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Everything posted by Mal

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpC0nZ0EZts
  2. Seem to have a bunch fo QTEs, which isn't exactly a bad thing either. It just depends on how they go about it. I'm actually excited for this Final Fantasy since it takes pages from Kingdom Hearts (in a way), which Square Enix should of done years ago or even have KH takes on after FF after it revealed that batle system style. Now to wait for more mundane gameplay videos. It'll give a better impression of how the game will be like. Also I hope these behemoths and such are mid to late game enemies. It sort of annyos me when they bring them out early and often.
  3. That is my plan too FLD. Though, there is a slight possibility that this MGS5 could show up on the PC (due to the FOX Engine). Now, about MSG5... oh my god. Its like they went back their vision of MSG3 (My favorite) and completely filled in what they couldn't do. About the maturity, I wonder if we'll have to face child soldiers. That would be a very interesting thing for them to do.
  4. They could totally work in the stuff we have going on now in the real world to ME's story. It would be neat and be sort of a social commentary.
  5. Now that Sony made it loud and clear that they support used games and Microsoft is doing their thing, how the retail landscape going to even look like? It currently look like it'll be one odd landscape.
  6. Not at launch. After the freezing and shit for BOTH consoles. I'm wary of RRoD-esk problem making an appearance again. Also it be sweet if I can wait for a MGSV edition or something.
  7. I think the price in ways do hint at paid multiplayer? That is really the only thing I'm confused about. Other than that (Not like its a deal breaker...), it was great.
  9. It is a mecha game but not quite. This will be on my radar for sure. I do need a good shooter to play.
  10. Mal

    Xbox One

    $500... eh. At least there isn't much games that I care for. Ugh... I guess it is my time to come out... MISTER I'LL CUT YOU. But seriously, what was shown is HARDLY how you play that game. Rush like that and 99% of the time you'll get slaughtered.
  11. Well, I dug myself a hole. Paper is due later today and I only have less than a fourth done and I'm still backtracking on the central theme...

    1. Vecha


      Shit man.....I never know how people dealt with the stress of procrastinating. I was so anal I had to have things days early....

  12. Actually, assuming season 4 ends next year with no TWOW in sight... I think we might get visual confirmation if she is insane and by how much. The books can hide behind the idea of unreliable narrators but the show can't really do that. What we see is truth.
  13. They could of done this episode better but I guess it is for the best since we do have 9 months or so of waiting. TV viewers would forget most of the stuff. Also... poor Arya. God damn she better be immune to GRRM's madness. She better be in the "sweet" part of "bittersweet"!
  14. Choose whatever you like and is in your price range. Any extra space beyond for the OS is for programs and maybe some games. Your Steam folder will be in the HDD. With that said, get the better SSD in terms of performance and longevity.
  15. I feel like a hypocrite for, in ways, demonizing Bradley Manning but respecting the hell out of this guy. They essentially did the same thing, just that the context was different.
  16. Mal

    Forum Adverts

    Wait a minute...
  17. I'm sitting here and thinking "I need* a DS..." since I want to play New Leaf. *Temporal need. Need of passion. Need of impulse.
  18. Mal

    Cube World

    Their new website just launched today with quite a bit of information on the game. First off, it has been in development for two years and yes, it is influenced by TONS of stuff of which the most notable are Minecraft, Monster Hunter and in my personal opinion 3D Dot Game Heroes and ClaDun 2. In this game it is pretty much like Minecraft in that the world is "infinite" or in realistic terms: Really fucking large. So you'll be an explorer/adventurer FOREVER. Like Adol the Red (20+ years and still no closure in Ys...). Combat has a Monster Hunter tinge to it. If you at least watched Monster Hunter in action, you'll see it. The rest... I'll let the website talk: https://picroma.com/cubeworld Overall, I think the game is very ambitious (a good or bad thing) but since the dude has been working on this for two years already, I think it is safe to say the dev couple are committed to the game (Say unlike Notch to Minecraft. He jumped once he had the chance). In its raw state right now, it looks repetitive but hat is fine. What "infinite" world game can't be like that? Anyways, the game will be released for PC (with Mac and console some other time...). The structure will be like Minecraft. So alpha, beta and all that good stuff since those words don't mean jack anymore. Still, I'm looking forward to it, even if it is for the sheer novelty of it all (and if it crashes in a year or two after release).
  19. Mal


    So, I'm dog sitting for a friend until Monday. I got a few papers to do and I don't have a laptop so I'm trying out bringing her (Chulata) over to my place for the few days so I don't have to go over to my friend's place twice a day everyday. Thing is, one of my roommates got a dog. They seem to play together fine-ish but my friend's dog is bigger so she got tons more punch than my roommate's dog. When she gets excited, she'll be quite powerful. That is why, for now, I'm keeping Chulata in my room. She doesn't like it too much but seems to accept it. Do you guys think I should keep her at my place or just deal with going over twice a day to my friend's place (Or even staying the night)?
  20. Tomato hornworms, inchworms, oh my. Good thing I'm catching them early. If I spy any damage, I go investigate. If it is out of my reach, I just lop the whole limb off (it was in the shade anyways, so it might be taking more energy than it makes). So far... I got 8-10 off my plants, two of which was from the out of reach limb. I think most were inchworms but I think two were tomato hornworms since they had a little hump on their back where the horn would of been if they grew.
  21. I suppose but there got to be a point where we do a Turkey.
  22. The potential march would be far more legit than say Occupy Wall Street. It wouldn't be lazy bums asking for government handouts. Hell, it isn't even about money. It'll be about our rights as citizens and power of the government. It potentially might be bigger than the Vietnam War protests and the Civil Right Movement. All US citizens (Fuck, even internationals.) got their rights violated. Good jobs Washington, you done fucked things up.
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