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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal

    World Politics

    So.. WTF is happening in Brazil? A seemingly stable country is shaking, kind of like how Turkey was.
  2. Yup, that's a rock. Now let me tell you everything about it.
  3. I'll be honest, I'm interested in XIV. We all know what a god damn train wreck the initial launch is but it seems to have turned around. I was a bit too poor and had shit internet to get into XI so... yeah. Also, XII is not bad. I can't help but feel a hint of MMO feel to it with the action bar. The Gambit system is pretty damn good. Its less micromanaging from me, like healing. I couldn't keep the lights on in the dungeon so I fought waves and waves of dead stuff and eventually had to double back to the starting area. I then proceeded to find out that the door I opened had a save point. Now, I'm on a floaty city that I shall call Laputa. Now question time... I have a feeling that I may be skipping a whole bunch of side quests by not talking to every NPC that can talk. So am I? I also feel like I'm severely underestimating the loot and shops. Also the unlocking of stuff.
  4. Now that I think about it, I wonder how I would react to the stories now that I'm older.
  5. Careful now... I enjoy this but Hodor may be The One Who Was Promised so be careful.
  6. Help. I'm trapped by The Last of Us being everywhere I go. I don't want to be spoiled...

    1. TCP


      I was so shocked when Joel and Ellie ran into Booker and Elizabeth.

    2. Strangelove


      It was even more surprising when Ellie and Joel pulled out Keyblades and starting hacking down the infected with them. Waaaaah?

    3. Mal


      I was just spoiled. After Joel and Ellie defeated the big bad guys in the city, the whole place fell apart, Uncharted Style. Typical Naughty Dog.

  7. I thought about joining since it is summer and all but to have a second (third) job...
  8. Final Fantasy 12 (about time) Shows some promise! When I was watching my younger brother play, he was playing it passively so it seemed so dull. Switched to Active else the game will be too slow. I'm still trying to get used to the battle system though, especially initiating an attack (There might be a action cool down bar that I'm not seeing). So yes FDS, I'm seeing what you said in the FF thread. Story so far (25 minutes in)... poor princess but I'm not sure how we got back to the fortress with the king in danger (all after the princess' husband died)... I understand that he went there to sign a treaty (surrender) but he somehow got split up from his guards.
  9. Mormont, please come down from your castle. Not everybody is highborn like you, with songs of love and tales of valor read to you while you tucked into your snugly little bed. Us common folks cannot even comprehend the Words on the page. Feel for the common, aye?
  10. Not sure where to put this but... http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-preparing-to-deliver-rebels-arms-through-turkey-and-jordan/2013/06/14/e38dabf2-d522-11e2-a73e-826d299ff459_story.html We're going to arm the rebels in Syria. I don't see how this can go wrong. Nope. No wrong. Word of advice to the rebels... don't trust the CIA. Hell, don't even look at them.
  11. Got introduced by a few friends when they were playing their songs while they did their work. Instant love.
  12. $60... maybe with next month's paycheck. Infinite pretty much took the $60 game slot for this half of the year. Its Naughty Dog so I have little doubt it'll be good.
  13. All I'm imagining now is a kawaii-desu moe moe MetalCaveman. Anyways... Mirror's Edge. So the Alt key made it so I can get pass the first level plus I have more motivation to figure stuff out. Overall it is a fine game. Not great though since the controls can be off at times. Also.. yes, I got pissed off at the snipers and the swarms of enemies, so I gunned them down. Pretty much proves what kind of trouble maker I could be if the government pull this shit and push me... with that said, hello NSA.
  14. This is really helping me catch up with Kingom Hearts. Convincing enough. I would of followed through with the story if SE didn't split it to multiple platforms. http://www.gametrailers.com/full-episodes/g84vkz/timeline-kingdom-hearts

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mal


      Belts everywhere.

    3. toxicitizen


      By the time KH3 actually comes out, you'll have forgotten all of it. Why not just wait and play the HD Collections when they come out?

    4. Mal


      The story is spread kind of thin by that many games. So I find a video (a 50 minute one at that) helps summarize everything. When I do play the HD Collections, I'm burning right through them. I'll try to confirm things and see if they miss anything. I can also then refer back to the video (and other sources) to confirm.

  15. Its more of a last level now that I think about. John Woo-ing section in Hell.
  16. I started tonight and beaten Darkness II though I think I need to go through New Game + and fight the real last boss else it would be quite a crap ending... Overall though, it was a fun enough game. The controls were a bit funky and there is a chance to get stuck before the gremlin's movement is poorly mapped but it was enjoyable. Edit:I guess there is no fight?
  17. The yells of angry joy after completeling a BS challenge is something to behold.

  18. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/100-000-years-article-1.1366898 Guys, ITS HAPPENING! WE ARE ANIME.
  19. Prepare your nutbladders! NUKODUKE TIME!
  20. Need a $250 Xbone bundle with Halo 5 for me to get it. The Didact is still calling for me.
  21. Mal


    After dog sitting my friend's dog over at my place for a few days, I have to say it is fun to have a dog. It is a lot of work since you got to walk the dog and let them out for them to answer the call (Then cleaning after them). I don't know how to explain it, it is just fun and is a nice thing to do.
  22. I'll admit. No. It showed up in a weird time in my gaming life (FPS Age) and I was sliding into the FF hate wagon. I've been meaning to fix this. Besides, its Ivalice.
  23. Taking this from the E3 thread... Why the face? The only reason KH3 was even announced was because FFv13 (now 15) is finally coming out so Nomura can start another project. More due to the "takes pages from", as I think the games are awful. I'll still keep an eye on FF15 regardless. I just hope it doesn't concentrate too much on theatrics; that would be my biggest worry. I like the Kingdom Hearts games (1 and 2 anyways) in that they meshed the battle menu from Final Fantasy with an active battlefield. The main complaint I hear about Final Fantasy battle system(s) were that they are slow and that there is the transition to the battle screen. Kingdom Heart went pass all that and in ways preserved a Final Fantasy touch with the menu, magic and summons. Sure it was a bit rough (In both games) but it works. I'll say this till kingdom comes (heh): I think it was an mistake that Kingdom Heart got the battle system. I think the Kingdom Hearts battle system was the evolution that Final Fantasy needed. It was(is) why I was(am) so excited for Versus XIII (Now XV). We'll see. God, this will decide my faith in the Final Fantasy franchise.
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