3. TheRevanchist


      We do that every-so-often. There is an organic blueberry field about a mile away. They can pick to their hearts content without having a fridge full of fruit we have to eat before it goes bad.

  4. Cromartie High School is kind of legendary for that. For myself, its not hard to see what show I'm currently adoring. Baaaaaaaaby, please (don't) kill me for liking this show. I should be pass the slice-of-life animes like Azumanga Diaoh and this. Eh... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI5onnjFERw
  5. Explains a lot but yeah, the game doesn't really suffer from having Vaan/Penelo. They're just terribly out of place. Good game? Hell yeah. Final Fantasy wise, I would put XII to my top five (IV, VI, Tactics, IX and XII. No order*). The story was a factor but the most major one was how open ended it is. Open ended in that it has: The main story line and the side quests. Mixed enemies difficulties in one area. An off shoot: Various difficulty areas are opened to you While each level is more or less linear, they all form up a rough web. 1, 2) You can run through the story if you like or you can sink some time into the side quests. The side quests can lead you to some tough places in which you have the option to level and gear up for or you can leave it for after some progress through the story. This can leads to over-leveling, which I see as totally fine. I love that option. 3) I find this to be a nice way to get around the fact that since X, FF games does not have overworlds. It gives me option to how I approach moving around. I could go from A to B or make a detour to perhaps a place that kicked my ass before but now I feel that I can take. Giving me options (But not too much!) to how I go about playing a game can only be a good thing. XII has a good amount of options. I don't quite recall X having anything near this. XIII on the other hand backpedaled (I think?). Back to Vaan's wonderful adventure with the real heroes... I'm still on my way to the empire's capital though I went off on a tangent and went into the Deadlands. I can only make a small dent into those two places so I backed out of there. I also discovered Exodus (Optional summon) on top of the mountain. Beat him down though I had to look up how to finish him. He was spamming reflect while being immune to melee.. to a point. The NPCs spammed dispel while I send in a Bio but then I discovered his immunity to melee attacks wore off. Now I'm off on a hunt for a rouge pet. Might be out of my league but I'll find out. The Antlion is another hunt that is currently out of my league because his minions zerg rushes me. There is also this ghost boss in a cave that I need to deal with later. I think he's overall harder than the above two. There might be a few more that I forgotten... so yeah, see what I mean about open ended? *VI, IX, XII... Is XV going to be a lucky number?
  6. You know that feeling when you defeat a boss with your last attack before it lands the final blow on you? Greatest ever.

  7. Mal

    Site Donations

    Dean, I got your back mai kupo... when I get the gil for it.
  8. Sound like malaria from Fry Cry 2.
  9. They could of done some A Song of Ice and Fire level story with them. Hell, the whole of Ivalice could. I want SE to grow some balls and make a nice deep story again. More Ivalice. Now... I think I broke the game. I ran around in higher level places and now I'm raping the story. I like it when games give me this option. I can do some challenges and then proceed to flow through the story.
  10. Everybody is at level 24 but was sitting with defense in the single digits. Explains why I was having trouble... FF XII.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Eleven


      completely forgotten*

    3. Mal


      Its hard to keep track of my gil supply, LP and what I have. I just grinded it out so now I'm in pretty good shape with MUCH better armor and accessories. Really helps to have a guest who spams hi-potions.

    4. deanb


      Yeah, abuse guests like hell. Especially in the Ygardan sandsea (if that's its name) cos you can get massive chains too.

  11. Mal


    "You mean cyst right? Searching cyst porn now."
  12. Mal


    Just give them a try and pin down their style. The summer ale explain itself. It should be nice and refreshing for well, the summer. A lot of breweries has something like that. Now the 4 grain breakfast beer... yeah, bad label (Never just call it beer). I only ever heard of Founder's Breakfast Stout. I'm assuming its something that approached that. Just take joy in the fact that its not a Rouge beer. Now they pull some weird and overpriced shit.
  13. I would salvage the magnet. Quite strong little thing. I also replaced a missing screw for a pocket knife with a screw from a HDD. Enjoy your SSD. Welcome to the true master race.
  14. Mal


    FML. Today I learned that despite the growler being sealed, it'll still leak out CO2. 64 oz of flat beer. FML. Taste fine though. Time to go ancient (Beers of ye olde days were more or less flat)..
  15. An arrow blew up a barrel in Tomb Raider... I don't think my mind can take that.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pojodin


      The arrow was secretly poison tipped. And, as we all know, barrels are allergic to poison. The barrel sneezed with so much force that it exploded.

    3. Baconrath


      The barrel didn't explode. The arrow did.

    4. Thursday Next

      Thursday Next

      The arrow has a metal head. The barrel is made of metal. The one striking and piercing the other caused heat and sparks. Thus asplode.

  16. By the itme I turn 64, can I have a means of easy, on the couch TV web browsing? Alt-scrolling and the magnifying glass can only get me so far because its sort of clunky.

    1. Mr. GOH!

      Mr. GOH!

      I use a wireless keyboard and mouse in combination with a $30 lap desk. My PC is connected to my TV. Easy as pie.

    2. Faiblesse Des Sens

      Faiblesse Des Sens

      Just get an Xbox One.

  17. Mal


    They're just novelty items. Nothing more. I'm sure they're fine beers but I bet you can get something similar or better at a lower price. Also porters/stouts dulled my bitter taste detection. I approach them like I do like dark chocolate. Hell, they taste like chocolate to me. Now what do you know, now IPAs aren't that bitter anymore. You can dry hop it, hop bomb it to hell and it wouldn't even phase me. With that said... I wonder if I'm setting myself for a failure when I get older and can't handle as much alcohol in my system and stuff starting to taste bland despite being some potent stuff.
  18. I messed with the settings and yeah, I gotten something like your screenshot Dean. My eyes, they're not hurting!
  19. Emulation. Perhaps I should play around with the settings but at the moment it doesn't play nice with too much change. As in the menus/map can slow down by 50% or more.
  20. Well, I'm playing through XII right now and it looks like shit. So yeah, sort of need a HD remake. Look at it this way... eventually they have to move down the list.
  21. Mal

    World Politics

    Thanks for the info folks. I always saw Brazil as any other South American country. Never quite saw them as a rising (regional?) power. If so, yeah, they got to step up their game besides the World Cup and the Olympics (Seriously, who paid who for this to happen?). Now I sort of wonder who will be the next to shake. Mexico? I always seen the battles between the government forces and the cartels as something that will either blow the hell up or the cartels completely overtake the government and they become one and the same. I don't see the latter happening so numero uno. The NSA are here. Say hi to them.
  23. Jesus fuck. XII is a love song. You sure get hints of it from the opening and all but now I find they brought back a DEMON WALL*!? Of all things to bring back and yes, it killed me. I only manage to get it down to half health at level 17 for my characters (not the guest, he's 18). I'm guessing level 20 will do it unless I can cast slow or stop on this fucker. *Shit gave me nightmares when I was younger because how tough he was. Mind you, I was about 6 or 7. I can eat him for breakfast now. My feelings about XII... I sure missed out 7 (?) years ago. So far I got to say that it ranks around 5th-10th, I'll decide after I finish (Kind of hard to dethrone IX, VI and Tactics [1-3, you decide the actual rank] but its for sure respectable). I find this story to be better than X's. Combat is actually pretty fast paced. Not real time but it works. Still frustrating though. I think they could of left out the LP for armor and weapons. I can understand about magic or skills though.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvFVbEHHhmI
  25. I had a copy of it loaned out from San Jose State so I could take a look at it. I liked it enough to jump on it. Now let me show you all my geological references... some other time since the Earth isn't going anywhere.
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