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Everything posted by Mal

  1. Mal

    Xbox One

    No but it sounds a bit like what EA/Maxis claimed for SimCity. Calling bullshit until they show it completely.
  2. Mal

    Xbox One

    The general feeling I got (from reading about it) is that it should be renamed 'Mericabox One since a majority of the media features would be worthless outside the US. With that said, it is going towards more of a media box, as predicted somewhat here in this thread.
  3. I've been noticing it as well. She always has that smug look on her face. Now with Daario on the scene, it'll be a long road till (Spoiler ALL)...
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jETRzp-7jiY I LOVE THESE SUPER LONG VIDEOS FOR MUSIC. ALSO, DAMN IT GERBIL.
  5. Telsa S or more like its equivalent ten years from now, which is the time I would think I can even begin to afford an luxury electric sport car. By then I would imagine 300 mile range, at least, but I also imagine it would be moot since (super)charging stations should be more common.
  6. Wait, what? This was is actually real?
  7. Well, I guess I have no excuses now (Unless it is a shit port). Also I suppose we got Dark Souls to thank for this?
  8. Why wasn't Chibi-Robo in my life!?

    1. Baconrath


      Oh I have that game, too :D

    2. FMW


      Should it be in my life?

    3. Mal


      Chibi-Robo cleans so yes. Its like the proto-type Hoihoi-san.

  9. Not my garden but near where I live, I see someone who converted his front yard to a garden. It has tomatoes, squashes and various kind of other stuff. The space in between is covered by mulch or is filled by some sort of xeric gardening practice. Incredibly lovely and practical. I got that person's back if the city comes after him/her. Grass (Non-native) lawns is the most retarded thing to keep, especially so in California where its dry during the growing season. With that water use and with that amount of land, someone can grow food.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJpsvWqq_Bc Watch. This stirs some lost feelings in me...
  11. Ran Ran Ru! \(^o^)/ You can't say that you don't love Japanese Ronald McDonald.
  12. I think I'm at the point in life where I think I cook better than my grandma. I tried my best to clean my plate but I just can't...

  13. You just gave me a good idea and is bound to make everyone cringe, especially the soil and geology folks. You started this and yes, I based it off of the properties of each soil order. And I saw you buy Under Heaven in the other thread and I'm interested.
  14. Yeah... If I like this enough, I'll spam you all day Saturnine to not be like GRRM. .
  15. Well... yeah. It is kind of why I back away from supporting the death penalty. And now, why are people caring about this? Did this really get national coverage?
  16. Is it that time again? MASHUP TIME!? Also I personally got bored with it. Does it get better?
  17. Oh my god. Its like Metal Wolf Chaos. 'Merica!
  18. Million Dollar Baby Well, that was unexpected. I honestly didn't know things turned out that way...
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tki5y2Llyp8
  20. Mal

    World Politics

    If conspiracy theories are to be believed (I'm not sure of anything anymore), the US and their allies (Read Israel) are encircling and infiltrating the oil producing region of the Middle East with US/Western back regimes for the time after Peak Oil (Been doing so since Peak Oil became a thing). Might be an Israel thing with a good deal of US backing with arms and money (for PMC). None of our troops will be there but you bet the money trail will lead to back to the US. Allah Akbar, I feel like a conspiracy theorist. :\
  21. I think the majority of the sprouts I have seen are from a cantaloupe that I put it my worm bin. Though I do see one that I think it is from the ones I have plants. I think I'm going to try to start another squash seed just in case. I also pruned my tomato plants that I bought and transferred. They're growing like crazy so if I didn't do it now, I think I'll be way too late. I took off enough material for another plant or two. Also they're setting fruit. So excited. So far no horn worms but I do see some holes I think may be from earwigs or slugs. Only thing I am worried about is the really bad prunes I did... I might go out and us a knife to make it clean. Anyways, I should fertilize them a bit. Best I got is a 5-1-1. I think I might need a better one. More towards the P and the K.
  22. What have you guys (and real life folks) done to me. Fucking Arrested Development.
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